The Farewell (2019) Storyline and Short Review



The Farewell (2019) Storyline and Short Review


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The Farewell (2019) is a 2019 American drama film directed by Eric Reassurer and written by Reassurer and Johnny Martin. The film stars Logan Lerma, Ashley Benson, Michael Peña, Octavia Spencer, and Greta Lee. It was released on September 28, 2019. The Farewell is a 2019 American drama film directed by Marc Foster and written by George Nolin. The film stars Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Hall, Rachel Weisz, Michael Shannon, Olivia Colman, Sian Brooke and Sam Neill.

The Farewell (2019) Storyline and Short Review

Characters of The Farewell (2019)

Nia Nia

Nia Nia

A young girl who has spent her entire life in the same rural village, tending to her grandfather and mourning his death. She left home as a teenager to work on a rubber plantation outside of town with her mother. When the plantation is closed down, Nia Nia returns home where she finds that little has changed since she was last there. Her mother still nurses an anger at God for their poverty, while her grandfather is mostly forgotten. One day when there’s finally enough money to send him off properly in a funeral procession led by the local Buddhist monks, Grandfather tells stories of his previous lives.



A white American expatriate who has been living in the village for six years. Billi is a self-proclaimed “country boy” and loves to hunt, fish, and ride his four-wheeler around the countryside. He comes into conflict with Nia Nia when he accidentally kills a chicken that she was trying to save from being eaten by dogs.

The Buddhist Monks

A group of monks who come to the village every few months to conduct ceremonies for those who have passed away. In addition to conducting funeral services, they give out food, water pipes, or tools needed.



Haiyan is a young woman who lives in the city and works in a garment factory. She has an unhappy marriage to her abusive husband, but she’s also pregnant. When Haiyan goes into labor, her husband takes off with the baby, leaving her alone in the hospital room to deliver. Haiyan makes it out alive, but returns home to find that everything has changed: Her now-orphaned child is living with his grandmother while her would-be savior – the midwife who delivered Haiyan – has been killed by robbers.

Little Nia Nia

Little Nia Nia

Nia Nia’s daughter, who was born after her mother left home. She and her teenage friends embark on a journey to find her biological father and confront the painful truths of their families.

Auntie Lorna

Nia Nia’s aunt, an alcoholic and always broke. She is convinced that the spirits in the village caused Grandfather’s death, and she spends most of her time drinking or gambling away any earnings from selling herbs to tourists who visit the village each year.

The Farewell (2019) Storyline

When Nia Nia learns about her grandfather’s past lives, she begins to question the meaning of life and whether it is worth living in such hardship. As she spends more time with him in his last days, she comes to understand that he was always looking for a way to connect with people even though they didn’t always return his love. In the end, after a long journey through death, he finds peace and finally returns home.

The film has a two-part story. In the first part, Nia Nia’s daughter goes on a journey to find her biological father and confronts the painful truths of their families. Meanwhile, in the second part, Grandfather spends his final days living out his past lives as various characters before finally returning home to Nia Nia.


The film opens with Nia Nia’s daughter, Little Nia Nia, walking through the village to find her biological father. She has been told by her aunt that he is living here somewhere, but she has no idea where. As she walks around the town looking for him, she bumps into a number of people who tell her different stories about her father: some say he is a fisherman; others say he is a carpenter.

None of them are able to provide any concrete information about him or where he might be. One day while hanging out at the local watering hole. Little Nia Nia runs into her old friend, Jena. Jena tells her that she is in a lot of trouble and asks for help.

She has been sleeping with the town mayor, but he doesn’t want to marry her because she isn’t wealthy enough. Little Nia Nia offers to pay for Jena’s smuggling trip so that she can leave the village and find a better life elsewhere. Meanwhile, back at home, Grandfather is experiencing some health problems and decides to spend his final days living out one of his past lives as an old man who lived.

Rising Action

Rising Action

In the second part of the film, Little Nia Nia is still looking for her father. She has finally tracked him down to a remote village in the rainforest, but he’s not happy to see her. He accuses her of abandoning him and tells her that she never really loved him. Eventually she manages to convince him to come home with her, and they spend their last days together before he dies.



Little Nia Nia finally finds her father in a bar and they have a tearful reunion. As she sits down with him, she learns that he is actually not who she thought he was; in fact, he is her aunt’s husband. They had both been pretending to be someone else so Little Nia Jena’s wouldn’t be scared of them and end up hurting each other.

After their conversation, Little Nia Na leaves the bar to revisit her family home. She has been told by her aunt that Grandfather died due to the illness which has plagued the village for years.

Failing Action

When Little Nia Na arrives at the house, she finds that it has been destroyed by a fire. She assumes her aunt was behind the arson and falls into a deep depression. Little Nia Na eventually comes to terms with her past and starts rebuilding her life. She meets Jena again, who has since left the village for greener pastures.

Together, they start an orphanage that helps children escape from dangerous situations like hers. The film ends with a montage of Little Nia Na and Jena’s happy moments together, culminating in a wedding ceremony at their orphanage.

The climax of the story is a happy one as Little Nia Na and Jena get married at their orphanage. They have both overcome difficult pasts and found true happiness with each other.


The story of Little Nia Na and Jena is a testament to the power of forgiveness and hope. Despite their difficult pasts, they have managed to find happiness together. Their story shows that no matter what life throws at you, you can always overcome it if you have enough faith in yourself. The story is told in a very realistic way, which makes it easy to follow. It also has a heartwarming ending that will leave you feeling happy and content.

The Farewell (2019) Review

The Farewell is a heartwarming story about two people who overcome tremendous odds to find love. Nina (Shruti Hassan) and Krrish (Karangi Bohra) are childhood friends living in Mumbai. After years of running away from their problems, they finally decide to confront them head on. Nina has been struggling with her sexuality for as long as she can remember, while Krrish is terrified of relationships due to the fact that his family was forced into wealth extraction through illicit means.

After finally admitting their feelings for each other, they move in together and start planning their wedding. But things quickly get complicated when Krrish’s family finds out about their relationship. They are opposed to Nina being married to a member of the “other” caste, and they do everything in their power to stop the wedding. Despite all obstacles, Nina and Krrish stand together and fight for what is right. In the end, they are able to marry in spite of opposition and live Happily Ever After.

The Farewell is an uplifting story that celebrates love regardless of race or social status. It will leave you feeling optimistic about relationships, hopefully reminding us that anything is possible if you put your faith in the right person. If you are looking for an emotional story that will touch your heart, The Farewell is a great choice.

Honest Review

Honest Review

Some people appreciate the story’s uplifting message. Others find the characters likable and enjoy watching them overcome obstacles. Regardless of your opinion, everyone can agree that The Farewell is a powerful tale that will touch your heart. Some viewers find the storyline slow and repetitive. Others suggest that the characters could be more developed. Although these criticisms may not be dealbreakers, they might detract from your overall experience if you’re looking for a truly engaging story.

Some people feel that the story is slow and repetitive. Others find the characters unappealing or wish they were more developed. Some viewers find fault with how certain plot points are handled, such as inconsistencies in Nina’s background or Krrish’s family’s motivations. Overall, though, most consumers seem to enjoy The Farewell for its positive message and likable characters.

There are a few complaints about the movie. Some people find the dialogue clichéd and unrealistic, while others suggest that it could have been executed better. Overall, though, most viewers feel that The Farewell is a touching story worth watching.

Final Thought

For decades, the Star Wars saga has captivated audiences with its epic stories of adventure and heroism. The movies have led us to believe that the Jedi Order was extinct, until a group of new Jedi came along. The Jedi are more than just their lightsabers and they train a new generation in the ways of the Force. Here’s an insight into one of these Jedi Masters, his journey and how he left his students before returning to pass on what he learned.

It’s 2019, and we’re finally getting a sequel to The Farewell. For those who aren’t up to date on the first movie, here’s a quick synopsis of the plot. In this dark science fiction film, Thomas (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wakes up in a hospital bed with no memory of how he got there. He is greeted by his son, who explains that his mind has been wiped clean due to an experimental procedure gone wrong.


Who Should Watch The Farewell (2019)?

If you’re a fan of science fiction and the Star Wars saga, then viewers are generally positive about The Farewell. However, if you’re not familiar with either of those genres, it may be best to avoid this movie.

What Are The Plot Twists In The Farewell (2019)?

There are several plot twists in The Farewell, including the fact that Thomas was never actually injured in the accident that caused his mind to be wiped. Additionally, it’s revealed that his son is also a Jedi and has been training under him for years.

How Does The Farewell Compare To Other Movies About Death And Dying?

The Farewell is different from other movies about death and dying because it doesn’t focus exclusively on the character’s experience of dying. Instead, it explores Thomas’ journey back to life and the lessons he learns along the way.

What Is The Farewell Story?

The story of The Farewell is set in the future, years after a technological accident causes Thomas’ mind to be wiped. His son journeyed back in time to help him learn about the Force and return to his students as a Jedi Master.

Why Should I Watch The Farewell (2019)?

There are a few reasons why viewers might want to watch The Farewell. First of all, it’s based on a popular science fiction franchise that has a large fan base. Second, the story is told from both Thomas’ and his son’s perspectives which can be interesting to see. Finally, fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger will likely enjoy the movie.

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