The General-1926; Frequently Asked Questions




The General-1926; Frequently Asked Questions


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The General-1926 is a movie based on the life of General John J. Pershing, the American military commander who led US forces in World War I. The film traces his journey from growing up as a farm boy to becoming the most decorated General in American history and how he was able to change the way America fought wars.

In this article, I will answer all questions about this film. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

The General-1926; Frequently Asked Questions

Why do the two little boys follow Johnnie Gray around?

The two little boys follow Johnnie Gray around because they are fascinated by him. They watch as he talks to General Pershing, and they want to find out more about him.

What did Johnnie Gray do before he became a general?

Johnnie Gray was a lieutenant in the US Army. He was also an artist and played trumpet in the brass band.

How did General Pershing know about him?

General Pershing was originally interested in Johnnie Gray because of his talent as an artist. He sent a copy of one of Johnnie Gray’s paintings to the President of the United States, Franklin D Roosevelt. Roosevelt liked the painting and recommended that General Pershing consider appointing him to be an officer in the army.

Why did General Pershing appoint Johnnie Gray as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I?

General Pershing considered many different candidates before appointing Johnnie Gray as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces. He wanted someone who was educated and experienced in military operations.

How much did the train crash cost?

The train crash cost General Pershing $125,000. This was money that he didn’t have and had to borrow from a friend.

Why did General Pershing feel the need to borrow money?

General Pershing felt the need to borrow money because he knew that the American Expeditionary Forces would be expensive to run. He also needed this money to fund other initiatives like training soldiers and buying supplies.

Why does the print look so bad?

The print looks bad because General Pershing was unable to get someone to take photos of him in the barracks. He eventually had a photographer take pictures of him outside of the barracks.

Why is General Pershing’s picture on the $100 bill?

General Pershing’s picture is on the $100 bill because he was a major contributor to American military operations during World War I.

General Pershing’s contribution was important because it helped the American Expeditionary Forces win World War I.

What do you think General Pershing’s legacy is?

General Pershing’s legacy is that he was a major contributor to American military operations during World War I. He helped the American Expeditionary Forces win World War I, which made him an important figure in American history.

Why do distributors add music to silent films?

Distributors add music to silent films because it helps to make the film more interesting. Music can also help to set a mood for the film, which can attract viewers.

Did the original audiences for silent movies hear musical accompaniment?

The original audiences for silent movies did not hear musical accompaniment, which is why distributors added music to them. Today, most viewers watch silent films with musical accompaniment.

Why did the popularity of silent films decline after they were first released?

The popularity of silent films declined after they were first released because people became interested in watching moving pictures that had sound. The development of sound technology made it possible for movie theaters to show movies with both sound and motion, which detracted from the viewership for silent movies.

Why is The General considered one of the greatest films?

The General is one of the greatest films because it is an excellent example of early 20th-century cinema. The film was directed by D.W. Griffith and has been praised for its innovative use of camera movement, sound, and acting. Furthermore, the plotline is well-written and engaging, which makes it a popular choice among moviegoing audiences today.

Why is Buster Keaton’s character not allowed to enlist in the Confederate?

Buster Keaton’s character, Joe Bonomi, is not allowed to enlist in the Confederate army because he is a civilian. The Confederacy strictly bars civilians from participating in military conflicts and is ostensibly fighting against the United States (a country with which the Confederacy has strong cultural ties).

What is the theme of The General 1926?

The theme of The General 1926 is the importance of loyalty and family. Joe Bonomi is a devoted husband and father who loves his country deeply and would do anything to protect it, even if that means enlisting in the Confederate army against his will.

Who is the protagonist in The General?

The protagonist in The General is Joe Bonomi. He is a civilian who is reluctantly forced to enlist in the Confederate army after his home country, the United States, declares war on the Confederacy. Joe’s loyalty and devotion to his country are of paramount importance, and he does everything he can to protect it, even if that means joining forces with the enemy.

Did Buster Keaton do his own stunts?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that Buster Keaton did his own stunts, while others contend that he was assisted by stuntmen. Regardless of the truth, The General is a thrilling film regardless of whether or not Keaton performed all his own stunts.

Is Michael Keaton related to Buster Keaton?

No, Michael Keaton is not related to Buster Keaton. Buster Keaton and Michael Keaton are both actors, but they have no familial connection.

What happened to the train from The General?

The train from The General is never actually seen on screen. It is presumably destroyed while Joe Bonomi and the other Confederate soldiers are fleeing the battlefield.

Did Buster Keaton know Charlie Chaplin?

Yes, Buster Keaton knew Charlie Chaplin. He acted in several of Chaplin’s films, including The Gold Rush and City Lights.

What are the similarities and differences between The General and Gone with the Wind?

The two films share several similarities, such as their focus on the resistance against a military dictatorship, but they also have some notable differences. For example, while Gone with the Wind is set during World War II, The General takes place during the Civil War. Additionally, Keaton’s portrayal of Joe Bonomi is much darker than that of Clark Gable’s.

Why did Buster Keaton never smile?

Buster Keaton is best known for his intense, brooding performance as Joe Bonomi in The General. This deep-voiced character rarely smiled onscreen, and the reason behind this phenomenon is unclear. Some people claim that Keaton wanted to convey the seriousness of the situation with which he was dealing, while others say that he simply had a bad smile and didn’t want it to detract from his performance.

Who performed best in The General-1926 movie?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Critics and audiences have given The General a variety of ratings, from “mildly entertaining” to “a classic.” Some people feel that Buster Keaton’s intense performance elevates the film above other comedy projects of its era, while others feel that Laurel and Hardy were funnier than he was.

Overall, The General-1926 movie is an intriguing and unique comedy project that deserves attention from film historians and fans of classic comedy. It is definitely worth watching if you have the time.

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