The Godfather 1972 Story line and Short reviews



The Godfather 1972


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“The Godfather” is the 1st American crime-drama film and winner of 5 Oscars in 1972. The film showed the an honest depiction of Mafia life. The movie also introduced gangster life in a new light and caused curiousities, myths and fantasies.

This movie is a must go watch whenever you have some free time because it takes you on a unique journey that can teach you something while being fun to watch.

All About Of The Godfather 1972 Story line

The Godfather 1972

The Godfather 1972 Story line

This film is based on the book, “The Godfather: a novel” written by Mario Puzo. This story tells about 3 generations of Mafia heads who came to be known as The Corpo family in different times and situations.

Plot : In 1969-72, We are introduced with Michael (Al Pacino) played by an Italian American and the only son of Don Vito(played brilliantly by Marlon Brando). His father who was a very powerful Mafia boss receives news that the other family is going to kick him out of his land because he is getting old and they want a wiser successor who can take over while the current leader dies.


As indicated by Don Vito, Michael is a very good-looking man who has all the ingredients necessary for running his family. He can attend to intricate planning and organize quiet and smooth operations as well as make deals with outside interests in order to protect his life at times of danger.

Although much awaited because Pacino’s acting was highly praised, it still did not go beyond expectations since this movie boring on emotions or strong performances and lacked in anything interesting to keep the audience in suspense. In short, it was a rather boring movie with an average storyline that after 1 hour, had me wishing for more.

The mafia bosses led by Don Vito were really impressive and got you hooked from all of them. You can understand why some people would do what they did because given proper support and explanation on how Mafia works at certain levels may cause every individual to think about their actions differently enabling them to not do crimes.

Rising Action

After Don Vito and his family picked up all the informations, they started moving towards those areas that were know to have ties with them which was really enjoyable. At some points of the journey we found out about how two people almost killed Michael’s son whom he was looking for (and nothing more). In short, I am assuming this is one such question that everyone would want answered after a movie such as The Godfather:

The story and how it progressed although better than usual left some loose end in order to push the storyline towards its next level however, there were still many unanswered questions that should continue this exploration where you can find out more about characters who are supposed to be from Mafia Jobs like Michael Corleone’s son Sonny.



It would be inappropriate to explain what happened or the solutions towards a review especially since some might use that information without it still being difficult for them (for example, I found out myself by reading other discussions on movies such as Goodfellas , The Godfather Part II , Pulp Fiction and more). My advice is just to read this movie so you can find out everything.

The reason why Mafia related films are considered blockbuster at some point in time is because you really want to see the final result. You do not want your curiosity to be quenched so I can easily say that Mafia Part II  is one of those films where it ends with a bang rather than an ending scene so you first need to find out what actually happened in The Godfather: Part II and this is just my opinion after seeing more scenes than usual (just like twilight’s last mourn) Make sure

Falling Action


Going back to my previous comment, the story going on and even how it is told ; although slowly paced  for some people in a way they could have expected (i.e ending), I can say that at least everything eventually ends up well so you should not worry when there are questions which will probably remain unanswered (at least for now).

However, if you do ask me what might be question marks like Unanswered? below or whatever question you may have, I will tell you the assumptions I came up with after seeing many details and information.


From what I have said, The Godfather: Part II is not a bad sequel in which you can find neat little details to pay attention on and follow suit though it still has the same style of storytelling. However, just like how most people would agree (and intend to watch) ; sometimes they come across false-information because people want things to be “all hunky dory” or something similar… Probably inspired by movies such as Paran.

The Godfather 1972 Short reviews

The Godfather: Part III Trilogy

Reference movie  review

The article is completed but I would like to add more details (since people might have died since their last update and/or moving location) regarding most characters of the movie; well at least those who are mentioned in one scene or the other. First off, let me just tell you that this instalment already has a review on Movie Monster , written by xtremelykrazycrazy(thanks!) .

Regarding characters I will update my article with details as I find them. Refernce movies ; The Godfather, GoodFellas and Gangs of New York (the last one is shortened).

In-Movie characters:  Tom Hagen , Hyman Roth, Sonny Corleone, Anthony Corleone; Vito Spatafore Sr., Tom Soprano’s Dad in TV series – Tony Soprano. David Pecorelli , John Cazale’s brother in GoodFellas – James Gandolfini as Anthony Corleone.

More people mentioned; Charlie “Ace” Roth , Gaylord Focker, Eli Wallach (father of Brad Garrett), Robert Duvall who plays Hyman Roth and the Mafia Boss Don Ciccio Tony lowood the BB King song artist performing a medley during wedding reception…Ughhhh,

Final Thought

There’s a lot that can be said about The Godfather 1972, which is why we have compiled a short review of the film. Today, we are going to look at the story line of the film, which is really exciting and outstanding.


1.What Was the “Godfather” Movie About?

Ans: The wiki details the plot of Dastan and his horse. I have included a clip from this film for you to watch: If you can stomach such a slow-moving, little kid action film at  you will probably enjoy it.

2.What Is the Godfather 1972 Story Line?

Ans: In short, it is about a young man named Dastan who lives in the village of Pashmak. He loves to ride his white horse Araz and has dreams that he becoming a great warrior. One day he undertakes an assassination mission which goes horribly wrong as his plan backfires leaving him imprisoned by Aslan Khaydarov , First Prince of Iran once known as Su Shun-Ting (a descendant) before entering

3.Is the Godfather 1972 a Good Movie?

Ans: It’s a definitive 7 /10 – watch it. It is certainly better than Gangs of New York as both films are listed with 0% ratings on IMDB compared to their 1 star rating.

4.What Is the Message of the Godfather?

Ans: No message, I think it shows that if you are never satisfied with what you have then there is no better place to be than where life gives more.

5.Is the Story in the Godfather 1972 True?

Ans: No the film does use real locations and a few events but many of these events were adapted from somewhere else which was not one of my concerns and all these details will change over time .

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