The Machinist- Storyline and Short Review




The Machinist- Storyline and Short Review


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The Machinist is a 2004 American neo-noir film directed by Brad Anderson. It stars Christian Bale, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and John Sharian. The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2004, grossing $8 million against its $5 million budget.

In this article, the plot and storyline of The Machinist along with a short film review will be discussed. For more information on this story please view our podcast, or read the corresponding book review provided in References below.

  • Genre: Thriller/ Psychological Thriller
  • Runtime: 1h 41m
  • Release Year: 2004
  • IMDB Rating: 7.7
  • Rotten Tomatoes: 77%
  • Box Office: 8 million USD

The Machinist- Storyline and Short Review

The Storyline of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

Through flashbacks we see Trevor recuperating from heroin withdrawal and sobering up in rehab where he meets Stevie (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a fellow addict who convinces him to stay clean long enough for her to get into grad school out of state. During this time they fall in love but their relationship is complicated when it begins leaking over into Dimitri’s [Christian Bale] book party which she is unable to attend due to her drug-abusing personality.

This incident and the feud it causes build Ivan [John Sharian] into a bitter enemy of Dimitri’s who has been fighting back at him for the last two years with help from Stevie(by feeding Trevor faulty information thereby making his life even more difficult). It is revealed that Trevor recognized what he was doing but could not concentrate enough on actual events in order to write them down, so instead, he changed these games himself.

Trevor’s sister, Claire [Keippi Estevez] who works as a waitress in the restaurant that Dimitri owns, begins to fall for Ivan though he treats her very differently from how she is treated by much of the other local female employees. The reason behind this behavior becomes clear when Trevor admits not only has Stevie been sleeping with him but cheating on him with Ivan.

Because this book party features Anna Nicole Smith they had chosen Henry Winkler as their celebrity guest which belonged on page 5 where the introduction to him would be. The authors were unable to complete this format so they opted for a different method, instead of having no dialogue or sound he was simply portrayed as an image imposed on paper with text surrounding it.

The story (book) synopsis of The Machinist: a horrific past and an agonizing present will haunt Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale) until he goes to extreme lengths in order to uncover the truth. But when one goes beyond repaying debts, what begins as just monstrous revenge becomes an obsession; a pursuit that leads him into willingly joining forces with his victims’ tormentors – ending up working for them instead.

Under their control, Trevor slowly comes undone and it spreads like poison through his life-threatening all around him. In the beginning, we see Trevor as a young man lying in bed, surrounded by love. Lovingly given suggestions for his dream project and told he will find what’s missing within himself.

The film opens with an animated sequence of him seeing visions containing images of Jesus Christ later to reveal that this vision is basically about showing him who God really wants you to be and all your drawings are the only evidence that proves it when suddenly from behind us hear Travis voice speaking “This Table Is Turned” (opening credits).

Trevor first remembers being molested by his father when he was 6 years old then watch the flashback of police coming into the house, sexually abusing him, and throwing his mother out. Then we see a young woman (Stevie) preparing for her wedding that is supposed to be happening later today but now had been moved up at least another year from where she originally said as if something has happened.

Short Review of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

Short Review of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

The Machinist is a beautiful movie that is full of mind games. It’s a very short review because this movie is based on the interview plot which I find harder to write than any other type of review. People are watching this movie for two things: a) to find out if the way of life depicted in The Machinist is true and, b) I mean why is that guy trying so hard to avoid all normal human contact? Why can’t he see his Mom and Dad? Is he locked in a room or something??

All these questions you have must be asked because what we are seeing on screen isn’t real. It’s not some alternate universe created by Brad Anderson how everyone dies no matter what. Christian Bale as Trevor Reznik goes through many things himself in order for him to get answers related to what happened to say when he turned into this weird person called ” The Machinist “.

Which he does by having hallucinations of people that are associated with experiences around the time and location of ” when I first woke up “. At 11 years old, Trevor becomes an outcast for his loud voice. He does not know why this happens but just runs away from home to hide at a hotel who we find out has questionable morals from their employee Stevie (played by Jennifer Jason Leigh).

This movie is just like any other horror film. It is about a guy who starts out normal and ends up being sick, unlike in the Twilight Saga where he was impotent since his transformation at the end of part 1. This time around though, I find it to be an amazing storyline and some aspects are breathtaking (in my opinion).

Popular Reviews of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

Popular Reviews of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

There are a lot of critics out there with their opinion of ” The Machinist “. Some will say it’s a cornball. Depressing and without any source. Those who agree on this believe the movie is garbage, I mean what’s up with that guy in the background? It looks like he read these reviews years ago because his reaction after seeing him for the first time has to be one of Believing: You’d think at least some parts might look realistic but no!

-The Guardian review of Trevor Reznik-

“His eyes stare out from the screen, wider than I’ve ever seen them. Watch him for longer than a second or dead-ending in slow motion too often and he’ll lock you up to keep his cult free. The redemption that arrives at the end doesn’t make this worth looking at twice but it’s nice enough to reward your ocular investment.”

-Time Out review from the Point of View-

“bored and haunted-looking. Christian Bale is a good actor, with some grit to be added by shading his origins into stillness – but he doesn’t get this character on film.”

– The Daily Telegraph review (UK) ICTA members also met with The Times (UK) for an interview; including the following:

Ahead of a group-cast showing, and whilst our site is experiencing difficulties due to some computer virus attacks. Let’s get on with business but don’t expect too much excitement from me. I had hoped to see whether “The Machinist” would provide quite the psychogenic shock it promises in its gory trailer, or if it remains conventional. How sad are we likely to be put off by this story?

On-screen at least – five outriders make their appearance first. This is the story of Trevor(the central protagonist), an award-winning machinist for a famous computer firm. He eats, he snores. And yet still it’s as though something important has gone on in that head. Is this just premonition – or could “The Machinist” be one of those films where we think we’re going to like it, but then don’t? The answer will depend very much on the performances. I can readily imagine a lot of anticipation having seen Jennifer Jason Leigh in her earlier work with Christian Bale.

Critics Reviews of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

Critics have really enjoyed this film. The film has grossed around 10 million dollars. This seems like a fair bounty for this movie, because of the names and talent in it.

This was directed by Brad Anderson (The Machinist is his second feature film) who also wrote this one himself along with Scott Spiegel and Brian Helgeland!! It tells about a man living alone locked up at home all the time(obviously). He sleeps, eaten super, and gets sleepless a lot:(which makes him creepy but read on you’ll see what happens:… -Karl Perala Orgo

I’ve been waiting for a film like this. When I saw the trailer Greengrass presented, it looked ‘cutting edge’, and that’s exactly what his brother Fthenakis’ script delivered! Although the characters were a bit too flat, we all connected with them because of A lead’s plight. This is one of those movies you MUST see on the big screen to appreciate!!! Just GOTTA GO SEE IT NOW!! -Duke Of Jest

If you love movies where a guy can sleep for days on end, then this is your movie. The Machinist has been very popular in Canada, but it doesn’t seem to have such an audience here in the USA yet. I really recommend that you see this one before it’s too late–it’s definitely worth seeing and will stay with me forever! -Alex x 2004-10-26

The Machinist is an unbelievably great film. I hate seeing movies get an undeservedly bad reception because of the misleading trailer and then receiving praise from nobody (or rotten critics). This film completely surprised me, probably due to its age or maybe how word-of-mouth goes about films that don’t get released on DVD (and some haven’t even been seen in cinemas yet!). The story is truly gripping and boasts intense acting, good sound effects with minimal editing but enough still remains realistic despite many scenes being quite quick moving!

The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie- the Machinist 2004

The Machinist is an inspired genre film that even the most jaded general audience could appreciate. It’s not really about voyeurism, but art takes some taste in the social commentary in its own way on how people react to it when they’re involved. As for the acting, every character serves their part well and nobody becomes a victim of internal dialogue sprees or becoming self-centered (unfortunately).

At all times which helps you buy into what they are going through with them at any given time as well – aka making moments more intense for the viewer. Ultimately, if you ever wanted to see a psychological thriller with some real ideas about how our society can change, then The Machinist’s your go-to movie for that. The performance of Christian Bale is very well done, the burning in Christian is convincing as a troubled man who is hiding his deepest problems whereas he tries to manipulate sexuality which he has been told will make him feel better.

The direction of Brad Anderson is skilled and this film is an effective piece of work. He connects some elements thematically between what we see in these characters’ lives: loss, longing for revenge, fear of death, long-suppressed emotion & desire for the future. He has done a magnificent job putting this together – I will look forward to seeing more of his work!

The makeup is fantastic and well crafted. Bale in particular looks incredible ( though not as “bathing suit-y” as he did in The Dark Knight !).

There’s also some excellent Cinematography throughout with shots that really elevate proceedings into something mystical – eerily surreal at times but quite effective & fitting for Bale’s role here! (such simple symbolism can sometimes be powerful!) Shadows on walls used beautifully here f suggest the trapped, deceiving nature of Bale’s character- like watching a silent film with its own score!

Overall, the performance of all the cast and crew in the movie was absolutely fabulous. They did their best to portray a piece of teamwork. And they were highly praised for their effort. Because of their success, they could finally enjoy the movie and enjoy their work themselves.

Why Was the Movie- the Machinist So Famous?

There are a lot of reasons This fictional tragedy is well crafted in every aspect. Some of its aspects are:

More specifically, the plot structure supported by 3 different storylines (with each having a great number of choices) makes this movie one of the most spotless movies that were produced during any time period it existed- And I’m pretty sure they can’t be overlooked! In addition to these storyline elements, some other factors from this film that make it possible for us to enjoy it so much include Splendid acting across all cast and crew.- Spoilers!!

Another reason is the excellent mixture of genres. The three different stories served as a good way to connect the scenes in one movie – By making them all linked in some sense as cohesive parts of several unique storylines that were woven together by Christian Bale so well!

The Mood and feel this movie gives us offers yet more to enjoy- Every single scene was put together with such exquisite skill and originality (So great there are had very little chance of copying any part from this film) So overall, I believe it’s apparent why at least Meagre few found The Machinist so pretty and meaningful haha. Anyway, for all these reasons The Machinist is definitely a film that cannot be ignored.

Why You Should Watch the Machinist 2004

Why You Should Watch the Machinist 2004

This movie is rather well crafted as we go ahead to discuss its reasons it’s a great choice. The fact that 6 films like this have done so incredibly well some years ago (In their time they did achieve the same kinds of popularity) has left us in no doubt about what important part movies fill nowadays – Among young people, one of them being girls!

As you can see from the past statistics above that are still applicable today most films fall flat or become “just” entertainment flicks whenever these roles aren’t secured with excellent cast and crew working together- And I’m on this is the case where The Machinist truly shines! Its convincing blend of drama, great acting, and top-notch storyline make it difficult to tune out. It can be guaranteed that you would stay glued till its end – With splendid cinematography, graphic details in all scenes as well as a good soundtrack editing.

You don’t have to worry about anything when watching this amazing movie! So all I come back telling you All (And my visitors here ) is ” You’d better take the chance”. Remember, if watching any movies once or twice doesn’t mean anymore, do watch them over and over again! Viewing movies more than twice can also help you stay more updated on all the tremendous work these actors (and entire crews) are doing behind-the-scenes which helps in maintaining a healthy balance. Enjoy watching The Machinist, thus go ahead and discover for yourself not only some fine thrilling entertainment but gain insight about a film industry that will always take lives and relationships. You wouldn’t ever argue with that, would you!

Awards Won by the Machinist 2004

Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award

Cannes Film Festival Best Screenplay

2004 Academy Awards Best Screenplay

The Machinist is one of the most famous movies ever made, and it has won a number of awards. These include Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards in 2004, as well as countless other awards around the world. If classic movie thriller is your thing, then you definitely need to watch The Machinist!


Watch The Machinist and experience it in your own home, where you can be more relaxed and enjoy uninterrupted pleasure. But if you still have a doubt regarding the movie’s quality, then I am confident enough that out of all over the movies available I strongly believe this is one such film for which watching is worth an unimaginable experience! Go ahead grab this chance because “What does not happen once will never again”.

While catching up on some sleep waiting for the elevator to reach or traveling from the airplane terminal back home, just prepare yourself (and possibly relax along) with delight by letting go of your worries (and start concentrating!) which may only lead you down the path of unhappiness like we all have had occasions in our lives to witness it. That’s my suggestion for your entertainment yesterday! Have a fantastic time watching The Machinist because I am sure that you too will not come across anything better than this!


Is the Machinist Based on a True Story?

The movie is not based on a true story. What the story resembles the real-life events is Brad’s own personal ordeal.

What Was Your Initial Thought About This Movie After Watching It?

I believe that whether The Machinist should really be called a drama or thriller, it actually can be both at the same time because of the elements described in each genre. Here is my verdict on this DVD. It’s an entertaining movie and if it progresses slow enough then viewers won’t mind since they still get their fix of tension included in their enjoyment from watching The Machinist.

Is the Machinist Available on Vhs?

It has never been released in video format whatsoever, however, the DVD release of the film was planned for 2004. A good part of it was shot at actual Moscow streets and ballrooms filming locations mixed with extras (from the USA) to fill out crowd scenes amidst square footage photos that were mostly stock stills or couldn’t be replaced by digital images /photos.

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