The Martian (2015) Meaning And Ending




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The Martian is a story about the obstacles and challenges faced by an astronaut named Mark Watney who is sent to Mars as a passenger on the Ares 3 mission. The film begins with a video call from Watney’s wife, and continues with flashback-like scenes of Watney’s past, where he describes how he had lost his legs during the landing mission. The movie ends with a tribute to life and achievements, caused by the situation faced by Watney before his fate changed for better.

All About Of The Martian (2015) Meaning And Ending

The Martian (2015) Meaning And Ending

The Meaning of the Movie

The Martian is a 2015 American science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Drew Goddard. It stars Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Michael Peña, Kate Mara and Sean Bean. The film follows an astronaut who is presumed dead after a fierce storm and must rely on his ingenuity to survive on Mars.

The Message of the Movie

The Message of the Movie

The message of the movie Martian is about a man named Mark Watney who was on Mars and got left behind by his crew members after an accident. He also lost contact with NASA and so he started to survive on his own.

He lived alone for almost two years but then he started to realize that he had run out of food, water and oxygen. In this situation, he decided to start a revolution against the government as they were neglecting him because there was no communication between them and him. So in order to get attention from the world, Mark Watney sent videos of himself alive again where NASA saw it and helped him return back home safe and sound!

Ending Explanation

The ending of the movie Martian shows how after years of searching for life on Mars, they have finally found it. The planet is covered in a thick layer of snow and ice, and the rover is stuck there due to the heavy snow. A NASA scientist says that they need to melt the ice before they can send another rover out. So he proposes a plan to use explosives to break through the ice and get their rover back into space again.

The three astronauts are unsure about this plan but eventually agree that it’s worth trying out, so when all seems lost, one astronaut shouts “We’re going home!” which leads them to decide that if we must die then let us die as Martians, not as humans on Earth.

The movie ends with an image of earth covered in clouds just like Mars is shown at its end; showing how mankind has finally come full circle from what was once thought impossible – walking on another planet (Earth) and discovering alien life (Martian).

The Main Idea of The Movie

The Main Idea of The Movie

The main idea of the movie Martian is to show how technology has progressed in a time span of 100 years. In this time span, people have become more dependent on technology and that means they have forgotten the simple things in life like love, friendship and emotions.

This movie is all about Martians who come to earth with one goal – to take over humans by making them dependant on technology.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The movie martian (2015) is based on the book called Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. The movie is about a group of people who are going to be sent to mars for colonization in the future. They will have to go through many difficulties and challenges like how they will survive on mars, what resources they will need etc. It also talks about how different groups of people would look like after colonizing mars, depending on their skin color.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

I believe that the ending of the movie was very satisfying. This is because, after all the events in the movie were revealed, you could feel a sense of closure.

This is because there were many unanswered questions and mysteries left after everything happened in the film and I think it’s good to leave some things unexplained just so that people can keep guessing on what might have happened next.

Movie Symbolism

Movie Symbolism

In the movie, “Martian” (2015), the main character, Mark Watney is stranded on Mars and he needs to find a way to survive. He has enough supplies for only two years so he must do everything possible to make it home. One of his survival techniques is taking pictures of his surroundings and showing them to NASA.

The theme of the movie is that humans are capable of doing anything if they set their minds to it. We can overcome any obstacle in our path with determination and perseverance. So even though you may not be able to return home, you can still show your family how far you have come through pictures taken during your journey!


The Martian has everyone on cloud nine. Everyone is curious to know the meaning of the movie’s ending. A lot of people disliked the ending and it has been branded as a let down. But, in this movie, there’s a lot more going on than meets the eye. If we try to figure out the meanings of certain things, we will certainly grasp much more than meets the eye of a casual viewer. Let’s look at what is behind the curtain and delve deeper into the story to get our answers.


1.How Does the Film End?

Ans: The film ends when Jack’s name is called, but this can be different depending on the type of screenplay you have written.

In your case, you could write an ending that shows how the story ends or ends with a certain character who is alive at the end of the story. The choice depends on how much time you want to spend writing and in what way you want to conclude your script.

2.Is There a Sequel?

Ans: Yes, there is a sequel of Martian. It is called Rise of the planet of the apes.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Rise of the Planet of the Apes was directed by Rupert Wyatt and stars James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow and Andy Serkis in lead roles. The movie tells about Caesar’s attempt to lead his tribe against humans after they attack them for their food resources. In this story you will also see that how smart apes can be because they manage to destroy all human cities on earth which were created on Earth before coming to earth!

The movie was a box office hit with over $400 million worldwide.

3.What Is the Meaning of the Martian (2015)?

Ans: The Martian is a science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels and Michael Peña. It follows the story of an astronaut who gets stranded on Mars after being presumed dead by his crew and must rely on his wits to survive.

4.What Is the Ending of the Martian?

Ans: The ending of The Martian is very depressing. After the trip to Mars, he gets into a bit of trouble with his crew and then he loses communication with them. When they finally get back to Earth, they tell him that the mission was a success but it seems like it wasn’t because everyone is acting strange towards him. They are all acting weird so Mark goes out to find what happened but when he does this, he ends up dying in an accident.

5.What Is the Main Message of the Martian?

Ans: The main message of The Martian is that we should be careful with what we do, because the consequences of our actions can have devastating effects.

This is the message that keeps on coming back to me as I read this book. It gives a very clear picture about how Mars is an inhospitable place and why humans would find it difficult to survive there. Mark Watney’s life is completely disrupted when he gets injured by an accident and then almost killed by his own crewmates who are supposed to rescue him from the Red Planet. He spends years in a tiny habitat trying to figure out how he survived all those dangers and makes it back home where he finds his family alive and well.

I like this message because even though many people think that they are doing things for their own good, some people may not be aware of what could happen if they don’t pay attention to certain things or fail to follow through with something they promised themselves or others. They end up suffering in ways that could never be imagined before.

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