Traill Island



Traill Island


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Traill Island is a small island located off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. It is a popular tourist destination that offers visitors a serene and nature-filled environment. The island receives over 1 million tourists every year, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Canada. While there are many activities and attractions available on Traill Island, hiking is the most popular activity. The hike to the top of the peak on the island is considered one of the best hikes in North America.

Traill Island


Traill Island is named after explorer David Thompson, who mapped it in 1784. It was purchased by the Government of Newfoundland in 1902 and became a provincial park that same year. The island was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

The natural landscape on Traill Island is composed of barren granite peaks, dense forests, and crystal-clear lakes. Many ecosystems can be found on the island including caribou and moose habitats as well as boreal forest, coastal dune prairie, heathland flora communities, and stunted rocky outcrops characteristic of glaciated areas.

The most visited hiking trail on Traill Island is the Wilmo Trail, which was started in 1916 by Harry Armstrong and consists of approximately 10 km (6 mi) of pathways through paths that are characterized as challenging yet comfortable hikes due to its rocky surface over granite stairs.

The Wilmo Trail is considered one of the best North American mountain/rock-climbing routes for inexperienced climbers because it has large knob rock formations along its pathway with a vertical ascent from 300 m (985 ft) near sea level up to 900 m (3,050 ft), depending entirely on what part they reach on the trail.

The trail has jagged vertical granite ledges and blueberry bushes along its pathway making it an ideal outdoor activity in which tourists of all ages can successfully navigate without any need for visual aids, unlike other hikes where there isn’t much to look at between every single rock outcropping or another mountain peak that is just as remote from civilization; however this downside comes with a high possibility of falling due to people’s lack grip strength because becoming accustomed to rock scrambling requires a lot more practice than going anywhere else.


Traill Island Climate

The climate on Traill Island is typical of a temperate rainforest climate. Temperatures range from -5 to 30 degrees Celsius (-13 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit) year-round with occasional lower temperatures in the winter and higher temperatures in the summer.

All months have varying levels of precipitation including snowfall during wintertime, though rainfall generally dominates throughout the year. About 600 mm (24 in) of precipitation falls annually, most often between June and September.


Traill Island Culture

Traill Islanders are a fiercely independent people who have inhabited the island for centuries and maintain their own cultural traditions. Islanders enjoy fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, rock climbing and camping. They also grow grapes for wine production on nearby Prince Edward Island. Land ownership is restricted in an attempt to preserve the island’s integrity.

As of February 2011, there are no structures on the island else but such has been changing lately since expanded economic and shoreline support facilities have been constructed within close distance of Traill Island during the 1970s 1980s.[2] An interpretation centre was opened with a museum complex that includes interpretive displays on Canadian geography.

A 66-seater bus circulates throughout Prince Edward Island using both public and private lands including narrow winding roads through wooded areas allowing one to become familiar with surrounding looks & mood changes as well as the geology of the region. There is a turn around point at the top in front of Interpretation center, where visitors can choose to have a guided tour.



Traill Islanders are governed by a Mayor and five Council Members who serve terms of two years. Elections are held every two years with all candidates nominated by the political parties represented on Council.

There is no airport or harbours on Traill Island so all transportation needs must be met through connections with other Canadian provinces or mainland United States by boat, plane, train or automobile.

Government Services

Government Services

Medical assistance is provided by the Health PEI Corporation and hospital services are available on the island through Prince Edward Island Health Services.

The police service is provided by SPCEI, an organisation contracted with the Province of Prince Edward Island to provide policing services.

There are no banks or other financial institutions on Traill Island so all transactions must be conducted through one of two local stores which also provide essential supplies including groceries, hardware and lodging.


Traill Island Tourism

Traill Island is a destination for tourists who enjoy nature, wildlife and rugged coastline. Visitors can take tours of the island, visit local markets and buy souvenirs. There are also several restaurants on the island that offer seafood meals as well as full course meals.

Traill Island has a well-defined infrastructure of roads, paths and other features. Use is prohibited on federal lands as they are managed by the Province of Prince Edward Island Forestry Department and have been reserved for community activities & recreation e.g.: walking trails, hiking trails (many), cross country skiing in winter, motorized vehicle use only in designated areas such as parkland etc..

There are picnic facilities available at Hyndman Park shared with Currituck Beach Provincial Park(4 km south) above Gouch Bay Resort but there is no public toilet facility on Traill island.)


Traill Island is an unincorporated territory located in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island is long and narrow, with an area of only 6.5 square kilometres. Its coastline is indented by five inlets, which make it a noted fishing and whaling centre.

The island’s forests are characterized by Garry oaks, yellow pines, and spruce trees. The island is accessible only by air, by ferry from Fortune Bay on the eastern side of Newfoundland, or by icebreaker from St. John’s.


What Are The Essential Supplies That Tourists Need When Visiting Traill Island?

Tourists in search of a relaxing and picturesque getaway will want to pack their bags for Traill Island. This Canadian island boasts some stunning natural scenery, as well as interesting local markets and restaurants where visitors can enjoy seafood meals. The only items not easily procured on the island are groceries; residents must bring their own food with them when they visit.

How Can I Get To Traill Island?

There are three ways to get to Traill Island: by air, by ferry, or via icebreaker. Air travel is the most costly option, but it is also the quickest. Visitors flying into Fortune Bay on Newfoundland can take a ferry over to the island afterwards. The journey takes around two hours each way and costs C$84 per person round-trip.

Travellers using an icebreaker have much longer journeys ahead of them; they will need to wait for several days for a ship that travels between St John’s and Fortune Bay during winter . These voyages can take up to a week, making air travel the most popular option.

How Long Is Traill Island’s Main Season?

The island has two main seasons: summer and winter. Summer sports in this part of Canada include golfing, fishing by boat or kayak (the latter being much more satisfying), hiking through untouched woodlands, boating on calm waterways during whale watching holidays or scuba diving during sea turtle nesting season.

The winter season is quieter but no less picturesque. Highlights include ice fishing, cross country skiing on pristine snowfields, dog sleigh rides under the stars and beautiful sunrise and sunset views from many of the island’s vantage points.

What Are The Safe Drinking Water Standards On Traill Island?

There is no public water supply on Traill Island, so visitors must bring their own supplies with them. The island does have a limited number of private wells and piped-in fresh water, but it’s advisable to drink only bottled or boiled water when visiting as unsafe sources of groundwater can be contaminated by bacteria.

Is There A Bank Or Atms On Traill Island?

There is no official banking institution on the island, but travellers can find several unofficial financial institutions that offer services such as currency exchange and loans.

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