Tumby Island



Tumby Island


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Welcome to Tumby Island! This little piece of paradise is perfect for anyone who’s looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters and lush, green forests, Tumby Island offers an idyllic setting in which to relax and rejuvenate. Whether you’re looking for a day of fishing, kayaking, hiking, or just a good time with friends and family, Tumby Island has everything you need and more. So why wait? Come see for yourself what all the fuss is about!

Tumby Island


Tumby Island first came into existence about 10,000 years ago during the last ice age. At that time, the island was covered in dense forest consisting of giant sequoias and redwoods. As the glaciers started to retreat, so did the trees, leaving Tumby Island with its now pristine landscape.

In recent years, Tumby Island has become a popular tourist destination due to its secluded location and beautiful surroundings . Despite its remote location, there are many things to do in Tumby Island.


The climate on Tumby Island is temperate with significant seasonal variation. The island experiences cold winters and hot summers, with average high temperatures of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. The Island can experience a variety of weather patterns, including tropical cyclones and warm fronts that result in heavy rainfall. Commonly experienced wind speeds range between 10 mph to 30 mph with gusts on average around 45 MPH at 12 meters (40 feet) above ground level.



Tumby Island is about 0.4 miles long by 0.2 miles wide, giving it an area of 541 acres . The island does not have a true central point. Instead, it has multiple irregularly shaped inlets that run from end to end along its length.

The highest elevation occurs at the northern half of Tumby Island with an altitude above sea level of 258 feet (79meters) while the lowest is located south of the Homeward Bound camping area–willow flats and swamp terraces have been flooded during heavy rains, banked by vegetation or drained completely creating a wide expanse of tall grasses, shrubs and trees along the shore.


Tumby Island was originally inhabited by the Hupa people, who built a series of villages near the mouths of the inlets. In 1891, Charles Moore arrived on Tumby and claimed it for US government ownership as part of Sequoia National Park . The Hupa were displaced by park personnel and some members settled on neighboring islands. Currently there are few Native Americans living on Tumby Island; most reside in nearby communities adjacent to Sequoia National Park.

The first European to arrive on Tumby Island was William Blakeley, who shipwrecked here in 1858 and was rescued by another vessel that landed at the island several months later during a period of high surf.


Tumby Island is located in the eastern portion of Sequoia National Park and is administered by the park service. There are no housing developments on Tumby, and all visitors must camp or stay in one of the park’s 12 wilderness areas .

The island does not have any public access roads; only boat transportation is available. Bird watchers will find a very diverse population of birds on Tumby Island and parts of the nearby mainland surrounding Sequoia. The main islands in the area are also home to many animals, including grizzly bears (the only permanent residents), swans, deer and bighorn sheep . During some years there is an abundance of migrating waterfowl from across North America; birdwatchers occasionally see bald eagles in close proximity.

Government services

There is no telephone service on Tumby, and the only way to get help if in trouble is to call 911 from a mainland cell phone. There are no stores or restaurants located on the island; visitors must bring everything they need with them when they come.

The weather can be very changeable, so it’s important for visitors to know what to expect before arriving. The average temperature range usually ranges from around freezing during winter months down to around 90˚  (a couple of degrees warmer during summer and autumn). Occasionally there is a brief hot spell in July, which can result in temperatures up to 125˚.


Tumby Island is a popular destination for photographers and videographers. Visitors are also drawn to the island by its natural setting, solitude and lack of development. The number of visitors has steadily grown over the past few years, but it’s still not very crowded; most people who cometo Tumby usually only stay for a day or two at a time.

The best time of year to visit is between May and October, which coincides with high migration numbers during the larger seasonal migrations. During fall and early winter Tumby can often be overcast or foggy; summer weather is generally calmer, but unpredictable.


Tumby is accessible only by ferry, and visitors must arrange to be picked up from the mainland. ferries run twice a day, seven days a week, during most of the year. The trip takes about two hours each way and can get very crowded; people are not allowed to bring bikes or any vehicles on board. Visitors need to organise their own transportation back to the mainland after their visit has concluded.


There is no permanent food or lodging on Tumby Island, so visitors are limited to what they bring with them. Temporary food and camping stores have started opening up around the island in recent years, but there’s still not much variety or availability. Visitors who want to cook their own meals can find basic provisions at a few grocery stores on the mainland near where ferries dock; otherwise, they’ll need to pack everything they need with them when they arrive on the island.


There are a few small mammals, including foxes and skunks, but the primary attraction for visitors is the abundance of seabirds. The island is home to more than 170 species of birds, most of which are just passing through on their way to or from somewhere else. Tumby also has a handful of bats, although they’re not usually very active at night.


Tumby Island is a small Australian island located in Bass Strait. The island is mainly known for its lighthouse, which was first lit in 1838. The island also contains a small military fort from the Second World War, and a lighthouse museum.


What Is The Currency Of Tumby Island?

Tumby Island’s currency is the Australian dollar.

What Is The Hottest Month Of Tumby Island?

The average temperature in February (average maximum) is 21.5 °C, while the average minimum for a 24-hour period skyrockets to 17.7 °C .

Do I Need Valid Travel Insurance When Visiting Tumay Island?

Tumby Island is a tax-free island, however you should be aware of the excessive costs involved when dealing with prolonged medical treatment in foreign countries.

What Are Some Famous Landmarks In Tumay Island?

One of the most prominent features in Tumby Island are the two lighthouses.

What’s There To Do At Night During Summer?

At around 9pm, temperatures reach a maximum of 16°C . According to weather forecast (which may or may not be trusted), it will only drop from 1 ° C on average over the midsummer period. At noon temperature is 19 ± 2, while sunrise and sunset occur respectively at 07: 03 and 17:08.

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