Uliaga Island



Uliaga Island


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Uliaga Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Mozambican Channel, south of Maputo. It has a total area of 0.5 sq km and is accessible only by boat. It is also home to a small population of Purple-lipped Peccaries, which are the only known representatives of their genus in Africa.

Uliaga Island


Uliaga Island was first sighted by Portuguese explorers in the 16th century. It was later claimed and settled by the Dutch, who named it Witte IJsland (White Island). In 1890, it was acquired by Portugal as part of its Mozambican colonies. During World War II, it served as a base for the combined Allied forces planning against Maputo. After independence in 1975, Uliaga became part of Mozambique’s Education Ministry.

Geography and ecology

Uliaga is located off the coast of Maputo atoll and consists of two main areas: the south of the island and its northern anchorage, which is also known as Quissanga Bay. The southern end features a hill called Turra erva ( literally “Bush on top”) because it used to be covered with bushes – rags made by tanneries for sale in Maputo’s market. This vegetation has now disappeared due to over-collecting in favor of agriculture land that was developed years later.<br>The northern part of Uliaga Island can only be visited via boat .

Uliaga peaked recently at 200 inhabitants with their families and, due to over-hunting by people from Maputo living on the islands of Malopo and Quissanga, the population is about 50 individuals (2014).


The climate of Uliaga Island is tropical with a risk of severe hurricanes in the summer season. The average temperature ranges from 25 degrees Celsius in January to 28 degrees Celsius in July, making it one of the warmest inhabited islands in Africa. Natural


Uliaga Island is famous for its calcite and dolomitic limestones which, when processed into cement are considered synonymous with the Portuguese language. There are a few quarries on Uliaga where imported limestone (imported by boat) is extracted to be then carried by mule or truck to Maputo City.


The south of Uliada has been almost completely depopulated due to over-fishing caused mainly by economic demands from Maputo in favor of agriculture land that was developed years later.With only 50 inhabitants , rare flocks of seagulls could be seen on the island; these birds are also present in other parts of Mozambique. A long-time attraction at Uliaga is that from Afriquids, who live around and visit some areas, i.e., Quissanga Bay where they usually come to fish with nets or cast muchas piadas (huge fishing hooks).


The culture of Uliaga Island is the result of a melting pot of Africans and Portuguese who have inhabited the island for centuries. African traditional beliefs are still very evident in some rituals such as circumcision ceremonies on Malawian boys (known as “tabua”), which is performed with knives made from an animal’s tooth.


The most famous festival in Uliaga commemorates St Sebastian, Patron Saint of Sailors, who was killed by arrows while trying to protect young women from a bandit raiders.<br>Other festivals include: Christmas Eve when people exchange gifts , the anniversary of SS. Michael and George at November 21st, celebrating “May Saint” that used by Europeans to Hellenize their rituals about this holiday (such as decorating the trees), Afro-Christianity in Mozambique; Easter, on March 20th when there are street carnivals with processions through Maputo city, Bar Saúl celebrations during which people feed stray cats until they grow fat.


Uliaga Island is a small island located in the middle of the Sarawak River. The island has a population of around 100 people and is administered by the Malaysian government. The island has a parliamentary system of government with a unicameral legislature. Parliament consists of 32 members, elected using the first-past-the-post electoral system. The current Prime Minister of Malaysia is Najib Razak, who was sworn in on May 9, 2009.

Government services

The government provides a variety of services such as health care, education, and infrastructure. The island has one primary school and no secondary schools. There are no hospitals on the island. Limited access to medical facilities is available through travel to the mainland or Kuching, Sarawak’s capital city. Political groups, politicians and government leaders are represented in the Island by the chief of state. Government vehicles commonly use a taxi to transport them around island and there is no form of public transportation system on this island except that one can travel via boat but not car ferry due to low population movement.


There is a limited amount of tourism that occurs on the island. Most tourists who visit the island are journalists or researchers who are visiting to study the parliamentary system of government. There is also a small number of visitors who come to visit natural tourist attractions, such as White Rocks and Uliaga River.


Uliaga Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean. The island is composed of coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and a variety of hardwood trees and vegetation. Uliaga Island is also home to a wide variety of birds, including the white-bellied sea eagle and coccinellid finch.


1 . What Are the Main Attractions on Uliaga Island?

The main attractions on Uliaga Island include the endemic Purple-lipped Peccaries, which can be seen roaming across the island’s hardwood forests. Additionally, there is a variety of birdlife to be found on the island, including several species of seabird and four types of monkey.

2. How Do I Get to Uliaga Island?

Uliaga Island is only accessible by boat from Maputo in Mozambique. Visitors must make arrangements in advance with a charter operator or travel agent in Maputo.

3. Is It Possible to Camp on Uliaga Island?

Uliaga Island cannot be visited independently as a tourist destination, due in part to the island’s status as an endemic national park—the staff of Uliaga National Park are only permitted access for research and conservation purposes, preventing travellers from admiring this unique wildlife experience without asking permission first (which may not always be granted).

4 . Is Uliaga Island Safe to Visit?

Yes, Uliaga Island is generally considered to be safe for tourists. However, visitors are advised to take sensible precautions when travelling to isolated areas such as this, and always useCommon Sense when traveling in remote areas.

5. What is the Currency of Uliaga Island?

The currency of Uliaga Island is the Mozambican metical (MZN).

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