Walton Island



Walton Island


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Walton Island is a 10-acre (4.0 ha) uninhabited island in the Atlantic Ocean, located about east of St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands. It is part of the Virgin Islands National Park, and is accessible only by boat, helicopter, or private jet. The island is named after John Walton, a British plantation owner who died in 1846.

Walton Island


The first recorded sighting of Walton Island was in 1502 by Christopher Columbus when he sailed by on his fourth voyage to the Americas.

In 1846, John Walton, a British plantation owner and governor of the Virgin Islands, died while surfing off nearby St. Thomas. His death has been attributed to a wave crashing onto his head while he surfed. A letter that Walton had written before his death is displayed at Fort Christian on Saint Croix. 

Even though there is no evidence that Walton ever set foot on the island himself, it became known as “Walton Island” in his honor. Today, Walton Island is a popular spot for power boaters and the Navy Blue Angels to practice formation flying around it. The island also serves as an integral part of the October 1983 Hollywood film “The Beast”. Scenes on both islands were filmed here: with leading actresslivin; this was one of her first roles in a starring role, 10 years before she played Lois Lane in Richard Donner’s first Superman movie(“””).


The climate is moderated by the surrounding ocean and has a typical Virgin Islands wind pattern. The average temperature ranges from 84 degrees Fahrenheit in January to 78 degrees in July, with an annual precipitation of . Turtle Bay Beach is on the interior west coast of Walton Island. Accessible via a long boardwalk and piers, it provides visitors with an opportunity to observe birds and other residents in captivity as well as see surf guppies coiled up inside their bubbles. 

The bay itself offers excellent swimming opportunities for experienced swimmers – but please keep your distance from the marine mammals; if you accidentally come close enough to get too curious about them (say more than ten feet), they’ll most likely investigate by bumping against or nipping at your head[s]. Less docile animals may appear at Turtle Bay, including wild goats and swine – which can be a nuisance but are not as dangerous to people. It is also an excellent place for snorkeling, selecting your share of rich coral reef flora and fauna.


Walton Island Culture is a mix of African, English, and American culture. It is a melting pot of different people and their ways of life. The culture is very friendly and welcoming to outsiders, which makes it an ideal place to live and work.

The people of Walton Island are very proud of their culture and its many contributions to the world. They believe that their culture is the best in the world and that everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetime.

There are many unique aspects of Walton Island Culture that make it special. Some of the most notable include its unique traditional music, cuisine, and fashion. The traditional music of Walton Island is known for its hypnotic rhythms and catchy melodies. It is often used in ceremonies and religious ceremonies, as well as during social events.

The cuisine of Walton Island is also highly praised. It is known for its delicious seafood dishes, as well as unique versions of traditional English dishes such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. The fashion on Walton Island is also noted for its intricate designs and stylish clothing.


Walton Island is a democratic island with a strong judiciary. The people of Walton Island are very proud of their democracy and the freedoms that it provides. They believe that democracy is the best form of government, and they are fiercely protective of these rights.

The economy on Walton Island is largely based on agriculture and tourism. Agriculture plays an important role in providing food for the population, as well as income for farmers who grow crops such as bananas, fruits, vegetables, coffee beans, cocoa beans etc. Tourism has become an increasingly important part of the economy over recent years due to its many benefits – employment in the tourism industry, tax revenues from visitors and spending on goods & services. If Walton Island was a country, it would have been ranked as an upper middle-income nation by the World Bank.

Government services

A strong government is essential for a stable and prosperous society, and this is what the people of Walton Island enjoy. Their government provides a wide range of services such as healthcare, education, security, utilities etc. These services are free or relatively inexpensive for residents, which makes Walton Island an attractive place to live.

The infrastructure on Walton Island is also very well developed. This includes roads and hospitals that are capable of handling large numbers of patients at once, as well as reliable electricity supplies and clean water supplies. These facilities make it easy for residents to get the essentials they need without having to travel much.

Sport and entertainment

The environment in Walton Island is beautiful to live in, but its beauty also enriches lives by providing opportunities for recreation. There are many places on the island where people can play any sport they like with nobody bothering them – things such as beaches, parks and playgrounds that have been maintained so well that visitors from other islands come here just to see these open spaces (the Council has set aside large areas of land for public use).


Walton Island is a quaint and picturesque archipelago off the coast of Malta. It has a population of just over 800 people who live in 50 homes. The islanders are predominantly self-sufficient, with a few small businesses and a post office. The island has been uninhabited since the 1950s, but it was recently re-discovered by archaeologists who believe that it may hold clues to the first settlements on Malta. Walton Island is a great place to get away from it all and clear your head. It’s also a great spot to relax, swim, kayak, and cycle.


Is There Internet Access On Walton Island?

There is limited internet access on the island, but it’s free for residents.

What Are The Healthcare Facilities Like On Walton Island?

The healthcare facilities are very well developed and can handle large numbers of patients at once. They also have reliable electricity supplies and clean water supplies.

Are There Any Banking Facilities On Walton Island?

There is a bank on the island, but it’s only open during business hours.

Can I Export Goods To Walton Island?

There is limited access to ships, so you can’t export goods directly to Walton Island. You need to go through a shipping company first.

Do I Need A Visa To Visit Walton Island?

No, you don’t need a visa to visit Walton Island.

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