When Harry Met Sally (1989) Movie FAQs



When Harry Met Sally (1989) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation


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When Harry Met Sally (1989) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

Do you know the movie ‘When Harry Met Sally’? In this timeless classic directed by Rob Reiner, two old friends, who were already in love with each other but were afraid of rejection, set out on a weekend getaway together. Having said that, every good story has a sequel and in true form, this is what proved to be When Harry Met Sally (1989) Movie’s a happy ending. Be it emotional adoration or the logic of acceptance and care, both can be obtained if you keep things simple.

Who Played Harry in the Movie?

When Harry Met Sally (1989) is a romantic comedy film that was directed by Rob Reiner and written by Nora Ephron. The movie stars Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher and Harry Hamlin.

This is an old movie but still very popular today. I don’t know who played Harry in the movie but I can say it’s probably Billy Crystal. He’s one of the most popular actors to date!

Is This Movie Based on a True Story?

The movie When Harry Met Sally (1989) is based on a true story.

When Harry Met Sally (1989) was the first film that made its stars Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal a household name. It was also nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director for Rob Reiner.

It tells the story of two best friends who meet by chance at a diner, where they find out that their lives are far from perfect. They go through many ups and downs in their relationship with each other, but as always life brings them back together again.

What Is the Timeline of Events in the Movie?

The events in the movie happened as follows:

Harry met Sally on a plane trip and they shared an intimate dinner. They went to her apartment, spent time together and later on he left for his next flight.

Sally took Harry to meet her friend who was also having dinner with him that night. At the end of the dinner, he kissed Sally on the cheek and said goodbye. After leaving, Harry was getting changed when he saw Sally again walking towards him from across the street but she didn’t see him at all. He followed her into a restaurant where she sat down at a table with some friends from work and ordered drinks. A little while later, Harry approached her table and sat down opposite her just like their first meeting in the airport lounge before leaving for his flight back home.

They talked about how good it felt to be around each other after so long since they last met which made them realize how much they missed each other during that time apart which led them both to believe that maybe they should give it another try.

This is what happens in When Harry Met Sally (1989) movie.

What Is Your Review of ‘when Harry Met Sally’ (1989)?

I would rate this movie with a 5/5.

The reason why I rated it as such is because of the plot. The story follows two characters who fall in love and find out that they are not meant to be together. The plot line was very similar to my own life and I thought that was very realistic which made me relate to the movie more than any other romantic comedy.

Also, there were some very funny scenes in the movie, but one of my favorites had to be when Harry says “Oh my God” at the end of their date after Sally tells him she’s never been kissed before (Sally: “Have you?”). This scene is so memorable for me because it gave me goosebumps!

Thanks for reading, hope you found this helpful!

Are the Couple Interviews in When Harry Met Sally Real?

Yes, the entire movie is true. The scene where they are discussing their relationship with Sally’s mom was based on a real interview that Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal did for ‘The Tonight Show’ in 1987.

In the interview, Crystal asked about whether or not there were problems in their relationship. At first she said no but then when pressed further she admitted that he had been unfaithful to her and this started an argument between them. He then proposed to her in front of the audience after which she accepted his proposal saying “I do” with crystal holding up a ring for her to see!

Well, I hope you found my answer useful!

What Is the Message of “When Harry Met Sally”?

The message of “When Harry Met Sally” is that when you meet someone new, there is a chance that it will be the best thing that ever happened to you.

It doesn’t matter how many times we have heard this before or if we believe it, what matters is how often we actually act on it. I’m sure all of us would love to see our name in lights and the possibilities are endless! The thing with us humans though is that we often wait for things to happen rather than taking action ourselves. And so the message of “When Harry Met Sally” remains relevant today just as much as it was then.

Hope this answer helps!

What Are the Famous Lines From “When Harry Met Sally”?

A famous line from the movie “When Harry Met Sally” is that ‘You can’t always get what you want.’

There are many other famous lines in this movie. One of them is: “It’s not about how much you know, it’s about who you know.”

Another one is: “If a guy likes you, he’ll let you know.”

Hope this helps!


If you are caught between the age of 21-35 and admit to being a fan of the movie, “When Harry Met Sally” there’s no doubt your life story is way too different from the one shown in the movie. The time when Harry met Sally on New Year’s Eve in New York’s Central Park and went on a hilarious walk to buy flowers for their rendezvous is but a mere 60 minutes.

It was a romance only a fairy tale can tell! For those in the same age range, it would seem that you’ve lived it out to several times over. There is no telling what will happen next, but you’re still here, maybe even here to stay.

About the author

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