12 Years A Slave- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained



12 Years A Slave- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained


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Based on the book of the same name by Solomon Northup, “12 Years a Slave” is a 2013 American historical drama film directed by Steve McQueen. The film was produced by Plan B Entertainment and starred Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong’o and Sarah Paulson.

12 Years an enslaved person tells the story of Solomon Northup, a free black man who is kidnapped and sold into slavery in the United States. Northup’s unique set of skills allowed him to survive his enslavement until he was finally freed and able to return to his family.

12 Years A Slave- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

All About Of12 Years A Slave

Meaning of the Movie

The plotline of the film “12 Years A Slave” presents more than one hue from a subtler to bolder interpretation. It is referenced in multiple ways throughout different forms and also explored by way of an audio track.

The soundtracks lead viewers through areas such as “Callie” Northup’s plantation-county life, escaping into freedom with Solomon Northup’s rescuers known as his “Northern cellmate” or “the navvy,” among other topics.

It also creates dramatized references to the life of Solomon Northup, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, and presents it in this movie.

Throughout, there are many moments where we can see evidence of how even one’s accent or the dialect might affect who they seem like through certain linguistic differences rather than what their actual characters say, though, which is consistent throughout his written account (“I had come from upstate New York State … I had a … Southern accent” 1853).

So, this part of the movie seems to be included in many different aspects, and there is more than just one interpretation of it throughout. There are scenes where we see Solomon Northup gradually accepted into society through very cordial terms from local overseers as well as slave owners.

One way that the story provides “12 Years A Slave” with a comprehensive view of it is by presenting this on multiple levels. Throughout, there are screens and windows which show side-by-side scenes.

These scenes were from both Solomon Northup’s account for his life before being brought into slavery in New York as well as an immediate glance at his captors after he has been taken from them.

This goes out of its way to make the viewer understand how little of his life we actually get to see, and it creates a very tense atmosphere in the movie. The transition between these two different sides is occasionally even, almost like viewing one person as they subsequently change into someone else entirely.

Key characters of the movie

Solomon Northup

Solomon Northup

Northup is the lead character of the movie, and he is a black man who has been kidnapped and enslaved in the south. He narrates his story throughout the movie, which provides us with an understanding of his experiences as well as providing context for some of the other characters and events that take place.

Chiwetel Ejiofor as a slave is great. He gives one of his best performances in the movie, and it was very emotional on my part when he had to cut off the fingertips of another character with an ax! The writing was excellent.

It didn’t matter that this movie takes place during slavery. We can see how brutal it actually was by some parts only because if you are able to stay strong inside, then you could survive anything, even such a thing like that.



Epps is the white man who is responsible for Solomon Northup’s enslavement and eventual sale to a plantation in Louisiana. He is intelligent and cruel, exploiting Northup both physically and mentally throughout their time together.

Michael Fassbender as a slave trader was great too. I thought that he did an excellent job portraying someone who doesn’t seem to have any empathy or conscience for what they are doing to other human beings even though they are doing it legally.

The movie was an excellent depiction of the brutality of slavery, and I thought that Ejiofor did a great job portraying Northup’s experiences. The writing was excellent, and it didn’t matter that this movie took place during slavery.

We could still see how brutal it actually was by some parts only because if you are strong enough inside, then you can survive anything, even something like that.



Patsey is a slave on Epps’ plantation who is raped and beaten by white men. Towards the end of her captivity, she becomes pregnant with Northup’s child and dies in childbirth. Lupita Nyong’o was also great in this movie as Patsey. She gave an incredible performance portraying someone who has been subjected to years of abuse at the hands of white men.

The writing was excellent, and it didn’t matter that this movie took place during slavery. We could still see how brutal it actually was by some parts only because if you are strong enough inside, then you can survive anything, even something like that.



Brad Pitt as Bass is a white man who is assisting Solomon Northup in his escape from slavery. He helps him to find refuge and then tries to help him make the journey north. Bass is not originally sympathetic towards Northup, but over time he begins to see that the man has been through an extremely traumatic experience.

It’s interesting how throughout the movie, there are these moments of great empathy between different characters where we get a window into their thoughts and feelings, but then there are also these moments that just make you angry.

Overall, 12 Years a Slave is an excellent movie that provides a unique and insightful perspective on slavery in the United States. Chiwetel Ejiofor is outstanding as Solomon Northup, and Brad Pitt delivers a strong performance as Bass.

The writing is well-done, creating tension throughout the movie while provoking thought about aspects of slave culture that many people may not be aware of.

Important events of the movie


-Solomon Northup was born a slave in 1841

– In 1853, he was sold to an owner in Washington, D.C.

– In the late 1860s, Northup is kidnapped and taken to New Orleans

-Between 1863 and 1865, he was held as a Slave on Captain Allen’s Plantation near Baton Rouge

After escaping from two different plantations, Solomon Northup meets up with Bass, who helps him make the journey north to freedom. 12 Years a Slave is based on Northup’s autobiography, which was published in 1853.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About the Movie?

-Chiwetel Ejiofor (Solomon Northup) is an outstanding actor who has starred in

many great films, including 12 Years a Slave and The Red Road.

– Brad Pitt (Bass) is one of Hollywood’s most successful actors, with credits that

include Fury Road and Moneyball.

– The film was directed by Steve McQueen, who has also directed films such as Shame

and 12 Years a Slave.

Ending of the movie

12 Years A Slave is a movie with an ending that can be summarized as follows:

After being kidnapped and enslaved by a southern plantation owner, Solomon Northup gradually learns to understand his situation from the perspective of someone who has been held against their will. In the end, he manages to finally break free and alters his life for the better as a result.

The meaning of the movie’s ending is that, even after being held captive and enslaved for 12 years, Solomon Northup still manages to change his life for the better. He no longer has to suffer under the brutal conditions of slavery, and he can finally live a free life with dignity.

The ending also indicates that events in one’s life can never be controlled, but they can be shaped by how you respond to them. Solomon Northup shows that even if he had been held captive for 12 years, he still had the strength and determination to fight back against his oppressors and make a new life for himself.

Analysis of the movie’s ending

The ending of 12 Years a Slave is symbolic of Solomon Northup’s overall journey in the film. Initially, he is captured and enslaved by a southern plantation owner, who treats him brutally and oversees his every move. However, over time Northup slowly understands his situation from the perspective of someone held captive against their will – as if telling his story from within.

In the end, he breaks free and changes his life for the better. This signifies that even if one is trapped in a situation of hardship, there is always hope and the possibility for change. In Northup’s case, he was able to break free from slavery and later build a new life as a successful author.

This symbolism is reinforced by the film’s overall message – that no matter how difficult one’s life may seem, there is always the potential for improvement. Solomon Northup has faced many challenges in his life, but he has never given up on himself; through hard work and determination, he has eventually achieved success.

This teaches people that anything is possible if they set their mind to it – even overcoming incredible obstacles.

12 Years A Slave- Ending Explained

12 Years A Slave- Ending Explained

The ending of 12 Years a Slave is symbolic of Solomon Northup’s overall journey throughout the film. Initially, he is captured and enslaved by a southern plantation owner, who abuses and oversees his every move.

However, over time Northup slowly understands his situation from the perspective of someone held captive against their will – as if telling his story from within.

In the end, he escapes slavery and later builds a new life for himself as an author. This signifies that even if one is trapped in a situation of hardship, there is always hope and the possibility for change.

In Northup’s case, he was able to break free from slavery and later build a new life as a successful author. This teaches people that anything is possible if they set their mind to it – even overcoming incredible obstacles.


The symbolism in 12 Years a Slave is powerful, and it provides an interesting perspective on the history of slavery. The film reveals that even though Solomon Northup endured many hardships during his captivity, he ultimately succeeded in escaping and building a new life. This message is important for illustrating the power of hope and determination, regardless of one’s situation.


1.How Much of the Movie Can You Say Without Giving Away Spoilers?

Ans: 12 Years a Slave is an excellent movie that tells the story of Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped and enslaved in 1841 by a southern plantation owner. Over time, Northup gradually learns about his situation from the point of view of someone who is held captive against their will.

In the end, he escapes slavery and later writes an account of his experiences which becomes one of the most well-known examples of slave literature. This demonstrates the power of literacy and storytelling, both of which can help people escape from difficult situations.

2.Can a 12-year-old Watch 12 Years a Slave?

Ans: There is some violence in 12 Years a Slave, but it is not particularly graphic. Most 12-year-olds should be able to watch the movie without any trouble. However, some scenes may be difficult for them to process, especially if they are uncomfortable with depictions of violence.

3.What Was 12 Years a Slave Based on?

Ans: 12 Years a Slave is based on the memoir of Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped and enslaved in 1841. The movie explores his experiences as a slave and how he gradually escapes his situation.

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