Abrupt Island -You Have To Know



Abrupt Island


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Abrupt Island is a venture-based investment fund that invests only in disruptive startups. We believe that disruption is not limited to something new or revolutionary.

It includes new business models, new applications, new sectors, and even new cultures. For this reason, despite the investments we make being mostly in the tech sector, we are not limiting ourselves to that aspect. However, we are more interested in startups that will have a massive impact on existing industries and socio-economic systems.

Abrupt Island

All About Of Abrupt Island

Abrupt Island A Guide To Sustainability &amp Self Reliance

What is Abrupt Island?

A little background information about us: We are a two persons venture fund based in Barcelona, with an office in London. We work full-time as investment professionals until we make our investments, then move on to other entrepreneurial projects as advisors or mentors.

But even after that day passes, we will never stop being entrepreneurs and investors – always looking forward to new technological disruption opportunities.

We had launched Abrupt Island Fund exactly one year ago (on January 1, 2014) and our goal is to become a disruptor. We want innovative new businesses that will enable us all to live better lives with the help of technology.

This includes newer products in existing industries but also completely new ideas in fields or sectors that are currently considered non-disruptive.


Our philosophy on investing: Why we invest in disruptive startups

In order to get a better understanding of our investments, it is important for us firstly to understand why we invest in startups that are considered disruptive. It’s not as simple as simply looking at the investment thesis presented by every startup and saying “yes” or “no”.

We believe there are three main areas where these companies succeed: Business Models – We look beyond innovation and new solutions within a single sector. For example, if you want to change the models in a certain industry to adapt, we will not only look at new ideas or technologies but also into what has been done so far. What have been proven and successful?

What are they doing now that can be improved upon, by how much and in which ways? Market – We explore these markets with great concern as well. How big it is today, who are its stakeholders/owners etc.?

Our exclusive portfolio: a snapshot of our investments to date

=We will not talk about the details of our current portfolio, but just to give a glimpse into what we are currently looking at. You may have access to these and other documents by contacting us directly.

However, you can check out all the investments in one place here . Want more? We recommend this presentation from Wharton: The Disrupter Club 2013-2014 , even if it is targeted towards investors rather than entrepreneurs.

=Seed investments of less than $500K are not very common in the world of venture capital, but we 100% agree that small changes and steps taken early always pay off later on. Nobody is saying it will be easy, though: as Vanquis says ” Wharton’s Innovation Disruption Theory defines ‘disruptive change’ differently from what academic studies usually do/

Portfolio analysis: The companies we have invested in so far

Here is a table showcasing the companies and investments we have made so far, with some comments from core investors around our projects:

Do you like what we do? Would you want to invest in these startups or (or help them?) – We are happy to hear your opinions. Come join us ! We proudly share that we were in the list-topper for 2014, with $6.4M invested to date , 3rd place until last year.

Our team is always hard at work, adding new ideas to the bank of companies and entrepreneurs we have already started working with – if you would like us help advise or fund your startup as well, contact us anytime !

Brian Cleary  Head of Operations and General Counsel WobbleWorks was created out of Brian’s passion for problem-solving and brainstorming. As a web development enthusiast, he has been creating intelligent solutions for management problems since 2007. In addition to the founding team (who are all experienced professionals in their area), Wobble is funded by individuals like Sam Wilson , cofounder of Eventbrite .

How our investment process works: The unique way that we evaluate startups

If you want to know more about the WobbleWorks process, read our blog post on funding startups – it runs down all of our processes and how we choose which companies go through them.

Where next?  If you would like to hear any startup news or upcoming events from WobbleWorks , click here ! If there is anything specific that’s your niche above what you see in this section, please contact us 🙂 ~ Brian, Taylor and WobbleWorks

This post is the first in a series which you can find here . We plan to have this section up again very soon with new fresh content 😉

Also if you liked it – please share & tweet! Obviously there are many more articles we could write about on  wobblyworks.com , but for now I am still trying to manage all of my startup related things and keep most regular updates like this one on the site related to my current area – development . As such, I am not completely sure when we will have more of these posts in the future.

Fantastic that you’ve researched popups! This probably isn’t something technical because it’s a reaction but there are lots of usual options (For example: “You’re invited” then goes right back) or variety as well.


If you’re looking for an edge in the digital world, look no further than Abrupt Island. This cutting-edge platform provides users with the ultimate tools for creating and sharing content, no matter where they are in the world. Whether you’re a business looking to scale quickly, or an individual looking to share your passion with the world, Abrupt Island has you covered. Sign up now and start making the most of your online presence!


1.What Do Quorans Know About Java Island?

Ans: Quorans knows that Java Island is a beautiful place that is teeming with history. The island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was once the center of the Dutch East Indies. It is known for its colonial architecture, natural beauty, and vibrant culture. Today, Java Island is a popular tourist destination that offers a unique cultural experience.

2.Why Do You Think This Idea Was A Success?

Ans: There are a few reasons why this idea was a success. First and foremost, the design was well executed. The colors were vibrant and the layout was easy to follow. Additionally, the idea was well communicated and the team was responsive to questions and feedback. Finally, the concept was unique and had potential to be expanded upon. All of these factors contributed to the success of the campaign.

3.How Does The Concept Of Abrupt Island Work?

Ans: Abrupt Island is a new social platform that lets you share your photos and videos with friends and family around the world. Simply snap a picture or shoot a quick video and post it to the platform. From there, you can add any captions or notes that you want, and your friends and family can comment on and vote on your posts. The more votes you receive, the more popular your post becomes, which is a great way to get the word out about your latest project or fun event.

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