Al Safliya Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Al Safliya Island


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Al Safliya Island is an ideal place for those who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The island is well-known for its white-sand beaches, crystal clear water, and lush vegetation. It also offers a variety of activities such as camping, fishing, snorkeling, and windsurfing.

Al Safliya Island


Al Safliya Island is a small, uninhabited island located some 10 kilometers off the coast of Muscat in Oman. The island is known for its natural beauty, including crystal clear waters, white-sand beaches, and lush vegetation.

According to local legend, the island was once home to a sorceress who used its magical powers to cause havoc in the region. The sorceress was eventually captured and beheaded by a group of brave men led by the governor of Muscat. The story of the island’s magical origins has since circulated among residents and tourists alike.


Al Safliya Island geography

Al Safliya Island is located some 10 kilometers off the coast of Muscat in Oman. The island is small, measuring just over 1 square kilometer. It is made up of coral rock and sand, with a few shrubland areas spread throughout its surface. There are no rivers or streams on the island, but there are several groundwater sources that provide water for local residents and visitors.




The island’s ecosystem is made up of a variety of wildlife, including several types of birds, lizards, and snakes. There are also several types of trees and shrubs that provide shelter for animals ranging from insects to mammals. The vegetation on the island is dense enough to support a healthy population of rodents and bats.



There is no permanent population on Al Safliya Island. Local residents and visitors often visit the island for its natural beauty, although it is not regularly inhabited. The lack of infrastructure makes it difficult to sustain a permanent population, and there are currently no plans to develop the island into a tourist destination.



There is no economy on Al Safliya Island. Visitors and local residents occasionally exploit the island’s natural resources, such as its timber and water supplies, but there are no other formal businesses or industries.
Al Safliya Island is a small coral rock and sand island located some 10 kilometers off the coast of Muscat in Oman. The island measures just over 1 square kilometer and contains a few scrubland areas spread throughout its surface.



The climate on Al Safliya Island is arid. The island does not receive much rainfall, and the only sources of water are groundwater reserves. This makes it difficult to sustain a permanent population, as there is no infrastructure available to support them. There are currently no plans to develop the island into a tourist destination.

Culture And Religion

Culture and Religion

There is no permanent population on Al Safliya Island, and the only people that currently visit it are locals and visitors who explore its natural beauty. There are no religious institutions or buildings on the island, but some local residents observe Islamic rituals in private.



There is no official language on Al Safliya Island. However, the locals predominately speak Omani Arabic, which is the national language of Oman.



There is no formal education available on Al Safliya Island. The only sources of information and education for locals are through traditional methods, such as storytelling and folklore.



There is no existing legal system or government on Al Safliya Island. The only form of governance present is through traditional tribal systems, which are not founded on formal laws or regulations.

Government Services

Government Services

There are no government services available on Al Safliya Island. The only form of support and assistance that is available to locals is through the charity organizations that operate in the region.


Al Safliya Island

Al Safliya Island is a small, but beautiful island located in the north-eastern part of Bahrain. It has become a popular tourist destination because of its stunning natural scenery and serene atmosphere. The island is home to a variety of ecosystems, including sand dunes, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps.

There are also many interesting historical sites and monuments on the island, including the remains of an old fort, a mosque, and a castle. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, hiking, kayaking, biking, and camping on the island.

Hotels And Resorts List

Hotels And Resorts List

Here you go! We’ve compiled a list of hotels and resorts on Al Safliya Island for your convenience. Please note that the prices and availability shown are for informational purposes only and may change at any time without notice.

Al Safliya Island Resort is located on the southern tip of Al Safliya island and offers stunning views of the Arabian Gulf. The resort has a total of 272 rooms, including 38 suites. The property also offers a variety of dining options, including a beachfront seafood restaurant, an Italian restaurant, and a bar. The resort also features several recreational facilities, such as an outdoor pool, an 18-hole golf course, and a spa.



The island is home to a variety of interesting attractions, including the remains of an old fort, a mosque, and a castle. There are also several recreational facilities on the island, including an outdoor pool, an 18-hole golf course, and a spa.



Hotels and resorts on Al Safliya Island offer a variety of activities, including swimming, sunbathing, snorkelling, hiking, kayaking, biking, and camping.



There are multiple transport options available to get to Al Safliya Island. A ferry runs between the island and the mainland every few hours, while a taxi can be hired for roughly Dh160 per hour.



There are a variety of restaurants on Al Safliya Island that serve a variety of cuisine options, including seafood, Italian, and Arab.


We hope that our comprehensive guide on starting a business has been of some help. Remember to always stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends and industry news so that you can make the most informed decisions when starting your own business. Thank you for reading!


1.Can I Start A Business On Al Safliya Island?

Ans: Yes, you can start a business on Al Safliya Island. The island features a range of recreational facilities and is home to numerous attractions that would be ideal for businesses such as tourism, food services, and retail establishments.

2.What Are The Transportation Options Available To Get To And From Al Safliya Island?

Ans: There are multiple transportation options available to get to and from Al Safliya Island, including a ferry that runs between the island and the mainland every few hours, as well as taxis that can be hired for roughly Dh160 per hour.

3.What Are The Prevailing Business Climate And Regulations On Al Safliya Island?

Ans: The business climate and regulations on Al Safliya Island are favorable for businesses of all sizes. The island features a range of recreational facilities and attractions that would be perfect for any type of business, while the government is committed to promoting entrepreneurship in order to create more jobs.

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