Alcheh Island-You Have To Know



Alcheh Island


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The seashore of Alcheh is a safe haven for flora and fauna. The saltpans, mangroves, and rich soils in the area provide protection and sustenance to various types of sea life. The land has been an integral part of the ecological restoration plan, yet the development is still far from completion.

In all aspects, including economics and lifestyle, the vegetation of the area can be considered an integral part of the declaration of Alcheh Island as a biosphere reserve. Alcheh, is the main character in this story.

A girl born as a result of love and passion. Each step she takes, each experience she undergoes, and every choice she makes have all shaped her to become the successful woman who she is today. Armed with this glorious past, Alcheh stands at the brink of a promising future with her sisters.

The Importance Of The Natural Resources In Alcheh Island

Alcheh Island

Natural resources are the basis of every nation. It is also a sign of strength and prosperity in any country.

In Alcheh Island, natural resources are very important because they can be used to develop agriculture and other industries that will contribute to the economy of the island. They can also be used for building roads, schools, clinics and hospitals.

Natural resources have great importance in this country as they play an important role in providing food to our people through farming or fishing. Natural resources are also used as raw materials for making many products like cement, iron, steel etc., which we use every day to build our houses or factories. For these reasons it is essential that we preserve them so that they will continue to serve us for generations after us by helping us create economic development for this country and improve its standard of living.

The Role Of The Environment In Alcheh Island’s

The Role Of The Environment In Alcheh Island's


“Alcheh Island’s natural resources are vital for sustaining the island and its seven species of mangrove trees, eight species of jellyfish, albino cat sharks (Selenidera albopictus), more than fifty types of coral including Elaporot Sun Coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus) and the White Rock sea star Stichodactyla helianthi.” More than 450 types of coral have been documented around Alcheh Island.

Each type is unique and special, including 1.) Fringing Clams – The frond-like bracts that surround the flower spike of “Dendrogyra cylindrus’’ sprawl out like delicate fingers to form a graceful border along rocky shores; 2.) Following Builders – “The following builders are among many species found on Alcheh Island’s rocks.

Their bursae comprise of short spines and long hairs that cover the outer surface until they are erect leaving only a few millimetres exposed”; 3.) Conchateens – “Cone-shaped shell with backward curving spines, used as a megaphones or explosive charges.” This type of sea snail is called “bamboo mortar’ in Chinese, which can be used as a building material to hold bamboo’s inner-barks together and attach them in place.

The conchateen is the largest inhabitant of rocks on Alcheh Island’s oceanic shores; 4.) Cornucopia – “The bracteae that form large cones are extremely flexible and so difficult to remove from spines during copulation, allowing very little/no doubt about identity”. This type.

The Socioeconomic Issues Affecting Alcheh Island

The Socioeconomic Issues Affecting Alcheh Island

Alcheh’s economy has not received the attention of its sister islands, but it is booming. It’s vegetation and rocks provide an attractive selling point for tourists from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Nipah Island is located off Alcheh island’s west coast in Brunei waters. Rice paddies compose more than half of the land area so agriculture contributes to most of the income on Cape Silva Lighthouse; it produces ground nuts and coconuts.

Nipah’s shores are covered by tropical rainforest, including bougainvillea which Dendrogyra alchengensis the spiny bract of “Dentraglyridae” is found in abundance here on Alcheh Island; It forms tangled but beautiful arches over rocks during the wet season, so that they appear to have been dressed with a moss-like or lic.

How Culture Shapes The Lifestyle And Economy Of Alcheh Islanders

How culture shapes the lifestyle and economy of Alcheh Islanders

The Alcheh Islanders’ lifestyle has been shaped by the need to survive in such a dimly lit environment, but they have managed to develop their culture through out-of-door activities involving hunting and gathering which are quite popular on this small island.

Hunting is what most people do during any length of time on Nipah Island as it provides fresh food for every meal – vegetables, fruits, herbs and shoots from plants grown as food is not available without hunting animals.

Hunting of large fish in the spiny bracteae algae, geodia ’bou’ are common at night and they sustain many families. There are also giants local fishing by jumping out of rock caves passing fishes but difficult to catch so that you have to wait for them come back pick-up rocks before it slow down stop mid-air from prey approaching the rocks – later land on.’


The Alcheh Islanders’ lifestyle has been shaped by the need to survive in such a dimly lit environment, but they have managed to develop their culture through out-of-door activities involving hunting and gathering which are quite popular on this small island. Hunting is what most people do during any length of time on Nipah Island as it provides fresh food for every meal – vegetables, fruits, herbs and shoots from plants grown as food.


1.How Does Hunting Provide Fresh Food For The Alcheh Islanders?

Ans: Hunting provides fresh food for the Alcheh Islanders because it is a fun activity that brings people together. Hunting is an important part of Alcheh culture and it has been around for centuries.

The first thing I would like to say about hunting is that you should do this as a hobby or recreational activity, not a business. This means if you want to make money off of hunting, then you need to get licensed and become a commercial hunter.

2.What Are Some Of The Out-Of-Door Activities That Are Popular On Nipah Island?

Ans: Local fishing is a very popular activity on Nipah Island. While not much has been written about that topic, local fishermen have told me how they fish for spiny bracteae algae and geodia’bou’ fish at nighttime during the dry season when beaches are empty of tourists in their boats so they can get out on to rocks safe from predators under full moonlight as well as diving into caves to catch rock

3.How Is The Lifestyle Of The Alcheh Islanders Shaped By The Need To Survive In Such A .

Ans: As you’ve probably noticed, Nipah Island is completely surrounded by the Indian Ocean – deep ocean water and no beaches. The Alcheh people were able to make it succeed for so long because of their unique lifestyle that involves fishing and hunting coconut crabs at night in rocks as well as picking up rock bivalves out of caves on moonless nights to supplement their diet.

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