Amélie (2001) Storyline and Short Reviews




Amélie (2001) Storyline and Short Reviews


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Amélie is a romantic French comedy film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and produced by Marc Evans. The film stars Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, and Guillaume Gallienne. It is based on the novel of the same name by Éric Le Lann. This is a French romantic comedy film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring Audrey Tautou.

The story revolves around a young woman named Amélie Poulain (Audrey Tautou), who has just graduated from high school. The short film Amélie (2001) is a very unique movie that you probably haven’t seen before.

It tells the story of a shy, bookish waitress who falls in love with an impulsive, spontaneous and untidy young man, played by Audrey Tautou. Amélie has to learn to let go of her inhibitions and allow herself to be more spontaneous and spontaneous in order to have the chance to have a fulfilling relationship with this man.

All About Of Amélie (2001)

Amélie (2001) Storyline and Short Reviews

Amélie (2001) Storyline

Amélie is a romantic comedy based on a novel of the same name. Amelie has just graduated high school, and she plans to travel around Europe before going to college. On her way during one night, on an inter-city bus ride, she meets Monsieur Louis Atget, a melancholy artist who makes his living by taking photographs from street traffic scenes in Montmartre.

The two get off at their stops separately for several days so that they can spend more time together, but eventually, this system fails as well because life does not stop for anyone, and they end up lost without each other.

One day, Louis finds Amélie in a café where she is reading a book by Proust. He starts to tell her his life story but gets distracted because he sees someone he knows coming into the coffee shop. When Amelie finishes the book, she leaves before Louis has a chance to finish his story.

Six months later, Amélie has become disillusioned with traveling and decided to come back home so that she can be closer to her family. On her way back from visiting them one weekend, she sees a door she immediately recognizes and takes the opportunity to knock on it. She walks through that door right into the very same photography studio where Louis lives, completely overwhelmed by everything he has done so far.

When she sees that several photographs are hanging in-between them, she excitedly blurts out: “You’re an Impressionist!”  She then asks him if they can meet up again. He agrees and even invites her for dinner with his friend Gaston Pignot who you might know from another famous French film: “A Very Long Engagement (Deux and la vie et l’amour).”

Short Reviews for Amélie

Short Reviews for Amélie

In terms of “general” entertainment value, it might stand right on par with City of Angels; however, if you’re someone who likes to analyze everything about a film, like me (or maybe are reading this my readers), then the charm and fittingly ‘boredom’ brought out by characters will have you exiting the cinema on your own without even realizing time has gone by.

The primary themes that come up throughout Amélie are one’s self-worth as well as happiness in life. Still, I doubt such detail and context would bother you since these aren’t extremely different from anybody else’s experience in French films recently.

Overall, I don’t think it was a bad film, maybe because of French feature-length comedy one just doesn’t experience the same degree of delight as in American cinema, but when all is said and done, Amélie is still worth seeing at least once to see if any sort of charm lingers even though there are little cheap tricks that hide under the surface.

For everyone else, I highly recommend Louis first meets Amélie as payback for losing his lunch money that day as this part perfectly encapsulates just how odd they come across together before ultimately bonding over something quite ordinary.

The Ratings for Amélie

I wasn’t sure what my first review title should be. Still, as I was composing this entry, it came across to me that if one was just to assume Amélie is worth seeing for any amount of “general” entertainment value, the result would probably be a 6 out 10 or 7 at most.

It can even potentially swing straight down on an 8 given the film depends very much on those with a particular taste in French cinema having seen and enjoyed everything else we’ve been talking about thus far in this column (Amélie has elements which are similar to Fellini’s work so, of course, I had to ask for spoilers on them earlier in the week too).

I’d say don’t go into Amélie with any preconceptions and see if you end up enjoying or even like it without making any judgments, because how is anyone to blame you if they are wrong.

In that regard, “Amélie” ends up being highly experimental at times while still offering a generic story structure that should appeal to adults rather than more jaded filmgoers (although there are some wonderful moments but may involve viewers despising themselves).

Blame generations past as most people have grown out of these films and the generation who might have to view it come next probably won’t bother with a French film simply for their own amusement, so Amélie does have something more to offer but mostly as part of our ongoing discussion on unique cinematic value.

As a final point, I would say don’t go into this expecting any epic cinema akin to recent releases like Alfonso Cuarón’s “Children Of Men,” which also features complex characters in an alternative world (which it ends up explaining better than Amelie).

To conclude this review, I’m going with 9/10 in part because it’s not so difficult you need your brain turned on by one action at a time or anything along those lines; Amelie just doesn’t bother understanding some audiences too well and has “cool moments” while still keeping an emotional edge running through much of the characters involved and outcome (minor over

use but still commendable). I would also have to say it’s worth a watch as part of my ongoing series on “weird” movies.

Stars in Amélie

Stars in Amélie

Although it has several names, the film refers to a young woman (played by Audrey Tautou) named Amélie Poulain. We meet her as an unhappy office worker who is routinely pointed out for being shy and friendless. Still, things take a mysterious turn when she falls in love with another employee that no one else noticed before: Étienne Marceau, played by Mathieu Amalric.

The two end up forming an “adventure” that will hopefully have you laughing at their antics while also being very surprised based on what they set into motion. Perhaps this relates back to the film’s very cryptic story with little to them on its own; Amélie does indeed set up a great bit of improvisation between her and Etienne, which leads it all at the end.

Timeline of Amélie

The film is sort of caught up in a time void as it doesn’t really have much of one. The only thing that could be considered an allusion to an era would occur at the very end, which connects us back with our main character as she reminds us of her love story ending (around 1930-ish-50s).

How The Story Unfolds

There’s always been this “spoiled mystery” within Amélie somewhere and not really knowing what to expect. From its very beginning, the film does slowly build up some pretty vicious suspense, especially toward our protagonist, as we barely see anything from her without her being a whole lot at odds with others or herself; during that time, she only hears about things in bits and pieces all for no clear mind reason (or clarity) until it suddenly falls into place by itself.

There have even been other points where everyone around is confused with everything going on, so there was definitely a grasp on my part of why things are happening as, in the end, there’s a decent amount of build-up to it all.

But then again, that is really atypical with Amélie who, more than anything else, tells you what she wants even but this time around, we were forced into playing along despite how confusing the film can be from one thing to another – and sometimes things don’t always tie together until later on; these chaotic events (along with some likable ones) lead us through an exciting mystery for sure.

Themes Explored in Amelie

Themes Explored in Amelie

This is another thing that could appear to be a tad random among all of it, but I haven’t really written anything on my ideas that makes sense. Honestly speaking, the film’s theme seems pretty loose.

However, there have been other notable movies exploring what and why people are doing the things they do around us with or without realizing it – no matter how charmingly twisted (and not-so) such insecurities may get – since Amélie she has brought “The Secrets” into an accessible light for everyone who watches her pluck at our heartstrings every now and then each one having its own unique backstory as Amélie eventually lost hers within her.

That is about as much I can get into without spoiling the cool story of what goes throughout: It boils down to Bad Faith, lack of realization of self-worth and personal growth; all at times when confronted with supernatural events that leave you clueless (but never quite there) with Sadness, innocence and pure goodness mixed together.

After Amélie realizes how inappropriate Louis’s actions are towards women since she hasn’t even pursued anything with him, she leaves, upsetting both men (who by now I’m sure would’ve loved for her to return).

Amélie Ending

Amélie Ending

At first, everybody thought that was an awful idea but soon found out how much they genuinely care about each other at once. Louis decides without hesitation after seeing the “bruine rug vloer” that he is absolutely in love with Agnès.

Eventually, Amélie (who has picked up some comic writer tricks) becomes convinced that this could be her big chance at reliving all the memories she had about living as a little kid and by playing along, both Louis and his mother eventually fall for her as well after realizing how together she seems to get when around them.

It’s been over three days since these characters even knew each other. However, now they want nothing but to stay close through their discovery experience. Meanwhile, at her store, Mathilde Monstresquieux (Agnès’s mom) keeps messing with Amélie by buying and reselling things as she expresses various curiosity toward where these cheap items came from.


What do you get when you combine a French indie film, a story about a girl who falls in love with her typewriter, and the word “disconnect”? The answer is Amélie. A heartwarming comedy that highlights the human condition by delving into life’s little quirks. It is a wonderful movie that shows what can happen when life goes off course and how we all have our way of coping with difficulties.

Amélie is a beautiful, poignant movie about a young woman’s search for meaning in her life. It follows Amélie, who attempts to make sense of the world around her. She tries to understand others and is interested in helping people despite her struggles. This film deals with many important themes such as existentialism, searching for happiness, and finding purpose in life.


1.Who Wrote Amélie (2001)?

Ans: There is no one answer to this question as several people wrote the film. However, some of the credited writers include Jean-Pierre Jeunet (director), Guillaume Laurant and Emmanuel Carrère (screenwriters), and Ludovic Bource (composer).

2.Is There a Remake of Amélie (2001)?

Ans: There is no remake of Amélie, but there are several films inspired by the original. These include:

  1. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
  2. The Help (2011)
  3. Alice in Wonderland (2010)
  4. The Awakening (2007)
  5. Secretariat (2008 ).

3.What Is the Plot of Amélie (2001)?

Ans: Amélie is a love story set in the days of World War I. It tells the story of a young woman who is lost in her own world and finds herself yearning for something more. She meets a man who changes her life for the better and teaches her about the beauty of life.

4.What Is the Rating of Amélie (2001) on Rotten Tomatoes?

Ans: There is no definitive answer to this question as it changes from day today. However, the current rating on Rotten Tomatoes for Amélie (2001) is 67%.

5.What Is the Message of the Film Amélie?

Ans: The message of the film Amélie is that it is never too late to find love. The film follows the story of Amélie, a lonely woman who has spent her entire life alone. She is content with her life until she meets a new man named Jean, who changes everything for her.

Jean is eccentric and full of life, and he brings out the best in Amélie. The film shows us that it is never too late to find happiness and love, no matter how old you are or how lonely you may feel.

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