Anavilhanas Archipelago Island – Island Adventures



Anavilhanas Archipelago Island


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The Anavilhanas Archipelago Island is an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean. It features more than 750 islands, islets, rocks and reefs. The area is a rainforest reserve, and contains a variety of endemic species such as the island fox, chinchilla and southern woolly bat. It is also home to the world’s largest population of Cape Verdean manatees.

Anavilhanas Archipelago Island History

Anavilhanas Archipelago Island

The Anavilhanas Archipelago was first discovered by Portuguese sailors in 1488, and was formally claimed for Portugal in 1515. The islands were then abandoned until 1763, when they were colonized by the British. They remained a British possession until 1975, when they became an autonomous province of Brazil. In 2000, the archipelago became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



Portuguese, Italian, French and Syrian islanders reside in Anavilhanas. The island of Santiago Island is where the largest number Popes have come to visit during their journeys around the world (approximately 40), thus it has become known as “Papa e-Anafadha” (“Pope & islands”) In addition,

Spain’s King Felipe VI visited twice since 2017. According to data provided by the Institute for Statistics computed at least 16 people live on each island 912 inhabitants from which 489 are male and 577 female a total of 1 ,016 inhabitants and a population density of 1.6 / km ² , an area of 271,285.24 hectares (671,041.56 acres).



The archipelago has a tropical climate with two seasons, the dry season from November to April and the rainy season from May to October. Temperatures throughout the year range from 25-90 °C, with a January average of 73.7 F and a July average of 84.6 F..

The warmest month is February (21.5 C) while August has on occasion to reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit . Due to the island’s small area, humidity levels vary accordingly : it can be high in some regions due to rain clouds forming here and there; however, other parts are pleasantly drier because winds come down into them from Amazonian Palm forests above which get only about 12 inches per week between May–September during that period.

The average annual rainfall is 33 cm, with the highest point on Santiago Island (27 m) and the lowest being in Penha island making it a transversely island series of high starting points and low ending pts . . Rainfall reaches its peak during months such as May/June, September/October and January; however , this is irregular due to winds coming from northeast adding humidity around these times which can also cause flooding or foul weather conditions.



There is no dominant culture in the Galápagos Islands, but there are a few distinctive traditions and practices. Islanders are generally very welcoming and friendly people, despite their introversion. The islands were once frequented by whalers, pirates, traders and missionaries from Europe who left their mark on the island cultures through language (chief among these being Spanish), foods (chocolate) and architecture.

These influences can still be seen in some aspects of island life – for example, street names may be named after European cities or ships – but have also been adopted largely by islanders themselves, often with local, meaningful names.



The Galápagos Islands are a self-governing territory of the United States, and as such have their own civilian government. The islands elect a president (a governor) every four years, with all legislative power vested in an elected unicameral legislature.

The executive branch is headed by the island’s governor, who is appointed by the U.S. President on the recommendation of the Secretary of State; he or she oversees both policy formulation and execution within Galápagos’ government departments. There has never been a female president or governor in Galápagos history .



Tourism is the island’s most important industry, while fishing and commerce provide a significant share of island income as well. Tourism on Galápagos consists mostly of cruise ships visiting Gordon Island or Santa Cruz each day during June through October when tourist numbers are highest; there are also occasional business-class yachts which dock at Esmeraldas occasionally.

Much local trade was historically restricted to exports, with imports largely unobtainable due to isolation between islands. Shipwrecked mariners (and their cargoes) were stranded for periods measured in decades until maritime mail codes introduced by the postal service in 1834 greatly eased trade and communication between the island groups, as did telephone contact with other islands.

By 1941, U.S.-owned steamships were calling at Baltra on Isla Santa Cruz every two weeks; there was a flight to San Cristobal during June–October 1942 before it was lost when German airplanes mistook the island for Puerto Egas on Santiago Island .

Government services

Government services

A number of government departments are responsible for providing essential public services, including law enforcement, health care, education and infrastructure development. Available goods and services are subject to high taxes which fund island-wide programs.

The Galápagos National Park charges visitors for use of trails, campsites and other facilities within the park; a permit is required for all visits outside the restricted zones surrounding each island . There is no income tax in the islands .


If you’re looking for a place to escape the bustle of city life and breathe in some fresh air, Anavilhanas Archipelago is an excellent choice. This lush island chain is composed of over 100 small islands and boasts stunningly beautiful surroundings. Whether you’re after relaxation, nature-related activities, or simply want to get away from it all, these islands will have you feeling at ease from the moment you arrive.


1.What Is The Population Of Anavilhanas Archipelago Island?

Ans: There are a number of estimates, but it is thought that the island chain has a population somewhere around 5,000 people.

2.How Can I Get To Anavilhanas Archipelago?

Ans: The best way to get there would be by air – either through a direct flight from your home country or by flying into one of Cape Verde’s airports first. Alternatively, you could take one of the regular cruises that visit the area.

3.Is There Any Public Transportation Available ?

Ans: There is no public transportation service to Anavilhanas, although the island chain … Vaksavata – is a small island of 11 ha, located in the group Capelinhos Anaviάlas (Arcanas Archipelago or Antônio Luís Airport) it has low population and no permanent human being.

The island was formed by volcanic eruption lithosphere flows, forming short ravines that run parallel to islands, ruining vegetative cover and compacting soils on exposed areas creating marshes natural dammed streams ensure water level reduces during winter months when increases following rainfalls.

3.What Are The Main Attractions Of Anavilhanas Archipelago?

Ans: Some of the most popular attractions on the island chain include nature preserves, stunning beaches and lush forests.

4.What Is The Cost Of Travelling To Anavilhanas Archipelago?

Ans: The price for airfare to the island can range from around €1,000 – €2,000 per person, and cruises often cost a bit more as well.

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