Argo 2012- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained



Argo 2012- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained


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Argo is a 2012 American political thriller film directed by Ben Affleck and written by Chris Terrio. The film stars Affleck as former CIA agent Tony Mendez, who arranged the escape of six US diplomats from Tehran, Iran, during the Iranian Revolution in 1980. It also stars Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Victor Garber, Tate Donovan, and Clea DuVall.

The story follows the efforts of a CIA operation to rescue six Americans who escaped from Iran during the 1979 Iranian Revolution. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of the movie. Along with that, we will explain the ending too. To grab all of these, stay tuned with us till the end.

Argo 2012- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

Meaning of the movie

Tony Mendez, a CIA agent, was tasked with arranging their escape from Iran. Affleck’s performance in this film has been praised both for his acting skills and the direction of the movie. The meaning of the movie can be summarized with these words – regardless of differences in opinions, human beings have the capability to come together and do what is right.

The movie Argo tells the story of six Americans who were taken hostage by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during the Iranian Revolution. The IRGC believed that these Americans were spies and wanted to return them to America for interrogation and possible execution.

Argo is a story of courage, determination, and selflessness. The main character Tony Mendez shows immense bravery in order to save the lives of his fellow Americans. He does everything he can to keep them safe, even if it means sacrificing his own safety.

The end result is a triumphant victory for the United States as all six diplomats are finally able to return home safely. This inspiring tale demonstrates that everything is possible when you put your mind to it and that true heroism lies in doing what is necessary to protect others.

Mendez initially thought that the six Americans would be able to escape unnoticed, but he is ultimately proven wrong. In the end, his efforts are finally rewarded as everyone involved in the rescue comes out alive and well.

The movie’s meaning can be summed up quite simply as bravery and determination triumphing over adversity. Tony Mendez shows great courage in risking everything to save his fellow Americans, and this demonstrates something truly special – that even when all seems lost, there is always a chance for triumph.

Ending of the movie


The movie ends with Mendez and his team being successful in rescuing the Americans. However, one of the diplomats dies during their escape. Ultimately, this shows that no matter how dangerous or difficult a situation may seem at first, through teamwork and cooperation, everyone can achieve success.

The end of Argo suggests that despite all the difficulties and risks, Mendez’s efforts were ultimately successful in getting his diplomats out safely. As a result, Affleck’s portrayal of Mendez as a determined but flawed hero has been well-received by movie fans.

In the ending scene of the movie, Mendez is shown driving his children to school. He remarks that he has often been asked what the mission was but never told the full story. Mendez’s kids then ask him, “what really happened in Iran?” to which he responds with a smile – “I’m not sure if I can tell you.”

This suggests that even after all these years, Mendez is still reluctant to share details of the mission with anyone outside of the CIA.

Key Characters of the movie

Tony Mendez

Tony Mendez

Mendez is the lead character of Argo. He is a CIA operative who leads a team of specialists in an effort to rescue American diplomats stranded in Iran following the Iranian Revolution. Mendez’s determination and bravery are key factors in the success of his mission.

Mendez is shown to be a determined and resourceful character who is not afraid to take on difficult challenges. He is motivated by the belief that it is impossible for the CIA to rescue his team solo, and he willingly puts himself in danger in order to help them safely escape Iran.

During his mission, Mendez is forced to make difficult choices, including hiding his team from the Iranian authorities and risky infiltration tactics. He also faces obstacles such as a lack of proper equipment and hazardous conditions.

Despite these challenges, Mendez persists in carrying out his mission, ultimately ensuring the safety of his fellow Americans.

Mendez thought it was impossible to rescue the American diplomats by himself and put his life on the line for them. In the end, he and his team were able to successfully escape Iran.

Ben Affleck was brilliant as Mendez. He did an excellent job of portraying the character’s determination and bravery while also conveying Mendez’s sense of humor and quirky personality. I found it easy to sympathize with Mendez, and I was impressed by his performance overall.

Lester Siegel

Lester Siegel

Siegel is the CIA agent in charge of Mendez’s rescue mission. He provides guidance and support to Mendez throughout the film and is shown to be a shrewd and experienced operative. Siegel is able to assess the situation quickly and make sound decisions based on available information.

Siegel demonstrates his dedication to his work by putting himself at risk during the mission, even though this could jeopardize his own safety.

Overall, I thought Siegel portrayed the character well. He was believable and entertaining, and I felt like I could understand his motivations and emotions.

Alan Arkin was great as Lester Siegel. He convincingly showed the agent’s shrewdness, experience, and determination, while also providing comic relief throughout the film. Alan Arkin delivered an excellent performance overall – he had me engaged from beginning to end.

John Chambers

John Chambers

Chambers is an American diplomat who was kidnapped by the Iranians. He is shown to be a courageous and resourceful individual with a strong sense of duty. Chambers makes valuable contributions during the rescue mission, and his bravery inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought John Goodman delivered an excellent performance as the character. He conveyed Chambers’s strength and resolved perfectly – I felt like I could connect with him on an emotional level. His acting was highly convincing, and I found him to be entertaining and engaging.

Kathy Stafford

Kathy Stafford

Stafford is the American hostage who is shown to be psychologically broken by her captivity. She provides valuable information during the rescue mission, and her bravery inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought Kerry Bishe delivered an excellent performance as Stafford. She showed convincingly how badly Stafford had been traumatized by her experience, and I felt like I could understand her motivations and emotions. Her acting was very realistic, which made it easy for me to connect with her on an emotional level.

Cora Lijek

Cora Lijek 

Lijek is a Slovenian diplomat who was kidnapped by the Iranians. She is shown to be a courageous and resourceful individual with a strong sense of duty. Lijek makes valuable contributions during the rescue mission, and her bravery inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought Clea DuVall delivered an excellent performance as Lijek. She showed convincingly how competent and determined Lijek is, and I felt like I could connect with her on an emotional level. Her acting was highly convincing, and I found her to be entertaining and engaging.

Jack O’Donnell

Jack O'Donnell

O’Donnell is the American hostage who is shown to be psychologically broken by his captivity. He provides valuable information during the rescue mission, and his bravery inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought Brayn Cranston delivered an excellent performance as Jack. He showed convincingly how traumatized Jack has become by his experience, and I felt like I could understand him on a personal level. His acting was very realistic, which made it easy for me to connect with him on an emotional level.

Bob Anders

Bob Anders

Anders is an Australian journalist who is shown to be traumatized by his experience. He provides valuable information during the rescue mission, and his bravery inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought Tate Donovan delivered an excellent performance as Anders. He showed convincingly how terrified and threatened Anders is, and I felt like I could understand him on a personal level.

Joe Stafford

Joe Stafford

Stafford is the American hostage who is shown to be brutally tortured by his captors. He provides valuable information during the rescue mission, and his courage inspires Mendez and others involved in the effort.

I thought Scoot McNairy delivered an excellent performance as Joe Stafford. He showed convincingly how badly beaten and tortured Stafford has been, and I felt like I could understand him on a personal level.

Important Events of the Movie Argo 2012

The Iranian Revolution of 1979.

Constructed on a Hollywood set using large-scale practical effects, Argo is based on the true story recounted by CIA officer Tony Mendez who risked his life to save six American diplomats from being taken hostage in Tehran during the Iran Hostage Crisis.

October 4, 1979: Iranian revolutionaries took over the US Embassy in Tehran and held 52 American hostages.

November 4, 1979: The United States exhausts all diplomatic options to get the hostages released and sends CIA operative Tony Mendez into Iran to find a way to bring them back safely.

December 24, 1980: The six diplomats are freed after being disguised as Muslim pilgrims who had arrived in Tehran on an Argo II mock-up plane. In the near future, an Iranian film director named Amir Argo is working on a documentary about the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

When he learns of the revolution’s brutal aftermath, Amir decides to travel to Tehran to find out what has happened. There he meets Tony Mendez, who had been instrumental in the Iranian hostage Crisis. Amir and Tony travel back in time to 1979, where they team up with the CIA to bring the American diplomats out of Tehran alive.

Tony’s mission to rescue

The six American diplomats who were taken hostage in Tehran during the Iranian Revolution were held for 444 days. Tony Mendez, a CIA officer, risked his life to save them.

December 24, 1980: The six diplomats are freed after being disguised as Muslim pilgrims who had arrived in Tehran on an Argo II mock-up plane.

Tony’s success as a rescuer

Tony Mendez’s mission was successful. He and his team were able to free the six diplomats, who had been held hostage for 444 days, in a secret operation that involved disguising them as Muslim pilgrims.

Argo 2012- Ending Explained

Argo 2012- Ending Explained

The way that the “ending” is explained in this article differs from how it is typically depicted in popular culture. In most cases, the “ending” is usually presented as a triumphant moment where everything turns out for the best for characters who have struggled and fought through difficult circumstances.

In this article, however, it seems more like things did not turn out as planned for many of the protagonists. The author does mention that there are some confusions in the movie Argo 2012 about what actually happened, but this should not detract from the overall message.

It seems that although many people may have been saved by Iran’s capitulation, there are still many negative consequences that have followed as a result.

In the film Argo, after Iran has withdrawn its support for the American Embassy hostages, a CIA operative uses a fake movie production called “Argo” to rescue them. The ending of the film is generally seen as a triumphant moment where everyone is saved, and everything turns out for the best. However, in reality, things did not turn out that way for many of the protagonists.


The movie Argo (2012) is about the hostage-taking of the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran, during the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the subsequent rescue operation by six Americans who posed as a Canadian film crew, who were led by Tony Mendez (played by Affleck).

Throughout the article, we have tried to show you what the inner meaning of the movie is. In addition, we have also tried to explain the ending to you. I hope our efforts were enough to please you.


Who Made the Movie Argo?

The movie was directed by Ben Affleck and written by Chris Terrio. It was produced by Grant Heslov, Affleck, and George Clooney. The man behind the camera

Was Argo Made in Iran?

The context of the movie remains in Iran. So, assuming the shooting place as Iran is normal. But you may become surprised hearing that not a single scene was shot in Iran. Some of the scenes were shot in Istanbul. But most of the scenes were shot in Los Angeles.

How Does Argo End?

Even though Mendez and his team were able to rescue and complete their mission, there were still 52 hostages left in Iran. For this reason, Mendez and his team have to keep their award Intelligent Star hidden.

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