Arquipelago De Fernando De Noronha Island – All Details



Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha Island


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Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha is a small archipelago located in the Northeast coast of Brazil. It is made up of eight islands, with a total area of 190 km². The islands are listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The archipelago is also infamous for its endemic species of rats. The archipelago was first discovered by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520.

Arquipelago de Fernando De Noronha Island History

Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha Island

The archipelago was first discovered by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. It received its name from Fernando de Noronha, one of the captains on Magellan’s expedition who claimed it for Portugal. The islands were visited again by Vasco da Gama in 1498, but no settlement was made due to hostile natives.

In 1810, an Englishman named John Glasscock charted the island chains and gave them their present names. In 1893 a French naval officer, Émile Auger, landed on Sao Nicolau and described a population of savage giants that lived on the island. Today, some locals claim that they still exist in a remote village on Pico.

In 1937, Brazil acquired rights to annexe the islands from Portugal in exchange for renouncing all claims to Brazilian territory and sovereignty over African colonies after World War II (see: Golbery do Couto e Silva notes).

On December 19 of that year, before then-President Getúlio Vargas could sign a decree transferring Fernando de Noronha Island’s possession from Portugal to Brazil until 1961 when its International Geographical Union nomination as well as UNESCO designation qualified it “Earth Heritage Site”, the islands exploded in a series of volcanic explosions, killing 178 people.



The archipelago has a tropical climate, moderated by the trade winds. The average temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius all year round and the annual rainfall averages about 2,000 mm.

Environment And Flora And Fauna

Environment And Flora And Fauna

The island has a total of 23 islands, the largest of which are Pico(307 metres) grosso Island e Sal island (216 metres). The surrounding area is called Coxipó. The main vegetation on these islands is mangrove forest with stands of “Mangrove tambra”, however some parts only have one small tree standing that grows to about 70 cm high.

On other very mountainous areas like Falésia there exists a kinder, more even mix from gallery forests (“Casuarinas”)to mangroves again . Cola de beija-Flor, a beautiful species of cola (mulberry), is also found here on e.g., near the island’s capital Hortão where they sell them at the market in that small town.


Culture and Religion

The islanders are a mixture of Brazilians, Portuguese (descendants of the original settlers who arrived in the 1500s), Cape Verdeans and Syrians. The culture is mainly based on Christianity with influences from African, indigenous and Arab cultures.

There are a few traditional dances that are still practiced today like “leveirinha”and “batuque”. In terms of food, coco ecológico is popular while pescado no galinheiro (fried fish cooked in garlic) can also be found on menus all over Fernando de Noronha. There are a few beaches that offer diving including the island’s capital, and some beautiful reef systems.

The archipelago is home to many animals and the people live in harmony with nature protecting these islands from over-development as well as environmental degradation.



The island has a unicameral legislature, the National Assembly of Fernando de Noronha, with 25 members. The president is directly elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term, and no person may serve more than two consecutive terms. The judiciary is based on civil law.



The economy is mainly based on subsistence farming with some small-scale industries in tourism, fishing and finance. Tourism accounts for about 50% of GDP but it still relies largely on promoting the natural environment and its attractions rather than developing infrastructure or intensively exploiting resources .

Government Services

Government services

There are no hospitals or police departments on Fernando de Noronha, so residents have to rely on the island’s only doctor who also provides medical services for a smallpox vaccination clinic. There is one post office and one school.



Fernando de Noronha is a popular destination for backpackers, as well as travellers who are interested in experiencing the natural environment. The island offers a wide range of activities such as hiking, snorkelling, diving and fishing. The only accommodation on the island is in nature lodges that offer basic but comfortable facilities.


If you’re looking for a breathtaking place to spend your vacation, Fernando de Noronha might just be the island for you. Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world. With crystal-clear water and tropical islands that are scattered like jewels across the ocean, Fernando de Noronha is an amazing destination for tourists of all ages. So if you’re considering a trip to this beautiful island, read on to learn more about what to expect!


1.What Are The Main Attractions Of Fernando De Noronha?

Ans: Fernando de Noronha is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world. The island also has several other nice tourist attractions, such as pristine rainforests, white-sand beaches, turquoise waters and stunning vistas. If you’re looking for something different to do on your vacation, Fernando de Noronha is definitely worth a visit!

2.Is There Anything I Need To Know Before Traveling To Fernando De Noronha?

Ans: Please be aware that Fernando de Noronha is located in the Northeast coast of Brazil, which gets extremely cold during winter months. It’s recommended to visit Fernando de Noronha between May and January, or when there’s a minimum temperature below 27 degree Celsius.

3.Do I Need Vaccinations Before Visiting Fernando De Noronha?

Ans: We highly recommend that all visitors require medical assistance for diseases such as typhoid fever and hepatitis A prior to traveling to Fernando de noroñaia islandaaland . For more information, please visit our Travel Advice page.

4.How Do I Get To Fernando De Noronha?

Ans: There is no direct transportation to Fernando de Noronha, but visitors can fly into Brazil’s northeastern city of Salvador and then take a bus or cruise ship to the island.

5.What Are The Average Prices For Basic Accommodations On Fernando De Noronha?

Ans: The average price for a hotel room on Fernando de Noronha ranges from $110 to $160 per night, and budget travelers can opt for simple lodging options that cost as little as $10 per night. The island also has a wide range of restaurants, cafes and bars where visitors can enjoy delicious food and refreshing drinks at reasonable prices.

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