Author: Stanley K Dyck

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  • Back To The Future Part II (1989) Movie FAQs

    Back To The Future Part II (1989) Storyline and Short Reviews

    “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) is a time travel movie. It’s also an action comedy starring Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, Christopher Lloyd as Emmett “Doc” Brown and Thomas F. Wilson as Biff Tannen. The film is directed by Robert Zemeckis, who got the idea for the film during his childhood, inspired…

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  • prometheus

    Prometheus (2012) Meaning And Ending

    Prometheus is a 1979 science fiction film that was directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Giler and Walter Hill. The film was released on June 1, 1979 by 20th Century Fox. It follows the Greek mythological legend of the titan Prometheus, who brought fire to mankind and tricked the gods. This movie is…

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  • Persepolis Storyline And Short Review

    Persepolis Storyline And Short Review – Amazing Guideline

    Persepolis is a 2015 American animated film directed by Marjane Satrapi, based on her graphic novel of the same name. It is about a young girl named Marjane, who escapes from the Iran-Iraq war and starts a new life in the United States. The film received mixed reviews upon its release and did not perform…

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  • Babel 2006 FAQ

    Babel 2006 FAQ

    Facts and figures on this amazing movie that everyone talks about. A huge blockbuster movie from Bollywood till date, the year 2006 saw the usual triumphs of all leading stars of the industry. But, if one thing made this Babel special, it’s the fact that it was probably the first Indian movie to win several…

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  • Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie FAQs

    Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

    You’ve seen the Kung Fu Hustle 2004 movie, no doubt. But you aren’t quite sure how the movie ‘ended’. Well, that’s why we’re here. In this article, you will find an easy explanation for the ending of the Kung Fu Hustle movie. Reading between the lines? You can also get to know why the director…

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  • Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992) Storyline and Short Reviews

    In the movie, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Mac (Liz Fields) is being chased by a robber named Kevin (Jonathan Penner). In the midst of their pursuit, Mac enters a bodega and asks for some tissues. But the owner’s kindness turns into an ordeal as he keeps calling an unknown person by phone.…

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  • The shawshank redemption 1994

    The shawshank Redemption 1994 Story LLine And Short Reviews

    The Shawshank Redemption is a film directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and Bob Gunton. It evokes a story of two prisoners who are brought together in the Shawshank State Penitentiary. However, things taken a turn when one of them is pardoned. Two years on and both of them start to…

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  • North By Northwest

    North By Northwest Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

    North by Northwest is a film that is based on a thrilling story of two men who were in danger of being caught by an unknown cold-blooded killer. The two great detectives, Mr Joseph Cotten and Mr Cary Grant, are both film buffs, who must unravel a confusing case which involves a cult-like murder organization…

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  • As Good As It Gets 1997 FAQ

    As Good As It Gets 1997 Meaning And Ending

    As good as it gets is a movie that tells us a lot about relationships, love, life and what to expect in the future. The movie is based on a true story, and no detail goes unmentioned. When it comes to marriages, few know how to make it happy long-term. It takes work and dedication…

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  • Iron Man 2

    Iron Man 2 Meaning And Ending

    Many Marvel superheroes have passed the time of their existence by sheltering within the pages of the comic book. After successfully releasing their first movie, now it has become a trend for studios to produce an out-of-comics blockbuster for viewers to appreciate. The second installment of Iron Man franchise is one such movie that has…

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