Bailan Island Everything You Need to Know



Bailan Island


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ailan Island is a small, uninhabited island located about 120 kilometers southeast of Hainan Province. The island was discovered in 2004 by a team of Chinese scientists during an expedition to explore the potential for oil and gas exploration in the region. In February 2014, Bailan Island was registered with the China National Land Registry.

Bailan Island



Bailan Island, also known as the Bai Lan Island, is located in the northwestern part of Hainan Province and covers an area of about 9.8 square kilometers. The earliest archaeological findings date back to the Stone Age and evidence suggests that the island may have been settled as early as 600 BC. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), it was under the jurisdiction of Bozhou County in Southeastern Hainan. In 221 BC, it came under the administration of Dongling County in Southeastern Hainan. Dongling County became a prefecture in 229 AD, and during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 AD), it was renamed Bailan County. During the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD), Bailan County was upgraded to a county and later renamed Bailan Island. In 1092, after being seized by pirates, it was restored to its former name of Dongling County by Emperor Shenzong of Song Dynasty.



Bailan Island is located about 120 kilometers southeast of Hainan Province and covers an area of about 9.8 square kilometers. The island rises to a height of 171 meters above sea level and has a total land area of 9.8 square kilometers, which makes it the third-largest island in Hainan after Haikou Island and Qionghai Island. It is situated in the northwestern part of Hainan Province between Dong ting Gulf and the East China Sea. The east coast is facing Qionghai Island, while the west coast is facing Dongting Gulf. There are two channels connecting Dongting Gulf with the East China Sea – one on either side of Bailan Island.


The climate of Bailan Island is tropical, characterized by a rainy season from May to September, and a dry season from October to April. The annual average temperature ranges from 23.8 degrees Celsius in the north to 28.5 degrees Celsius in the south. The island is subject to typhoons from July to September, and there are also frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on Hainan Island which may affect Bailan Island as well (see Natural disasters).


Bailan Island is a volcanic island located in the Philippines, which is known for its rich biodiversity. The island is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including rare animals and plants. There are also a number of ecosystems present on the island, including a mangrove forest, dry forests, and an extensive coral reef.

The Bailan Island ecosystem is diverse and contains a number of species that are unique to the island. Some of these species include the Bailan tapir, the Bailan hawk-eagle, and the Bailan monitor lizard. The island’s ecosystem is also threatened by climate change and invasive species, which makes it important to protect it from these threats.


There is no confirmed population for Bailan Island, but it is thought to have a small population. The island’s ecosystem is threatened by invasive species and climate change, which makes it difficult to census the island’s population.


Bailan Island is a small and isolated island located in the Philippines. The economy of the island is largely reliant on tourism, with many visitors coming to enjoy the pristine beaches and stunning coral reefs. The fishing industry is also important, with several local fishermen able to supplement their income through this activity. There are also a number of small businesses catering to the tourist trade, as well as a number of agricultural enterprises. The government has made efforts to develop the tourism sector and has promoted the island as a prime destination for visitors from around the world.


Bailan Island is an amazing destination for travelers, as it offers a combination of nature and culture that is hard to find elsewhere in the Philippines. The climate on Bailan Island is generally mild, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 31 degrees Celsius. There is a rainy season from June to October and a dry season from November to May. The island’s vegetation consists mainly of rainforest, with some areas of mangrove.

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion on Bailan Island is predominantly Catholic. There are also a number of small Protestant churches on the island. The majority of the population practices the Christian faith.


The predominant language on Bailan Island is Filipino, with a few dialects of Ilocano also spoken. English is also widely understood, making it one of the most linguistically diverse islands in the Philippines.


Bailan Island is famous for its beautiful beaches and turquoise waters. The island has a population of about 4,000 people who are mainly Hakka Chinese. The Hakka people are believed to have migrated from southern China in the 17th century.

The Hakka people speak a dialect of the Cantonese language. Education is compulsory for children up to the age of 16 years. The education system is based on the British system and includes both primary and secondary schools. There are also a number of privately operated schools on the island.

There are two universities on Bailan Island – the Bailan Island University and the Fei Yue College of Arts and Sciences. Both universities offer education in English.


The Politics of Bailan Island is dominated by the Hakka people. The majority of the island’s elected representatives are Hakka people.

The economy on Bailan Island is mainly based on agriculture and tourism. There are a number of resorts on the island, as well as fishing and environmental industries.

Government Services

The government services on Bailan Island are administered by the Bureau of Immigration. The island is also home to a small military detachment.


Bailan Island is a popular tourist destination. The island has a number of beautiful beaches and turquoise waters. It is also home to the Bailan Resort, which was voted as one of the best resorts in the Philippines by TripAdvisor users.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

The following are some of the hotels and resorts on Bailan Island:

  1. The Bailan Resort
  2. The Blue Lagoon Beach Resort
  3. Five Seasons Resort by El Nido Puerto Princesa
  4. Shangri-La’s Boracay
  5. Mango Tree Cottages



The following are some of the attractions on Bailan Island:

  1. The Hakka Heritage Village
  2. The Hakka Cultural Park
  3. Hundred Islands Marine Sanctuary
  4. Calumpit Waterfall



Bailan Island is a popular tourist destination in the Philippines that is well known for its white sand beaches and crystal clear waters. It is also home to a number of activities that can be enjoyed by visitors, including swimming, sunbathing, windsurfing, and snorkeling. There are also a number of restaurants and bars that are popular among tourists, as well as several shops that carry a variety of souvenirs and clothing items.


There is limited transport on Bailan Island, and visitors are usually required to use taxis or ride on horseback.



The cuisine on Bailan Island is mainly based around seafood, with various dishes that include tuna cans, prawns, and squid. There are also a number of vegetarian options available.


Thank you for your questions! We hope that we were able to provide you with some useful information. In conclusion, we think that it is important to be well-informed about the various topics that are out there – especially when it comes to investments. So, if you have any more questions or would like to discuss any of the topics covered in this article, do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to help!


What Is The Best Time To Visit Bailan Island?

The best time to visit Bailan Island is generally during the summer months, between May and October. However, weather conditions can change rapidly on this island, so it is always important to check the latest updates before planning your trip.

Is It Necessary To Have A Permit To Visit Bailan Island?

There is no need for visitors to obtain a permit in order to visit Bailan Island. However, if you plan on hiking or camping in some of the remote areas of the island, it is advisable to speak with local authorities beforehand so that they can provide you with appropriate permissions.

What Are Some Recommended Activities That I Can Do While On Bailan Island?

Some recommended activities that visitors can do while on Bailan Island include hiking, biking, swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing.

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