All About Of Barlow Islan – Everything You Have to Know



Barlow Island


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Barlow Island, located off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to a thriving and protected population of Atlantic Puffins.

The island has been designated as an Important Bird Area by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), because of its significant breeding and roosting populations of Atlantic Puffins.

All About Of Barlow Islan

Barlow Island

Barlow Island

The island is part of the St. George’s Bank National Marine Conservation Area and was created through a collaborative effort in 1997 between Wildlife and Oceans Canada, The Canadian Nature Federation (CNF), Nunatsiavut Government, Newfoundland government agencies such as Department of Environment (Nfld) & Department of Natural Resources and Gander Shipyard ended up with Barlow Island under their guardianship.

The site contains coastlines to more than of beaches and rock outcrops that are the breeding habitat for peregrine falcons. It is home to significant populations of several other species, including Common Murres, Atlantic Puffins and Mew Gulls.

Causes o f Demise: Barlow Island

Barlow Island has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it contains an area containing coastal cliffs up to 600 feet in height over rocky gorg es to the west, and beaches on its eastern shore. Historically it had been a site of human activity for thousands of years, first by Paleo-Eskimos and then the Beothuk peoples from whom it received the name Barrahobean or Borrow Block Island. It was noted as a failing seal colony at one time but has since returned with more than 1007 seals in 2004 that would not have happily coexisted with man .

Semi-wild pony herds also roam the island pastures. The first European to make a landing on Barlow was Henry Petit in 1605 but it was not until John Guy and his brother arrived from Newfoundland that a settlement became established (Guy I 437). Within ten years of the arrival of these settlers, however, its site had already been discovered by French explorers under Jacques Cartier who named it Mont Béaubert after.

Habitat and ecology

Barlow Island is the largest) island in The Great Northern Peninsula, (La Grande Péninsule Nord), a portion of Labrador that stretches north along western Newfoundland. It has many small ponds and numerous ridges with some rock outcrops to peek over on its western shore at Falmouth Bay as far south as Cape St-Castor, off Placentia Bay .

Threats to the Atlantic puffin population

Human activity has resulted in detrimental effects to puffins, including entanglement and disease. A variety of island decays threaten resources such as nesting sites , twig and leaf lice, the loss of entire colonies altogether.

The baleen whales that used to frequent Barrow’s shores have been declining since human exploitation began in earnest with commercial whaling practices beginning around 1750. Sperm whale populations were already declining due to overhunting as far back as Roman times . In October 2004 1300 adult males wintering at very low densities on their breeding grounds in present day South Georgia had rapidly declined to only 126.

However studies have revealed that other species such as minke whale , fin whales and pilot whales have in fact increased greatly since whaling began and indeed between 19 & 23% of all cetacean catch were made up of them, but these gains may be lost with whaler depletion . The humpback whale has shown an interesting rise from a mere 0 migratory sightings per year before 1800 to 1-15.

Management of the population

Management of the population

The Atlantic puffin population is only nominally protected by Canada.

Most scientific studies of the effects of whaling have indicated that substantial declines in fish-eating populations are associated with reduced top predator densities and their predators, which leads to dramatic changes in ecosystem functions such as trophic cascades or the modulation of species success it has led us to believe that those practices should be stopped .

Population monitoring for Barrow Island’s birds and mammals has not be conducted in the last 25 years, studies have shown no increase or decrease in numbers except for a loss of 14 brown bears over recent decades without any population management .

Resource degradation on Barrow Island first began with commercial and recreational whaling practices beginning around 1750. Little by little, timber selection logging and shipping multiplied to obtain wood resources other than that which must be conserved under laws such as those against industrial pollution , this resulted in unexploded ordnance being left behind , while significant modification to the landscapes occurred.

Deforestation correlates well with whaling activities and was even noted during a time of more marine harvesting, there also appears to be evidence that it may have begun as soon as 1908 . Whalers pushed their boats deeper into the island for access for harvest of baleen whales but discovered its close proximity in 1742 making Barrow apart from northern islands accessible.


In conclusion, I conclude that whaling practices have greatly affected the Barrow Island ecosystem and has left it more susceptible to climate change which limits in productivity by changing its predator species composition. This not only can lead to a loss of biodiversity but also affects connectivity between ecosystems when side-by societies as well because rubbish is thrown into the ocean causing habitat pollution .


1.What Makes The University Of Rhode Island Special? 

Ans: The University of Rhode Island (URI) is a private research university that was founded in 1795. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs that focus on the arts, business, law, health sciences, education, and social sciences. It is ranked as one of the best universities in the United States by U.S. News & World Report and has been listed among the top 20 universities in the world by Times Higher Education.

2.Is It Expensive To Visit Barlow Island?

Ans: Yes, visiting Barlow Island can be expensive. However, there are a variety of ways to reduce costs, including camping and staying in one of the island’s many lodges. Additionally, there are a number of activities that can be enjoyed without spending a lot of money, such as hiking, bird watching, and kayaking.

3.What Is Barlow Island?

Ans: Barlow Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is known for its seabird colonies, which include the world’s largest nesting colony of giant petrels. The island is also home to a number of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including the Harpy Eagle and the Stephens Island Wren.

Barlow Island is an important habitat for seabirds and other wildlife, and it is important that it be preserved for future generations. The island is currently protected by law, and it is illegal to harvest any resources from the island. In addition to its ecological value, Barlow Island is also an important tourist destination.

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