All About Of Bayard Islands – Everything You Have to Know



Bayard Islands


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Bayard Islands is a well-known tourist destination in the Caribbean. With its turquoise waters. Bayard Islands is a well-known tourist destination in the Caribbean. With its turquoise waters, white sand beaches and lush vegetation, it is a place where visitors can relax and enjoy the company of nature.

The island has plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained, such as fishing, going on hikes, snorkelling and sunbathing. There are also several shops, restaurants and bars that offer a variety of services. Visitors can also find several accommodation options on the island.

All About Of Bayard Islands

Bayard Islands

What are the Bayard Islands?

What are the Bayard Islands

The Bayard Islands are volcanic, low-lying islands. They lie in the eastern Caribbean Sea and can be found off the coast of Colombia near Foz de Iguasu (Guatavita). There are eight distinct islands dotted around this area: San Andres Island, Providencia Island and Santa Catalina as well as five small islets called Caymana Beach to Pionoya Hurricane Watch, Montserrat Sound fishing trip , Charter Alternative or simply relax.

The Bayard Islands are the name of two tiny islands, it is not clear which island they refer to here but San Andres Isthmus was broken off in 1911 from a larger fourth-crown making it an 8th creation .

What are some of the attractions on the Bayard Islands?

What are some of the attractions on the Bayard Islands

The two villages of San Andres and Providencia have a lovely Spanish-colonial architecture similar to all the other Dominican Republic; however, some islands are said to look like Swiss cheese. The Bayard Islands has been recognized by UNESCO for its natural beauty .

The bay is shallow enough in depth that it offers good sea fishing during daytime as well most probably night trips where you might even see sharks or barracuda at times although this may not happen. Else where snorkelling is one of the best activities anyone can do around these islands because you will see so many different surrounding as well a variety list of fishes and flowers .

Apart from this visitor may participate in day trips to Margarita Island or La Vela de San Antonio (San Andres). Usually, visitors are allowed by their troupers go shore at Pionoya on Providencia island however, it’s a great idea to avoid this island because it is not that nice compared to San Andres.

What is the climate like on the Bayard Islands?

Although the climate is tropical, temperature ranges from 75F to 101F in winter and between 90-100 F during this spring.

Mostly all around San Andres Island have small grocery stores as well a few cafes called “cafe típico” where you can relax and steak along with Dominican-style chicken . These little islanders will impress you because they are always in a state of enthusiasm even when you arrive tired and hungry

The only hotel available is The Lago Hotel as well associated with it’s sister named Lago Bar. This island also has some lovely bungalows where visitors can spend their nights or rent one out if they wanted. There are no hotels or hostels here however, due to huge number of tourists visiting San And res Island, the local authorities & officials in charge of public places within Puntarenas want to keep all guests on this island and thus a high price is set for everything from restaurant meals also accommodation.

The Bayard Islands are bi-lingual , as we may understand it means both Spanish and English. As already explained above there is no airport situated here but van services into San Andres / Providencia Island are available every time passengers.

How can I get to the Bayard Islands?

How can I get to the Bayard Islands

There are two main ferries that often make stops in Combinado Constante, Isla San Andres and La Isabela where the Bayard Islands. The journey can take up to 2-3 hours but most of time it’s less than 30 min on which a small ferry from Barra Velva use to pick passengers .

The Galapagos Express makes this route as well however for economical purpose smaller boats traveling more frequently along with one ferry stop in El Bosque on San Andres Island.

The Bayard Islands tours contain the following trips: Lunch, boat trip to Punta Pittier after lunch and then spend a few hours at the Bajada beach where you can snorkel or swim with some sea turtles; visit one of 6 islands that are located within 3 miles towards Flores island , enjoying Galapagos’ best beaches, night’s stay &/or full board accommodations.

A private trip from Combinado Constante to the islands with breakfast is also possible however the cost will be a little higher because of additional stops such as Santa Cruz Island that do not make in schedule trips at other times , spending several hours on El Tigre beach or Isle Alegria, San Lorenzo Islands and their tiny deserted beaches along corals & animals only seen during this outing.


Bayard Islands is a Caribbean country located in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It is a member of the Organisation of American States. As of 2010, the population was estimated at 97,000. The main language is English. The GDP per capita in 2009 was US$9,000.


1.What Are The Main Ferry Routes To The Bayard Islands?

Ans: Bayard Islands is a Caribbean island state located in the Leeward Islands, in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. The territory consists of two peninsulas, the smaller Lesser Antilles Peninsula to the north and the larger Antilles Peninsula to the south, separated by the Virgin Islands Passage. The total land area of Bayard Islands is 83.7 square kilometers. The capital is Saint George’s.

2.How Long Does It Take To Get To The Bayard Islands From Combinado Constante, Venezuela?

Ans: Bayard Islands is a beautiful archipelago located in the Caribbean Sea. Situated in the eastern Caribbean Sea, the islands are part of the Saint Lucia territory and are separated from Barbados by a channel of around 20 km. The total land area of Bayard Islands is only 148 km2, which makes it one of the smallest islands in the world. The climate is tropical with a hot, humid and rainy season that lasts from May to November. There are no natural resources on Bayard Islands, which means that it has to rely on tourism for its economic sustenance.

3.What Is The Currency Of Bayard Islands?

Ans: Bayard Islands is a French overseas collectivity located in the Indian Ocean, consisting of the islands of Reunion and Mauritius. The population of Bayard Islands is around 145,000 people, of which around 95% are of African descent. The official languages are French and English. The economy of Bayard Islands is based largely on agriculture, with sugarcane and tourism being other major industries.

its sand beaches and lush vegetation, it is a place where visitors can relax and enjoy the company of nature. The island has plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained, such as fishing, going on hikes, snorkelling and sunbathing. There are also several shops, restaurants and bars that offer a variety of services. Visitors can also find several accommodation options on the island.

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