Bedford Island



Bedford Island


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Bedford Island, situated in the Georgian Bay, is a designated wilderness area and a popular spot for visitors. The island came into being as the result of a geological event. The DeTourmente Islands formed due to the winds, waves and ice of the last glaciation.

The area currently known as Bedford Island consisted of two small islands connected by a sandbar. The sandbar was washed away during the 18th century, leading to the two islands becoming separate. The process of separating the two islands created a long, narrow island thatstretched for over two miles from east to west.

Bedford Island


Bedford Island is located in Georgian Bay, about east-northeast of Owen Sound. The island that now forms Bedford Island was initially two separate islands: Green Island and Little Bedrock. The area separating the two islands consists of sedimentary deposits originally created by sand carried along the river system during glaciation. Eventually this separated into a large archipelago composed of three discrete landmasses, also known as ridges (back to top ). DeTourmente Island and Bedford Island are the highest points, while Bedrock is onshore.

Bedford Island occupies an area of , which amounts to slightly less than 2% of Georgian Bay’s combined shoreline area (of ). The archipelago consists almost exclusively of gravel deposited by glaciers six thousand years ago near present day Lake Couchiching in central Ontario; there is absolutely no soil. A rare exception would be a few small areas made up of glacial deposits, granite bedrock, or lakeshore pebbles. Bedford Island is the insular portion of the archipelago; Green Island (local land) occupies .

Topography The highest point on this small island lies in a steep hill formation known as “Green Mountain”, and rises to over . There are two other ridges: McCloud Gullies consists of numerous rock outcropping along Peninsulas’ north side. The other ridge are the “North Ridge” and the “South East Arm”. In general, these two ridges run parallel to one another with an average gradient of 11 feet per mile a North-northeast angular distance (grd) north southeast to south southwest on its western third, bounded by Green Island s present shoreline.

Bedrock portion is located in which rises 611 ft above sea level within Victory Point –.


Bedford Island is a key location depicted in Amerindian art, as part of the Parry Archipelago. The Natives (Indians and First Nations) refer to this island as “Manitas” or “Bear’s Foot”. Its name was derived from Edward Bede: at one time there were many dangerous bears which inhabit on the shores of Batavia Bay therefore need be closely monitored by local people. During King George III War (1744 – 1748), this island was captured by the British, and in that time, it used as a depository for Hanoverian artillery.

The earliest known European settlers on North Bluff Island were James Maclin (1678) & Jacob Tyler (1779). First permanent settlement established here under Joseph Nairn Mrs. Eleanor Thompson from Arran of Scotland hired her three sons Henry Carlson to start a farm on North Bluff Island in 1861.

According to local historian, J P Eaton ‘Beside that inland man of the Sandwich Islands had a wife and children; his hut stood on one side of this broad expanse off which green grass was growing thickly as potatoes upon their fallow soil: fowls also were loud at hens’ eggs under the tall shade trees.’The first record owner is William Earle (1855), who sold the island to E.W Foster (1855) who sold it later the same year – 1856 ) when Lincoln Orchard acquired this great tract of land, while Harriet Thompson and her family were here at the side of Joseph Nairn Mrs. Eleanor Thompson from Arran Scotland hired her three sons Henry Carlson Neenah Loomis Reuben County Land Commissioner in 1861 as a farm with its dwelling house was built there by Henry Carlson really.

Natural Features

Natural Features

North Bluff Island is one of the few places in California with a continuously-living brackish marsh restoration. The island has been restored using artificial drainage and seeding, which along with native plants creates a nutrient rich environment where fish can flourish . A wetland survey conducted by USGS from 1990 through 1993 initially suggested that North Bluff had only 18 acres left before it was determined to be an anthropogenic barrier and another 12 ponds will soon be filled with dredged material to maintain its ecological viability .

Interpretation aka Local legends and History: In an updated version of the story, Mrs Thompson was passing over in her iron scow when she lost control. She applied her hand brake but couldn’t stop or go further. Then, a storm came up on their journey and they ended up off shore at this place after searching for days without any sign of land survivors all that time.

Plants And Animals

Animal population

Waterfowl are found throughout the marsh. Some of them include little blue herons, great egrets, canvasbacks and purple gallinules . Among terrestrial birds recorded in this area include woodpeckers such as spotted towhees, common nuthatches and pileateds

Reptiles that may be observed at North Bluff Island: California king snake (Regina septemvittata), desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)

Reptiles that may be observed at North Bluff Island: Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), Pacific gila monster(USGS description, California population western desert form ).

Fishes known from the Bay of San Francisco and waters off San Mateo County include lingcod, rockfish (“Serranidaid bicarinatus”, “Pomatom


us saltatrix”), white seabass, red rockfish (“Anarhichas wellfleetensis”, “Pomatomus lituitcus”) and pinniped animals such as ringed seal (“Pusa hispida “), harbor seal (“Phoca vitulina”), and California sea lion. This sandy island was used as a source of stone for some time. In the 1800’s, this area occupied by four homesteads: Henry Homestead (home site), Johnson Grant Homestead, Dr Leakey’s Store and Faustus Gaily Mainship. The Johnson family later sold their property to construction workers ten years after moving in during the 1860’s who then donated most of what we now know as North Bl uff Island.

Remnants of a four-room house remain on the property, and bear the name “Northbluff House”. The water tower was made using Japanese Toyosake Oak with white oak accents that were imported from Japan before embossed by hand. It stands three stories high above ground level resembling something Ivan Norman would build in Jules Verne’s Three Musketeers books set along San Francisco Bay during 19th.


San Francisco Bay is a marine habitat primarily composed of mud, sand and gravelly sediment. Due to the highly variable environmental conditions in San Francisco Bay including estuarine salinity levels, currents and rates of land movement it can be difficult for ichthyofauna to dive enough times during their annual cycles to fill their vital needs. Surface temperatures reaching extreme heat indexes but most days provide minimal comfort which compromise the ability for sufficient aerobic diving routine needed,


What Is The Habitat Of San Francisco Bay?

Bedford Island is located in the Saint Lawrence River, about 10 km upstream from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The island is 2 km long and 1 km wide and covers an area of 2.5 km2. It is the most southerly point of the North American continent. Bedford Island has been used for fur-trading, forestry, agriculture, and tourism since the 18th century.

What Are Some Challenges Ichthyofauna Face When Diving In San Francisco Bay?

Bedford Island is an uninhabited island located in the eastern coast of Newfoundland in Canada. It is about 2.4 km long by 1.7 km wide and covers an area of about 25 hectares. The island is a favorite nesting ground for the Canadian gannet, which lays its eggs on the ground.

What Is The Water Tower Made Out Of And Its Story?

Bedford Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Strait of Belle Isle, about 20 kilometres northwest of Îles-de-la-Madeleine in Quebec, Canada. The island is administered by Parks Canada as part of the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park. The island is a designated Important Bird Area because it supports a breeding colony of red-throated loons.

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