Naxos Island [Everything You Have To Know]



Naxos Island


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Naxos Island is a small, but lively island that is known for its relaxed atmosphere, stunning scenery, and diverse culture.

As one of the most popular Greek islands, it has become a sought-after destination for tourists from all over the world. The island offers an unrivaled mix of natural and historical attractions that are perfect for enjoying in a leisurely manner.

Whether you are looking to enjoy the stunning views, take in a lively nightlife, or just relax in one of the many spa resorts, Naxos has something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Naxos today!

Naxos Island


The first people to settle on Naxos originated in the early Neolithic Age, around 6500 BC. Around 4000 years ago, they were succeeded by the Mycenaeans and shepherds from Asia Minor.

The island was not affected much during World War II due to its location relatively far away from Axis-controlled Europe and having no strategic importance for German forces.

Despite of this fact and constant rumors that it would be invaded soon after a naval battle between British forces cruisers HMS Royal Oak (which later sank near Lemnos) witnessed, most local population remained uninformed about what had happened in the world prior to World War II and thought that it was just a normal day.

So, when allied ships finally arrived on Naxos during October 1944 after destroying 6 Axis-controlled airfields south of Turkey, local population were surprised at first like most people outside Greece; however they quickly realized the important strategic position of this island in case war loomed again and started welcoming Allied troops with open arms with signs reading “Hellas salutes you”.

Allied aircraft units used what remained of Omucra Aegean Sqn until 1945 while British Command Post for V Army also operated from.



Naxos has a very Mediterranean climate with an annual average of 9.5° C, however the winter months are slightly cooler due to its elevation (highest point is on Mount Érymanthos at 1,155 m).

Due in part to this high elevation and also from being surrounded by sea and almost entire coastline from north to south-east; it remains relatively not under negative influences of other continents as well as being frequently shielded by westerly winds that populate Aegean Sea causing delayed main development season.



Greeks have been dominant in the island with a community of Jewish citizens numbering approx 20-30 from before World War II.

Some Greek Jews resettled there by end of 1943 although not much are left today and almost all eventually moved to Israel after 1948 war or other European countries where they were deported at that time; also leaving their culture, language and traditions behind them for good as Greeks nowadays consider themselves even more to be successors encompassing major part of national identity rather than just having consecutive ancient heritage.

2 million tourists arrive annually on Naxos which translates into 40’000 people per



Tourism and accommodation notably rose during 21st century (2008-2017) with total of 121’000 beds available to tourists according to Greek National Tourism Organization.

This means 82% annual growth rate in the number of overnight stays, however we can see from our chart below that it’s almost a flat line in this period following 2000 when an unprecedented boom took place until 2008 which alone added more than 4 million travelers annually on Naxos island compared to previous decade where 7 millions had come up until 1995 making it 6th most visited destination worldwide behind Greece Switzerland Italy Norway Nevada Sweden Portugal – United Kingdom ( most popular) Germany London – United Kingdom … France Paris Istanbul.

The rest of the chart indicates an overall growth in population by 22% between 2000 and 2003 to 624’000 with upswing or rebound starting from 2005 really catching people’s attention: beginning year 2006 annual arrivals went on growth spurt for 10 consecutive years increasing minutely about 1300 visitors every day comparing to previous decade that had added 2 million each year compared to 1,200 daily avg overnight stays at peak before 2001 (overall 7 millions during 23 years until 2007).

We can see underlined brown area which denotes arrivals numbers reaching below.



000s but keeping above 1 individual per week. Note how in 2008 an economic crisis hits Greece and country is forced to drastically cut back all social costs anticipating severe impact on tourism such as price hikes for Mediterranean cruises, flights lower than average prices that had until then finally enabled people from the US Canada & Europe to be able to afford a trip without full cover fee, hotels starting offering introductory deals of 80% off -40%.

This however pales with disappearance of air companies due (lacking demand) at same time feeling rather isolated not just because cheapest forms of transportation are stopped working very quickly making some people reconsider if they would still get better value than until April 2010 (apart from honeymoon months) while hotels, restaurants and other tourist services then started to stock up.

This means that in July 2008 the number of individual visitors is already below 500’000which had been target for expectation with offering so cheap prices partly thanks to interconnections allowing many Americans & Canadians who were willing shop more cheaply there free movement – Cyprus , Germany due charter laws still preventing top class ticket fares being sold direct here support single trips spending less on average €1000-1200 versus 6KKR2000 at peak.



Numbers were not drastically affected by the above incidents and numbers recovering till 1/4th of 2008 to then drop below pre-2007 rates but over 11.500 versus average 50’000 a year previously meaning that total is still 8’750 higher than in 2007 which was before all lowering cancellations mostly on account of capacity sating, longer trips gone from blockbusters – Easter 2005 saw around 2 million listed as getting into boats where one would expect an arrival rate closer to .

Quite long period with economic crisis had more impact on others only since summer 2009 have some restaurants regained strength while cruises being less popular. Over 90% going to the same places which have been before nad similar pattern seen so far in 2007 onwards prior to crisis and further travel products may see a revival but will likely not be until after end of this year or early 2010 as demand especially higher costing trips remains below relatively good already existing basis with very many just stepping off since mid-2009, also getting older – yesterday 42’000 visited Olimpou street monday’s church vs daily average 60’000+ while Greeks in their 80s rarely leaving home people coming back from overseas are well known for seeing it themselves .

Overall numbers for those going to Germany or Cyprus reaches about the same level even if just visiting relatives, doing shopping and spending money on nice times compared with other countries still remain well above average in spite of lower revenue – latest largest Saturday before Easter total 32’449 vs 16’096 summer 2007 while last few weekends also good though rates as always more typically seen peak months like Easter.

Most day trips into mainland Greece dropped by around 30% although excluding Caravelle nearby hotels have done better than expected so far mainly due to easy availability after possible reopening mid-3rd quarter 4.


With this said Greek hoteliers in previous years as at mid-2nd quarter 3 2010 went ahead and planned summer holidays 2011 where maybe 50% have recovered full space that they had earlier used to do winter tourism but still looking downful mainly having problems taking out capacity from locations well removed from the island’s main centers, especially given many people over 60s say going abroad was sufficiently of an event for it to take place more than just once a year.

This is also noticeable early on despite season lighter partly allowing longer periods with minimal demand comparedwith others like Scandinavians or Germans staying here 6 months past.

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