Big Island



Big Island


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Looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life? The Big Island is perfect for a getaway! With its serene landscapes and warm, welcoming people, this island is a great place to spend a vacation. Not to mention, the Big Island has some of the best places to see Hawaii’s stunning natural wonders. From hiking trails and waterfalls to coral reefs and volcanoes, there is something for everyone on this island. Wondering where to start your search?Here are five of the best places to visit on the Big Island!

Big Island


The history of the Big Island of Hawaii can be traced back to more than 10,000 years ago. The first inhabitants of the Big Island were the Hawaiians, who arrived from Polynesia some 2,000 years ago. The first Europeans to visit the island were the Spanish in 1542.

The English explorer Captain James Cook sailed through the islands in 1778 and claimed them for Great Britain. In 1887, Hawaii became a US territory. During World War II, the US military used the Big Island as a staging area for operations in the Pacific. In 1959, Hawaii became a state and the Big Island became its most populous island.


The climate of the Big Island is generally warm and humid. The temperature range is wide, from the low 40s in the winter to the high 80s in the summer. There is a consistent breeze throughout the year, which makes it pleasant year-round. The humidity levels are also high, which can make it uncomfortable during hot weather. The island experiences a lot of rain, and most days there is some form of precipitation.

The roads cannot handle sudden rainfall and usually will become impassable, causing entire communities to be cut off from each other. Meanwhile, rivers can rise quickly in the Hawaiian rainstorms. In 1984 Hawaii was hit by a quick-moving hurricane that wiped out power without warning for nearly two weeks on all island chains except Maui! There are five main volcano areas (Kīlauea; Puna) where active activity is ongoing or historically documented.


The culture of the Big Island is diverse, with influences from many different parts of the world. The people are warm and welcoming, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. They are also fiercely loyal to their traditions and customs. There are several major festivals every year, which offer opportunities to experience a variety of cultures firsthand. Some popular annual events include the Aloha Festivals in Hilo Bay—featuring music, dancing, food booths, fragrances vendors and more—and Kaua’i County’s Ka Lekana Hawai’i: An Evening With Poet Don Juan Matus .

The name of the Big Island was “Aloha” when it was discovered in Captain Cook’s time by Europeans. The word, as Hawaiian language lanuages normally do, contains several meanings: love (alo), farewell (a’i) and prayer for benevolence/forgiveness from all things powerful and divine(hui). Hence Mangai nui A’e (“Great is Alohia”), i. e., Hawaii or a big island full of aloha! This old chant that goes back to the early days since 1969 is still today sung at ceremonies celebrating gaining of holy ground for new temples, festivities and school accomplishments.


The County of Hawaii has been under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Government since 1898. The Executive Branch is lead by a Governor who is elected to four-year terms and oversees a state government which consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives with 51 members, and the Senate with 19 members. Maui County is also part of Hawai’i State government but elects its own county council rather than having representatives in both local statewide levels.

Hawaii’s Legislature meets annually for just over 40 days in Honolulu, followed by an eight-month recess; some bills are introduced on Monday mornings , while others may not be introduced until subsequent legislative sessions. The budget, which is adjusted twice a year to reflect state revenues and expenditures, is presented during the final days of each session in order to indicate fiscal priorities for upcoming years.

Every four years, starting with 2006 elections (to fill vacancies created by previous elections), there are mid-term elections or special year-long sessions called on January 2 before beginning a new General Session calendar.

Government services

These are provided by more than 1,000 government organizations scattered across the island chain. These include schools (K-12 and universities), hospitals, airports, postal service, public utilities and police forces. The Hawaiian National Guard provides defense for Hawaii Island while the US Army’s Military Police Corps manages federal prisons on Oahu.

Hawaii is a member of both the United Nations and its predecessor organization, the League of Nations; it also participates in numerous international organizations including APECbeacon Cooperation Program , Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation , Inter American Development Bank , International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization .

The ” Aloha” greeting and the phrase “Mahalo nō  aloha i kekahi wā hoʻohiki”, meaning thank you for being part of this group, are used in daily life throughout Hawaii. Many hospitality-oriented businesses have adopted these phrases as their own and will address any customer with them when meeting or speaking to them.



This is the state’s largest industry, responsible for more than two-thirds of all jobs. The rest of the economy is based largely on agriculture (primarily coffee and pineapple) as well as military spending and government contracts. Hawaii has developed a strong base of medical services and technology industries, notably in aerospace and semiconductors.

Hawaii was admitted to the United States on August 21, 1959, following a Supreme Court decision that upheld an overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii led by American businessman Simon Bolivar Shortridge .


Hawaii is known for being a paradise for visitors. The island is home to a variety of natural wonders that provide breathtaking scenery and attractions. With its diverse landscape, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. From wild Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to lush tropical rainforest, the Big Island has something for everyone. If you’re looking to explore the island in more detail, here are some must-see places on the Big Island!


What Is The Population Of Hawaii?

Hawaii’s population as of July 1, 2016 was 1,553,775 people.

How Large Is The Island Of Hawaii?

Hawaii is about the size of Texas and has a total land area of just over 269,000 square miles (696,000 km2).

What Are The Official Languages Of Hawaii?

The state’s official languages are English and Hawaiian.

What Religions Are Practised In Hawaii?

The main religions in the state are Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.

What Is The GDP Of Hawaii?

As of 2016, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Hawaii was $54 billion.

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