Bradbury Island -All details




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Bradbury Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Tasmania. With its picturesque coastline and crystal-clear waters, the island is an ideal place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the island. The activities that you can engage in while you’re on the island include swimming, kayaking, snorkeling, hiking, and fishing. The island is also home to a number of restaurants and cafes, which makes it easy for you to find what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a place to get away from it all, Bradbury Island is the perfect place for you.

Bradbury Island

Bradbury Island History

Bradbury Island was first sighted by a Dutch expedition in 1642. The island came under British rule in 1772, and it officially became a colony in 1825. The island’s first permanent settlement was founded in 1863, and the current town of Bradbury was established in 1936. The town today is home to about 400 people, and it still has a large number of wild black swans that are found on the island. You’ll also find walking tracks that follow nature trails along the coastline here as well; most runs start from near Hawkesdale Fish Camp (a hostel on the island) and end at Leggat Bay.

In 1976, a proposal was made to develop oil drilling on Bradbury Island which had been opened up for exploration by Shell International in 1974; this would have involved drilling twelve holes along open beaches within the permanent Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.

Support came from Maritime Union of Australia (the maritime union’s flagship battalion is based here), Geology Body Society: Tasmania Inc, The National Trust of Tasmania (TTNTA), Honorary Members Club Canteen Vinnies Presse Association Limited and State Environment Council but local support was provided by Bradbury Island Conservation Society.

TTNTA published a document “Bradbury Island – No Oil Drilling Please” in its popular magazine Australian Heritage, the State Environment Council and various conservation groups also wrote letters to Shell International protesting their intention to drill on Bradbury Island commencing May 1976.



There are many resources available on Bradbury Island, such as camping sites, restaurants, and shops. You can also find accommodation options to fit every need on the island. Not only is Bradbury Island surrounded by crystal-clear waters, but it also has a coastline lined with pristine beaches. The island’s natural beauty makes you want to just sit back and appreciate the serenity; however that won’t be possible if your accommodation isn’t nearby.



The climate on Bradbury Island is warm and sunny all year round. The island’s gentle breeze makes it perfect for experiencing an outdoor activity even in the hottest months. You can also find comfortable accommodation options that will keep you cool during summer months.

Plants and Wildlife

Bradbury Island Plants and Wildlife

In addition to the turtles, dolphins, seals and whales that can be spotted from the island’s waters during summer months; there are many different types of plants present on Bradbury Island. The trees so closely resemble those found in New Zealand en route for Australia.

Other noteworthy Australian animals you may encounter if visiting only seriously include wallabies (which never leave the mainland), platypus (as an amphibian it is probably one of few places where they spend part or all their life underwater) possums as well as a wide variety of birdlife – possibly including cass owaries, kangaroos and koalas.



Ironically, the island’s culture is almost exclusively that of New Zealand. Islanders have preserved their Polynesian heritage through dances such as hula and hair-braiding. Bradbury Island also has its ownhospital (opened in 1988) and school facilities which children attend from Year 1 to 12. The hospital facilities are very basic yet adequate but the school is well equipped and has plenty of capacity.



Bradbury Island is part of the Australian state of Victoria. The island has no permanent population but tourists are welcome during certain periods (currently from October to May). The island is managed by a small team which relies heavily on volunteers for assistance with a range of tasks including boat handling, catering and tourism promotion.

Government services

Government Services

There is no permanent population so all census and other government data is collected through a survey of the visitors who are currently on the island. There are a limited number of basic services available which include electricity, water and telephone but these can only be accessed by paying for private access. The majority of residents rely on volunteer labour to provide most services including accommodation, food preparation and tourism promotion.


Bradbury Island Tourism

Bradbury Island is a popular destination for tourists who come to see the animals, enjoy the natural beauty and explore the island’s history. The main attractions are the platypus (which is unique to this location) as well as birdlife including cassowaries, koalas and kangaroos.

There are also a few campsites available where visitors can stay overnight. There is an information & booking centre on the island which provides basic tourist facilities including refreshments, toilet and shelter from rain.

The only available accommodation for tourists consists of camping sites (in various states of repair) that are dispersed around the island. One site has automatic electricity but some do not have toilets or running water so should be avoided if staying overnight during periods without tourists e.g.. when it’s raining heavily back-country walking and in hilly areas must be undertaken with extreme caution due to flash flooding/rock slide activity and temporary grounded trees etc.



Bradbury Island is only accessible by boat so the only form of transport available for visitors is to take a boat from either Sydney or Cairns.


Bradbury Island is a beautiful and tranquil place which is perfect for nature lovers and those looking to relax. However, due to the limited infrastructure available, visitors must be aware that facilities are very basic and it may not be suitable for all types of travellers.


1.What Is The Nearest Town Or City To Bradbury Island?

Ans: The closest town or city is Cairns which is approximately 640km away.

2.What Is The Public Transport Like? How Long Does It Take To Get There By Car From Cairns And What Time Of Day. Is Internet Access Available?

Ans: The air route (Cairn Air) which connects Cairns with Sydney and Brisbane takes approximately 5 hours 30 mins whereas Burrum, a smaller carrier (similar for services headed Westbound) trips only 7 hrs 20mins leaving hourly on weekdays at 11am each way daily returning 6pm till midnight when they have Friday afternoon flights too.

3.Can I Exchange My Currency At Any Point On The Island?

Ans: There is a bank on the island however exchanging currencies is not permitted.

4.What Is The Climate On Bradbury Island?

Ans: The island has a tropical rainforest climate with average rainfall of 990 mm annually. While this may not seem like much, it contributes to very lush vegetation and an abundance of fauna. Consequently, even though Bradbury Island does not have running water or toilets for overnight visitors, it should be avoided during periods with heavy tourist traffic as there is the potential for flash flooding/rock slide activity and temporary grounded trees etc.

Q: How Safe Is It To Visit Bradbury Island?

A: Although tourists are not permitted to bring firearms or any other weapons, the island is still very remote and there is no police presence. traveller should be alert for animal sightings (gaur, kangaroos etc.), snakes and spiders.

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