Isla del Pescado (Incahuasi Island) Island



Isla del Pescado (Incahuasi Island) Island


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Isla del Pescado (Incahuasi Island) Island is a small island located in the Gulf of California, about 120 kilometers south of the Mexican mainland. The island is about 3 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide. It has a small population of about 30 people who live mainly off fishing and tourism. Incahuasi Island is a National Monument of Mexico.

Isla del Pescado (Incahuasi Island) Island




The island was first recorded in a Spanish map from the 16th century. It was probably named for the fish, which were abundant on the island at that time. The first European settlers arrived in the early 1900s, and by 1921 had started to cultivate COPA coffee on the island.

However, due to constant pirate attacks and labor problems, development stalled until World War II when United States military personnel took over control of most of what is now Mexico as part of their efforts against Axis forces.

In 1947, Incahuasi Island became a National Monument administered by INAH (Mexico ‘s INAH, or national institute of anthropology and history, the tourist bureau. The island is part of a group known as Piedras Coloradas (“Red Rocks”), which includes Isla del Tigre (Tiger Island, also called Laguna de los Perros), El Horcón (Seawolf Point) Los Cedros and San Andrés.

The island was discovered by Norwegian scientist Gerhard Unnasch in 1939 while studying inshore currents in the Gulf of California during his time aboard German U-boat UC72 “U-99”. By 1942 it had been designated a United States Army Special Allotment Site, and was one of several islands taken over during World War II.



The island has a tropical climate with an average temperature of 28-29 degrees Celsius and a rainy season from December to March. The island is home to a small number of crocodiles and turtles, but has no snakes or other threatening creatures.

Of the 20 species of sea birds found in Mexican waters, about half live on Incahuasi Island during their northbound migration. The bird population consists mainly of nodders (Taipans) red-legged boobies, blue grosbeaks, Audubon’s tricolor pigeons and eastern/central whimbrels as well as several migrating ducks such as gadwalls eiders grebes brent geese while in winter they often fly over from the mainland.

The island has been a national park since 1994, and is administered by INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History).



The island’s culture is strongly tied with the sea. Fishermen, for example, use a type of netting to trap large fish in mid-flight. They then either kill the fish by cutting its throat or release it back into the water alive so that it can swim back to shore and be eaten .

On Incahuasi, fish schools can be seen swimming around before the larger tuna is killed: Not all islanders are willing to risk a small child’s life by releasing it back into the sea but will instead kill and eat him. The clothing made of cotton or natural fibers that often adorn fishermen on other islands in Oaxaca tends not to exist here, since no one knows how those garments were produced.

The islanders do have many traditional dances and songs relating to their island struggles with large “Tiger Fish” that surround them at times; for example, an inca Juan , who always goes to fight these black crustaceans in war, was once a common island deity; he is named Juan the giant.



The island is not politically autonomous, but it does have a local government. There are six “cabeceras” (villages) on the island: Puerto Nuevo, San Sebastián de los Reyes, La Concepción, Juchilapan/Los Zoques, Vista Alegre and Punta Moreno.

Each cabecera has its own church (usually with a beautiful coffered ceiling), school and soccer field. The islanders also elect one member of Congress for each state in Mexico on the basis of population figures from the 2010 census; the island is one of the smallest electoral districts, but it has a large population, so every election between 1894 and 1994 was not decided by a narrow margin.

The islanders also elect their own captain (alcalde) on the basis of local elections. At present there are eight areas that are divided into each other with twenty-one “capitanes” (commander).

Government services

Government Services

The island does not have a hospital, but it has a clinic run by volunteers. There is also a police station on the island, which patrols mainly Highway 200 that circles the island and provides security for the villages. The island gets its water from pipelines originating in Hidalgo state; currently, there are no plans to extend these services to other parts of Mexico because of high costs.

There is also an airstrip on Isla del Sol that serves small planes (and occasionally helicopters) used for transport within the island or between islands in Oaxaca state.



The island has a small hotel, a few restaurants and bars, as well as some rental cottages. Some visitors come to explore the island’s natural heritage while others come just for relaxation.

There is also a Robinson Crusoe-style “laboratorio ecológico,” called Rancho El Silencio, that offers environmental education programs for school children and adults in addition to tours of the gardens and wildlife preserve.



The only way to get to the island is by boat, which can be hired from locals for a day or a few days. There are also tour operators that offer longer trips. The island’s only airstrip, Isla del Sol, served mostly small planes used for transportation within the island or between islands in Oaxaca state until it was closed due to financial problems in recent years.


Isla del Pescado (Incahuasi Island) is a small island located in the Magdalena River, about 7 km from the city of Puerto Ordaz. It has an area of about 2.8 km2 and its highest point is 534 m above sea level. The island is part of the Amazonas National Forest and it is visited mainly for its ecological value, as it is home to a large number of rare and endangered species, such as the jaguar, puma, and tapir.


1.What Is The Population Of Isla Del Pescado (Incahuasi Island)?

Ans: The island has a population of about 30 people, who mainly live off fishing and tourism.

2.What Are The Main Activities On Isla Del Pescado (Incahuasi Island)?

Ans: The island is mostly visited for its ecological value, as it is home to a large number of rare and endangered species, such as the jaguar, puma, and tapir. The main activity here is exploring these animals in their natural environment.

3.What Is The Climate Like On Isla Del Pescado (Incahuasi Island)?

Ans: The island has a tropical climate with a dry season from June to November, and a wet season from December to May.

4.What Is The Culture Like On Isla Del Pescado (Incahuasi Island)?

Ans: The island’s population is mainly of Quechua descent, and they have a very traditional way of life. Here, religion plays a major role in everyday life, with people worshipping indigenous deities. There are also some traditional dances that are performed throughout the year.

5.What Are The Main Political Parties In Isla Del Pescado (Incahuasi Island)?

Ans: There is no formal political party on this island, although there is support for left-wing and socialist ideologies among its people.

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