Bribie Island



Bribie Island


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Bribie Island is one of the most popular getaway spots in Queensland, Australia and for good reason.

The island is larger than Manhattan with a population of just over 5,000 people. With its laid-back atmosphere and serene surroundings, it’s easy to understand why it has been visited by celebrities and affluent Aussies alike. But, what about the island’s history? What makes Bribie Island so special? Read on to find out!

Bribie Island



Bribie Island first appeared on maps in the early 1800s, but was not formally named until 1832. The island was originally part of a group of islands that belonged to the Molonglo Aboriginal Tribe and were used as hunting grounds by the local Aboriginals and pirates. In 1845, John Oxleyand his party made their first landing on Bribie Island when exploring what is now Queensland.

In 1863, Samuel Stephens , a wealthy rubber planter, purchased Bribie Island and developed his property by planting almost $250,000 worth of over 1.3 million trees in 1874 alone!

Ships have been bringing their cargoes to the island since it was first described on maps – mainly bananas and sugar cane for shipping around the world. The local population grew from just 29 people at its founding to more than 5,000 after World War II until.


Being located so close to the Equator Bribie Island has a tropical climate with temperatures usually ranging from 79°F in June and July, up to 91°F in December and January. According to reports it experiences nearly 600 sunny days per year which makes for excellent tobogganing on the slopes throughout most of winter!


Sadly not much development can be attributed towards tourism other than regular road work that keeps the island moving along.


Bribie Island has a vibrant community which boasts its own social club, basketball association and cricket team complete with uniforms.

And it is not just the locals that take pride in their island however – celebrating Australian culture by hosting Australia Day celebrations, mimicking Aussie rules (over 3 metre nets)and staging boxing matches in July each year!  This holiday lifts spirits throughout the entire town as they prepare to celebrate an enviable tradition of barbe que, beer and music.

Bribie Island is such a beautiful place in that it encourages you to escape the busy demands of everyday living by enjoying what nature has provided – waterfalls, beach walks and picturesque views perfect for capturing through your camera lens!


Being on the beach, sitting by a pool or just enjoying some island time in general is always an amazing experience. Just make sure that you turn up not only in 2018 but also to vote!  The housing issue seems to be the problem of too many houses on one small island and consequently traffic. Few things are as annoying than trying to get from Tewantin through Ipswich Road (Bribie Island)

The Solution?… Never allow development or sell your land other wise it will become lost for future generations due simply motor vehicle transportation which drains.

Government Services

Government services

The Bribie Island base administration is run by the RAC QLD which also covers no other islands. The local council itself employs a large number of workers and receives another 1-3 thousand from Newcastle who are governed by the Federal Government to assist – giving people in both regions easy access to services.

Food & restaurants in BRIBIE ISLAND  [I strongly consider this my home away fron!]

Blue Sea Cafe – this place is fantastic! Go. Eat here – you won’t be disappointed. 2a Bonack St, Cooch Behar

Coco Bistro- this restaurant is the perfect way to spend a summer’s evening; especially on most days throughout July and August when there are extended twilight hours for dining (check this out before heading down!). Just make sure that you do whilst driving as there isn’t an abundance of parking around these premises.


Sailing is an amazing experience that I’m sure everyone who has experienced it will agree with. You can either find yourself on a yachting charters service or if you’re feeling brave and prefer self guided, charter your own vessel, select the Tharryd cruise in Broome today to get away from everything else!

Beaches of Bribie Island

There are over 40 beaches across the island which can be linked by number gates all year round ensuring that Bribie is not one of those islands where you give up on the thrill!

General Information & more.



Car | Bus/Coach | Ferry

International Airports: Luke AFB (Mileage 16.5), Mr Hyde Okinawa, Japan (3 Hour). Head to the Pinnacles for your big day! Queen Elizabeth II Airport – Sydney has a paved roundtrip carriage of 178km and an estimate driving time of 2 hours 25 mins.

Stokes Channel Bridge – yes it is crazy but you won’t regret crossing over as you’ll only realise how small you were at the other side of this bridge! It’s well worth crossing over and there are plenty of places to pitch a tent or camp.

Along with the Pinnacles we stayed in three accommodation points that all offer excellent amenities including meals, swimming pools and beach access: Bribie Island Tourist Park & Marina | 129 Jervis St | Phone – 0439 271 651 Inconsiderate Internet Surfers (2014).



There are two main types of cuisine produced in Australia; the traditionally food, or Pacific style and there is also a variation known and Mediterranean. A lot of people aren’t aware that they can chose between these cuisines should they be travelling with their culture in mind when selecting meals. The national dish continued to be fish but I found much more variety on the mainland than at Byron Bay where it was almost non-existent!

The Western Australia style cuisine can be described as traditional or “home cooked” food, with a large part of it made and prepared by locals in most families. The standard is pretty much the same throughout Australia but every state has their own approach to cooking with some noticeable differences between them.


Bribie Island is a beautiful and unassuming piece of land located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is a place where people can escape the rat race and relax in the warm sun. It is also the home of one of the most luxurious resorts in Queensland, The Bribie Island Resort. Bribie Island is a great place to visit if you are looking to take a break from city life and enjoy some peaceful solitude.


1.What Is The Best Time To Visit Bribie Island?

Ans. Bribie Island is a year-round destination, but the peak visitor season tends to be from October to April.

2.How Much Does It Cost To Stay On Bribie Island?

Ans. The resort offers a range of accommodation options from camping and tents all the way up to 5 star luxury resorts. The prices vary depending on what type of accommodation you choose .

3.What Is The Best Time To Visit Bribie Island?

Ans. There are only two months where it’s not so good in Bribie Island and that would be October or November when the temperatures can peak at 21C but they rarely go above 17C (63F). The other months such as April generally remain hot up until late Summer with humidity reaching 30% making summer extremely comfortable .

4.What Is The Weather Like In Bribie Island?

Ans. Bribie Island experiences a mild, sunny climate during all months of the year with average maximum temperatures hovering between 20-30C (68-86F) and minimum winter lows mostly at 10C (50F). Summer can peak to 32 – 35° C (90 – 95° F), so it is recommended that you bring along plenty of layers/anor aks to keep cool.

5.How Big Is Bribie Island?

Ans. Bribie Island has a landmass size of 27 km² with each square kilometers at 19km(9mi). It is located off east coast of Queensland in just north side from Brisbane stand alone making you feel like your the only one there.

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