Bylot Island -You have to know



Bylot Island


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From a polar island to an unspoiled wilderness, Bylot Island is one of the most polarised places on Earth. A place divided between agriculture and wildlife, this picture-perfect island is the perfect match for both polar opposites. But there’s more to it than just that. The vegetation here supports populations of eider ducks, glaucous gulls, and snow goose, as well as countless species of migrating birds. Wolves and foxes, both with their distinct features, reside on this barren island and every activity here has its own unique sound.

Bylot Island


Bylot Island is located in the eastern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, along the north coast of Victoria Island. It is a large island, with an area of more than 1,400 km² (550 sq mi). Bylot Island was first visited by Europeans in 1772 by Capt. George Vancouver and his crew on their ship HMS Discovery. He named it after William Byngham (1690–1771), a clerk in the Royal Navy who was at that time serving as second-in-command to Captain James Cook on his third expedition to the Pacific Northwest Coast and Alaska.

The island was inhabited for several years by Inuit from Cambridge Bay and later abandoned due to attacks from polar bears until its reoccupation by Inuit from Pond Inlet in 1989. The reoccupation led to much discussion about resource management among local residents and federal officials.[3] Following this controversy, efforts were made to improve the conditions for residents of the community of Pond Inlet, including resettlement funds offered by Nunavut’s Department of Community Services.



Bylot Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, which makes it one of the most isolated places on earth. The climate of Bylot Island is extremely cold and dry, with an average temperature of -13 degrees Celsius during winter.

The weather conditions are very different in the summer as well. Bylot Island experiences very warm summers that can reach temperatures up to +10 degrees Celsius during the day.

There are two types of vegetation on Bylot Island: tundra and taiga. Tundra is characterized by low-growing shrubs and mosses that grow above a layer of permafrost (permanently frozen ground). Taiga is characterized by coniferous trees that grow at higher altitudes, where there isn’t any permafrost present.


Bylot Island is located in the northern part of Canada and it is a remote island. It has a population of about 600 people who live in one town called Bylot. The name Bylot Island means “beautiful place” or “beautiful view”.

The main industry on the island is fishing and tourism. There are few shops, restaurants, hotels, as well as two schools which provide education to the students up to grade 8.



The politics of Bylot Island is governed by the council, consisting of five members elected from amongst the islanders.
Council meetings are held every month and at least one meeting per year takes place in the capital city, Duhigg.

The council consists of:
Garth McNeil – elected in 2006 and re-elected in 2008. He is a trained accountant and his previous occupation was as an accountant for the island’s principal employer, Bewg Corp. (See below). Peter Jenkins – elected in 2009. Aged 28, he is an ex-policeman who has worked on the island since 1994 and served four years with the Royal Cayman Islands Police Force before leaving to set up his own company dealing with security services and investigations.

John Gollop – elected in 2012; aged 46, he was born on Bewg Island but spent most of his life living elsewhere before moving back to Bewg Island permanently last year to take up residence on The Rock after previously working for both Westgate Security Services (now part of Westgate Group) as well as SkyNet Systems Limited (a UK-based IT consultancy firm) Thomas Verity – elected 2014; aged 36; he has been a resident on Bewg Island since 1995.

Government services

Government Services

The Government services of Bylot Island are provided by the local government which is known as The Bylot Island Council. The council was formed in May 2011, and is responsible for managing the affairs of all the people who live on Bylot Island. It provides services such as transportation, garbage collection, policing, fire protection, and ambulance service.

In addition to this, it also manages a number of facilities including schools, health clinics, and libraries. All these facilities are free to residents in the island community.


Bylot Island Tourism

The Bylot Island is a tiny island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is located off the southeastern coast of Ellesmere Island, approximately 500 km (310 mi) north of Cape Dyer. The island has an area of 3.05 km2 (1.20 sq mi) and a maximum elevation of 213 m (700 ft). The only known way to reach it is by dog sled or snowmobile from Cape Dyer which takes about 5 hours round trip.


The transport to this island is by icebreakers and the winter season (November-March) can get very rough as well.
The biggest problem for people wanting to visit this place during the winter months is that it gets very cold, sometimes reaching -30 degrees Celsius. In order to avoid these issues, you need to pack warm clothes and some sort of a heater when traveling here. I would suggest visiting in late spring or early summer because temperatures are not as harsh during those seasons.


The cuisine available on this island is very simple. There are only a few restaurants, and most of the food you will find here is either smoked or fried seal meat. If you’re looking for something different, I would recommend visiting one of the settlements on mainland Ellesmere Island instead.


In the early 19th century, a small ice-free rocky island appeared in the middle of the Arctic ocean, north of the northernmost part of the Norwegian archipelago. It was discovered in 1825 by British explorer William Bryant and found to be an outpost for whales. This island known as Bylot Island due to its discoverer is an absolute wonder to behold. With its rock formations, tundra and fjord landscapes, arctic basin and permanent ice cap, this ice-clad isle looking directly towards Greenland and Svalbard is something to behold for the natives of this polar region.


Do People Live on Bylot Island?

This is a difficult question to answer, as there is no definitive evidence that people currently live on Bylot Island. However, due to its remote location and the fact that it was once used as a research site, it is possible that people may have lived there at some point in history. Additionally, according to some sources, the island may have been the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. So, while we can’t say for certain that people currently live on Bylot Island, it is an interesting and mysterious possibility!

What Animals Live on Bylot Island?

There are a variety of animals that live on Bylot Island, including seals, polar bears, and seabirds. Some of the more notable species include the hooded seal, the harp seal, the ringed seal, and the phalarope.

Where is Bylot Island?

Bylot Island is a remote island in the Canadian Arctic that is home to a small group of indigenous Inuit people. The island is also known for its natural beauty, which includes glaciers, icefields, and towering peaks. The Inuit people of Bylot Island have a rich history that dates back over 1000 years, and they continue to preserve their culture and traditions today.

The island is also home to Bylot Research Station, which is operated by the Canadian government and is dedicated to studying the environment, wildlife, and human health. The station has a staff of 60 people who work in research and education facilities that include a hospital, canteen, and library. The island also has a small airport that accommodates small planes.

If you are interested in visiting the island, you can do so by travelling on a scheduled tour that departs from Inuvik, Alberta.

What National Park Includes Bylot Island?

Bylot Island is a Canadian island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The island is part of Bylot Island National Park, which is located in the province of New Brunswick. The island has an area of 8.5 square kilometers and is surrounded by the Bylot Strait.

How Did Bylot Island Change Over Time?

Bylot Island is one of the most remote and isolated places on Earth, and it has been changing over time. When Captain James Cook first sighted the island in 1775, it was covered in giant trees that lined the coast. However, by the early 1800s, most of these trees had been cut down, and the island was largely barren. Today, Bylot Island is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth, and it has been transformed into an ecological research station.

The island has been used for scientific study since the late 1800s, and it has played a vital role in understanding the changing climate, the impact of human activity on the environment, and the conservation of endangered species. It is also home to a population of giant pandas, which was introduced to the island in 1992.

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