Carey Island (Cary Island)



Carey Island (Cary Island)


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Carey Island is one of the most beautiful places on earth, and it’s well worth a visit! The island is located in the Bahamas and it’s just a short ferry ride from Grand Bahama. During your visit, make sure to explore the many attractions that Carey Island has to offer, like the beaches, coral reefs, and rainforest. You’ll also want to check out the local villages, where you can purchase some local souvenirs.

All About Of Carey Island (Cary Island)

Carey Island (Cary Island)



Carey Island is one of the oldest inhabited islands in the Bahamas. The first Europeans to arrive on Carey Island were Spanish explorers in 1511. By the early 17th century, English settlers had also arrived on Carey Island and started cultivating sugar cane plantations. In 1648, a group of French Huguenots landed on Carey Island and established a settlement there known as Fort Royale.

French forces later captured Fort Royale, but they eventually abandoned the island in favor of New Providence. After being abandoned by France, the British took over control of Carey Island and began using it as a penal colony in 1715.

The settlers on Carey Island would later start producing salt and rum, but it wasn’t long before their sugar plantations were subject to attacks by rebel slaves. This led the British to declare a state of emergency in 1802 and attempt to quell the slave revolts with force, though these measures had no effect on howling rebellions for another five years.

Then things got worse than ever when Bahamian rebels began looting ships that arrived at Carey Island during this time period! By 1830, Maroon communities across northern South America had dumped plans from attacking Britain’s colonies in order to unite with the Maroons of The Bahamas as a country.

In order to capture most of these rebels and make sure they did not succeed, Britain enlisted more than three thousand African-Canadians who would serve as militiamen for their efforts. These Canadians would be stationed on Carey Island during the events that became known today as the “Trail of Tears.”



The climate on Carey Island is hot and humid all year round. The island experiences a high level of rainfall, so it’s important to be prepared for any weather conditions that may crop up!



Carey Island is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. A few monkeys, rodents, eagles and snakes make the island their home while some bird species are occasionally spotted here too! Among Carey’s floral community is unique plant life that includes cobra lilies (Cobaea scandens), ocean grass-seed banks (Siphoides sativa) tropical rafts rhizomes anemone boreeopsis cogana costata epiphytic bellias dicyphus chrysanthii gombroida Le ptopus muticus Leptoceras tannorum Millettia molestensis narcissus ampullaria oxalis pendula rhododendron epiphytic roots.

Major arched lizard species such as Anolis lizards (Anoles) are also commonly spotted on Carey Island during the dry months of its tropical weather, along with wingless birds such as woodpeckers and ovenbirds that tend to build their nests under small palms toward the center of each village.



The culture and lifestyle of the islanders is based around farming, fishing, and celebrations that are held throughout the year. Traditionally each community has its own ceremonial events such as weddings, baptismal ceremonies and funerals. Each village also has a chief who oversees day-to-day operations within their community.

Typically the “Caribs” or Black Caribs of each island have been known for their great canoe-making and sailing skills. They used these skills to travel up and down the coast throughout much of Haiti, as far as Cuba.



Carey Island is a self-governing island with its own local political structure. The head of the community is the “Chief” and he oversees day-to-day operations within their village, as well as representing their interests to the rest of Carey Island’s politically autonomous communities.

Each village also has a Council that sets policy for their community, hires and fires the Chief, and manages finances within their respective territory. Distant arrangements are handled by the “Big Chief” whose job is to ensure that all local communities stay in harmony with each other.

Government services

Government Services

These are provided by the “Department of Finance” which oversees all financial matters within Carey Island. Regulations and laws are enforced by the “Police Force” whose job it is to maintain order and ensure that everyone lives in accordance with island customs and norms.

The “Justice System” ensures that people are fairly dealt with and is overseen by the “Harmony Council”. Health care on Carey Island is provided through a central facility called Hôpital St. Joseph which was established in 2002.

The government procures all medical equipment, supplies, labor and services needed to run this hospital using funding from its own budget or provincial support funds such as health insurance or privately donated items etc.. As of 2013 there are about 20 hospital beds for short-term treatment available but no intensive long term care facilities have been built so patients must wait until their condition can be transferred to a hospital on the mainland.

On Carey Island there are several buildings that have been designated as historical or architectural attractions and they are mostly utilized by local communities for cultural activities like dances, going native gatherings etc.



It is a growing industry on Carey Island with visitors coming primarily to enjoy the natural beauty and historical landmarks that make this island so special. Services offered by local businesses such as accommodation, restaurants, shops etc. cater to tourists who visit the island annually or sporadically.


Carey Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Cary River estuary in rural Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. The island is managed as a nature reserve by Parks Victoria.

The island was once the site of a penal colony which was closed in 1847. It served as a training ground for the colonial police and military and also had a cemetery. From 1859 until 1881 it was used as a juvenile detention center and from 1885 until 1886 it was used as an insane asylum. The asylum operated until its closure in 1957.


1.What Are The Main Uses Of Carey Island Today?

Ans: The island is managed as a nature reserve by Parks Victoria and it is mainly used for recreational purposes such as bird watching, fishing, swimming and kayaking. There are also a few small businesses that offer services to tourists who visit the island annually or sporadically.

2.How Long Has Carey Island Been Used For These Purposes?

Ans: The island has been used for recreational purposes since it was closed as a penal colony in 1847. It served as a juvenile detention center from 1859 until 1861 and an insane asylum from 1865 until 1957.

3.How Many People Visit Carey Island Every Year?

Ans: There is no official figure for the number of tourists who visit Carey Island annually, but it is estimated that the island receives between 200 and 300 visitors each week.

4.Is There Anything I Need To Know In Advance Before Visiting Carey Island?

Ans: There are a few things that you should be aware of if you plan to visit Carey Island: the island is small, and it can get crowded during peak times; there is no water or food available on the island; and visitors are not permitted to bring any weapons or items that could damage the environment or hinder other participants’ enjoyment.

5.What Is The Advantage Of Visiting Carey Island Over Other Nature Reserves?

Ans: The main advantage of visiting Carey Island is that it offers a unique and accessible experience for visitors who want to see wildlife in its natural environment without having to travel far away from metropolitan areas.

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