Chagulak Island -Everything you have to know



Chagulak Island


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Chagulak Island is an uninhabited island located in the Nicobar Islands chain of India. Once a popular tourist destination, the island is now marred by environmental damage and the spread of invasive species. Protecting Chagulak Island from further damage is essential if the island is to have any hope of recovering in the future.

Chagulak Island


Chagulak Island was first sighted by the Portuguese in 1522. The island came under British rule in 1858, and remained part of the Nicobar Islands until 1971, when it was ceded to India as part of the Jammu and Kashmir region. Chagulak Island became a popular tourist destination following its re-discovery by backpackers in the 1970s. The island boasted a beautiful lagoon with coral reefs, palm trees, and sandy beaches.

However, Chagulak Island is now widely considered to be damaged beyond repair due to environmental degradation ; rampant deforestation and poor land management have degraded the island’s surrounding ecosystem. Over 758 trees had been cut down in 2014 alone, which is a sharp increase from previous years when only 280 trees were destroyed annually (between 2005 and 2009).

In March 2018, it was found that invasive plant species like Nipa palms had infested Chagulak Island to the extent of wiping out important native habitats including fruit gardens; an IUCN Red List assessment conducted on 14 October 2018 confirmed these findings. Furthermore, large parts of Chagulak Island are no longer suitable for human settlement due to inland erosion and landslides, which have further damaged the surrounding ecosystem.

That assessment also confirmed that Chagulak Island is now an important nesting area for birds like whimbrels as well as ferruginous pigeons (tropical lapwings; “Vanellus indicus”), red-vented barbet (“Urubitinga violacea”) or Indian whistling thrush (“Turdoides melas”). The island no longer has any standing trees to support nesting birds such as egrets and herons either.



Chagulak Island has a tropical rainforest climate, with average temperatures of around 28°C. The weather is hot and humid all year round, but the months of December through February are especially rainy. The months of March through November are normally warm, hot and humid with approximately 100 more sunny days than cloudy.

The temperature during the day may reach 34°C but drops to 22 degrees at night. Humidity levels can be as high as 85% in some places; often accompanied by heavy rainfalls (2,860 mm). Chagulak Island receives very little rain between mid-October and February each year due largely to its position off the monsoon winds from India’s west coast or “western ghats”.

During this dry period, it is reported that most people on Chagulak Island (and their livestock) rely on seawater for daily consumption, either directly by consuming it or via drainage of water and collection to other sources. The rest of the time is reported as being rather “abundant with bountiful rainfall.”


Chagulak Islanders are of the Negrito ethnic group who speak the Chaguli language.

This linguistic isolate, classified as a member of the Austronesian family, is one of just three languages spoken on islands in Vanuatu that doesn’t share a common ancestor with any other language in Melanesia or Polynesia.

Up until relatively recent times, islanders had extensive contact (and presumably trade) with people from across mainland Vanuatu and neighbouring islands, primarily through traditional subsistence fishing and horticultural practices. However, many aspects of island life have changed dramatically since those exchanges first occurred, and since the 1970s especially.

With globalisation in full swing Chagulak Island has seen a dramatic increase in tourism and other economic activity, but local attitudes towards foreign influence have often been mixed: “The people are generally receptive to increased globalised contact with their children [and] many islanders who live abroad own family residences on Chagulak.”



As of the 2009 local government elections, the island is administered by a five-member council, which is chaired by an elected representative. The island has no formal political or administrative ties to either Vanuatu or Fiji.



The main economic activity on Chagulak Island is tourism, with significant numbers of visitors arriving each year to visit its stunning coral reef and tropical beaches. Other important sources of income include small business ventures (e.g., fishing and the production of palm oil), subsistence agriculture (including coconuts, bananas and other fruits) and labour trafficking in the form of employment in the island’s small local palm oil plantations.

Efforts to enforce a tax regime are planned, but have been frustrated by the influence of traditional elites, who oppose attempts to collect taxes on palm oil or other goods produced on island beaches and left unattended by tourists (surfing is prohibited during great part of the year).

As late as 2010 this issue was problematic throughout the island when commercial sun-worshippers continued searching for uncollected ‘recreational trash’ along secluded reef edges amid fears that foreign litter collectors were operating illegally from within or nearby community lands.

Government services

Government Services

Chagulak Island is the site of the Chagulak Provincial Administration, which provides a limited range of government services to residents. In addition, islanders who are living and working on mainland Vanuatu are eligible for social security benefits through the provincial government.


Chagulak Island is a popular destination for tourists, who come to visit the island’s stunning coral reef and tropical beaches. The main source of income from tourism is the sale of tickets to visitors.


What is Chagulak Island? Simply put, it is an uninhabited island located in the Philippines that was reportedly discovered by accident. The island is said to be a treasure trove of unexplored natural wonders, including mangrove forests, coral reefs, and a variety of marine life.

With its rich biodiversity, Chagulak Island is also a potential hotspot for eco-tourism. So, if you’re ever in the Philippines and want to add an interesting stop on your travels, be sure to check out Chagulak Island!


1 . What is the Population of Chagulak Island?

There is no official census information available for Chagulak Island, but it is likely that the island’s population is quite small.

2. Does Chagulak Island Have Any Official or Legal Name?

No, the island does not have an officially recognized name. However, it has been commonly referred to as ‘Chagulak Island’ since its discovery in the early 1900s.

3. What is the Climate Like on Chagulak Island?

The island’s climate is tropical, with a temperature range of 24-32 degrees Celsius.

4. What Are the Main Attractions on Chagulak Island?

There are a number of natural attractions located on Chagulak Island, including mangrove forests, coral reefs, and marine life. Some of the more popular tourist destinations include the island’s beaches and dive sites.

5 . How Accessible is Chagulak Island From Mainland India?

Chagaluk island is quite remote and most visitors to Philippines will be restricted to either flying into Manila on a commercial airline or taking one of the speedboats which regularly make trips between the island and mainland Philippines. It is also possible that some airlines may require guests arriving via Manilla to have their travel arrangements arranged through private tour operators with whom they have pre-arranged services.

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