Chinatown (1974) Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation




Chinatown (1974) Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation


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Since its release in 1974, Chinatown has touched and influence people both young and old, who try to figure out the meaning of this film. While we aim to decode the film and give you a detailed explanation of each scene, we need to keep in mind that this movie plot is not straightforward. Considering the underlying ideologies and ideas of the plot, it is difficult to piece together all the meanings that this film unfolds before your eyes. To help you navigate through the intricacies of this film, we have prepared a guide for you.

The Meaning of the Movie

Chinatown (1974) Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation

The Meaning of the Chinatown (1974) is a movie about racial tensions in a small New England town during the late 1960s. The film opens with an Asian-American man named Charlie Wu, who has recently moved to the United States from Hong Kong. He quickly befriends another Chinese immigrant, Johnny Wong, and they both begin to run afoul of local white supremacist Bobby Lee, whom they challenge at a political rally.

The two eventually become estranged as their friendship becomes strained by race and violence. The movie then shifts its focus to Johnny’s wife Emily Ng and her life growing up in Hong Kong as well as how she became involved with Johnnie. In addition, it explores interracial dating dynamics between Chinese men and American women such as Emily’s mother Angela Chan whose daughter Bessie also has romantic feelings for Johnnie but remains chaste because of cultural norms regarding sex before marriage.

Eventually, all three characters come together once again when Johnny returns home from Vietnam and reveals that he has cancer; his best friend Bobby Lee visits him at his house where he asks Johnny for forgiveness which he grants him upon his death. Finally the movie ends with Johnnie telling Angela that everything will be alright after he dies in Vietnam before joining her on her plane back to America .

The Message of the Movie

The message of the Chinatown is about a man named Jake Gittes, who works as a private investigator in Los Angeles. He is hired by Evelyn Mulwray to find her daughter Flora, who has run away from home and got married without her permission.

In this movie, you will see that how he is involved in an illegal act and tries to save his name which was destroyed by corrupt men in the society. This film was directed by Robert Wise and it was released on November 10th 1974.

It starred Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston, Walter Gotell and Peter Fonda. The movie had won five Academy Awards out of eleven nominations including Best Picture – Drama.

Ending Explanation

The ending explanation of the Chinatown (1974) movie is about the revelation that some of the Chinese people who are members of a secret society know about and may be able to use for their own benefit. This is especially true if they have been in America for a long time and understand its ways, which makes them very dangerous.

There are also other secrets being revealed throughout the film such as how some people are getting away with crimes by using identity theft, blackmailing others and even turning on each other to protect themselves from those who would expose them. All these things contribute to one overarching theme: everyone has something to hide.

One can only hope that when it comes time for their turn, they will not reveal any secrets or allow anyone else to uncover theirs.

The Main Idea of the Movie

The main idea of the Chinatown (1974) movie is about a Chinese-American cop who must solve a murder in order to clear his name. The movie also depicts how racism affects people’s lives and livelihoods.

The most important theme of this film is that racism impacts everyone in society, regardless of race or ethnicity. The conflict between police and criminals affects all ethnicities and races, but it has especially devastating effects on Asian Americans, who are often portrayed as ‘the other’ by law enforcement officials.

“The Main Idea of the Chinatown (1974)” was directed by Roman Polanski with screenplay written by Robert Towne based on the novel “Chinatown” by David Goodis which was published in 1971. This film was released on March 10th 1974 at United States box office grossing $24 million against its budget of $3 million making it one of the highest grossing films made during 1970s decade.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The Chinatown (1974) is a mystery thriller film directed by Roman Polanski. It was produced by Robert Evans and stars Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston, Gene Hackman and Michael Douglas. The screenplay was written by Robert Towne from a story written by Robert Towne, who also wrote the script for The Last Detail (1973).

It is about a murder investigation in New York City’s Lower East Side during the late 1970s when Chinatown was still an ethnic enclave where most of the residents were Chinese immigrants. A woman is found dead in an alley behind her apartment building and when Detective Jake Gittes investigates he discovers that there are many people who want to get rid of this particular case because it involves several high-profile politicians as well as other prominent individuals in Chinatown.

This is something they don’t want made public because it would mean their political careers would be over if it came out that they were involved with this particular crime.


Chinatown is a 1974 American neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski. It follows a private detective and U.S. Army veteran, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), who investigates the flooding of Chinatown in Los Angeles. Musing over the film’s ending is The Lasted Account by director Roman Polanski, which bestows an insightful retrospective of Chinatown along with its major actors, screenwriter Robert Towne, and other creative personnel, from the production itself to the movie’s airing during Oscar season.


What does the ending of Chinatown mean?

The ending of Chinatown means that the detective, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), finds out the truth about what happened to the woman and who killed her.

What was the point of the movie Chinatown?

It is a movie about the struggle of one man to find his brother who was taken by the police. The whole point of this movie is that the guy can’t let go of the case and will do anything to get his brother back, even if it means taking revenge on those involved in his brother’s disappearance.

What does Nicholson say at the end of Chinatown?

There are a few different theories about what Nicholson says at the end of Chinatown. One theory is that it’s a private joke between him and his partner, Jake Gittes. Another theory is that it’s a private joke between him and his son, Mickey (played by Jack Nicholson).

Another idea is that he might be talking to the audience as if they were present at the scene.

I believe all these are plausible. So my answer would be:

“The thing I like most about you is your taste in women.”

What movies represent the decade they were made the most?

The films from the 70s were a great decade for Hollywood. In the 70s, movies like Jaws, The Exorcist and Star Wars were released and in those years films set new standards for special effects that are still being used today. Movies in the 80s featured many of today’s most famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis.

The 90s was a great decade for action movies with films like Die Hard and Pulp Fiction. In 2000 film productions continued to grow with movies such as Gladiator, X-Men and Spiderman; all of which have become some of the most successful blockbusters ever made.

Why is ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ such a classic?

The movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a Christmas classic because it shows the kind of person George Bailey is. George was born with some bad habits and many of his dreams are never realized. But one day, he decides to change his life and live the way he should have all along. In doing so, he helps others, who in turn help him.

One day while watching this movie I had a moment where I felt very blessed that I am able to do what I want to do in life.

There were times when it seemed like nothing was going right for me but then again if everything went wrong how would you feel? So this movie is an inspiration to all of us as we think about our future and try not to get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan.

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