Clerke Island



Clerke Island


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Clerke Island is a small island located in the Indian Ocean and belongs to Mauritius. The island is home to a variety of wildlife, including lemurs, parrots, and other birds. The vegetation on the island is also diverse, with trees such as ebony, laurel, and myrtles. Clerke Island is also popular for its crystal clear waters.

Clerke Island


Clerke Island was first discovered by the Dutch in 1638. The island later passed to the French, who used it as a penal colony. Following independence from France, Clerke Island became part of Mauritius in 1965. In 1999, the government of Mauritius allowed development to proceed on Clerke Island. The Mauritian Environment Agency, which is a branch of the Ministry for Natural Resources and Tourism, was established in June 2001 to take over supervising agreements between government parties and developers. One such agreement involves Oudtshoorn-based Esker Development Pty Ltd who have been producing materials from Clerke Island since 2002.

Between 22 November 2008 – 5 March 2010 Esker operated as part of the Deep South Development World Park leaving.


The climate on Clerke Island is tropical. The island experiences a hot, moist climate throughout the year. Rainfall varies, with average rainfall between July and November being 75mm a month, whilst the rest of the year receives 25mm. July is generally considered to be one of the warmest months on Clerke Island.

Extension Office: Esker House Extension Office – PO Box 324 Castries (Mauritius) GPO 7000 Phone : +230 669 288304 [Updates M-F 09h00 — 16h


The culture on Clerke Island is influenced by the nearby island of Mauritius. The people of Clerke Island are predominantly Hindu, with a small Muslim population. There is also a significant Christian minority. English is the official language, but various Creole languages are also spoken.


Clerke Island has been developed as an eco-tourist destination since 2002, when Esker Development Pty Ltd began producing materials from Clerke Island. The island is part of the world-famous Shark Bay World Heritage Site, and also has significant biodiversity. Clerke Island offers visitors a chance to experience both remote wilderness living in quiet seclusion and full immersion of cultural activities on Mauritian soil


Clerke Island gives its residents economic benefit by providing viticulture, tourism accommodation development materials production jobs Development Legislation Environmental Impact Statements Biodiversity Planning Management Contract


The political situation on Clerke Island is influenced by Mauritius, which is a parliamentary democracy. The island has its own administration and parliament. There are three main parties – the Mauritian Labour Party, the Rodrigues Democratic Progressive Party and the Rally for Democracy & Progress – all of which have representatives in parliament. The ruling party, the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), holds a majority of seats.

Government services

The island has its own government and parliament, which provides services such as health care, education and policing. The island also hosts a hospital, primary school and private secondary school.


In 2000 the resident population of Clerke Island was approximately 300 people. Over half were Hindu (50) with other religious groups including Muslims (2), Christians on a small scale, Sikhs and Jains sharing Christianity memberships as well as Buddhists making up to 3% of its 20-30 residents in 2007



Clerke Island is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming for both relaxation and adventure. Activities on the island include bird watching, whale-watching, sailing and snorkelling. There are also several hotels which offer accommodation in traditional Mauritian huts as well as more modern villas. History

The island is part of a large, uninhabited chain located out in the larger Indian Ocean. The first recorded sighting by Europeans was by Portuguese mariners who visited in 1505 and claimed it for Portugal. It wasn’t until 130 years later that Mauritius was permanently settled; Santhiagooned Aishubaudy, then ruling Mauritian dai (chief) got together with several other chiefs to her an agreement


The island is serviced by flights from Mauritius as well as a weekly ferry service to Rodrigues. The island is further served by a ferry service from the capital Port-Louis. Spacious and frequent ferries travel between Rodrigues capital Le Tondou on the southern most island, Quatre Bornes- historic site of independence to Port Louis.

Named after Captain John Clerke, who was in charge at that time for visiting other islands as well when HMS Sulphur arrived in Mauritius with her stops over Quinim à la Hache Island (today known as Green Cay), Chateau D’If


Mauritian cuisine is a mix of Indian, French and African influences with seafood being the mainstay. Regional specialities include sambal oelek (a chili sauce made from red chilies, vinegar, salt and oil), chicken tikka masala, roti canai (a bread filled with spiced mutton or lamb) and beef curry. Today, the island is served by Air Mauritius and Jet Airways. There is also a daily ferry service between Rodrigues International Airport from Port Louis harbor extending all over the island with Flair ferries to The Boathouse on Grand Baie

Port Louis has its own rail system for travel around most of south-eastern Mauritius including transfer to French rail systems at Guadeloupe or Bruno-ville which are some distance north.


Hornbills, white-breasted waterhen and crested pratincole are the commonest birds seen in Mauritius. The best viewing opportunities for them can be found at Black River Gorges where is also sleeps the endemic Rodrigues flying fox Reithrodontomys rufoniger , which lives in trees only along rivers.


The earliest habitation of Réunion was made by Austronesians seven thousand years ago, who came from Madagascar. Réunion became an archipelago when the ocean level rose about ten thousand years ago converting most of its land into islands. Numerous archaeological sites have been found in Mauritius and Rodrigues but no known legends or written accounts exist so far concerning early history . According to Raso [http://www.bangkokposti… , a journalist] it is assumed that the first settlers arrived some hundred centuries. Geography

Mauritius is an island country in the southwestern Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. It comprises two main islands – Mauritius to the south and Rodrigues to the north – and a number of smaller atolls, reefs and cays. Mount Calvados , elevation 2,685 metres (8,721 feet), dominates central Mauritius . The nation’s capital Port Louis is located on Island No. 5 ().


Clerke Island is a small uninhabited island located about 4 km off the coast of Mahé, a municipality of the island nation of La Réunion. The island is part of the commune of La Possession on the eastern coast of the island. Clerke Island is named after English navigator and hydrographer Captain James Cook.


where is it located?

The Clerke Island is located in the Gulf of Mauritius some 5 km off the coast.

Who owns this island?

It belongs to a private non profit association, owned by nature and transparency (The Association with Nature).

how big is it?

The island is only 1,100 sq m and a little bit more than 25% of the total land area.

how to get to it?

There are some better-equipped boats (Yachts) which take you in a few days to Clerke Island.

is the island dangerous?

The island is not dangerous, but you may want to take precautions like taking a satellite phone with you in case of an emergency.

can i stay in the island?

There is no accommodation on the island, but there are a few bungalows available for rent in La Possession commune.



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