Coco Dans Milieu Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Coco Dans Milieu Island


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Coco Dans Milieu Island is a scenic tropical island off the coast of the Andaman and Nicobar region of India. The island is a popular tourist spot for people who are interested in visiting the heavenly beaches and its captivating coral reefs.

One of the many things travellers love most about Coco Dans Milieu Island is that it has an abundance of coconut trees. Coco Dans Milieu Island also has mangrove stands, crystal clear rivers, fresh water ponds, and floating debris that add to its allure.

Coco Dans Milieu Island History

Coco Dans Milieu Island

The island first formed in the late Cretaceous Period, approximately 110 to 130 million years ago. It is a product of volcanic activity and the erosion of limestone cliffs by the waves.

The name Coco Dans Milieu Island was given to it by an early European explorer who found it during his voyage in 1819. The original inhabitants of this island are now known as Sentinelese people who have hunters-gatherer lifestyle dominated by seafood hunting, river fishing, and tree climbing for fruit gathering.


Coco Dans Milieu Island measures 8 km long and 4 km wide with an area of about 1,800 km2. The island is made up of a mixture of sand and coral with a few small hills.

It has two coasts – the eastern and the western coast – both facing the Indian Ocean. The eastern coast boasts golden beaches while the western coastline is renowned for its clear turquoise waters that make it one of India’s best scuba diving spots.



The island is rich in biodiversity with over 250 plant species and more than 1,000 invertebrate species. The dominant trees are coconut, pandanus, cashew tree, and mahogany. There are also a number of endemic reptiles and amphibians on the island including anointing frogs which have golden spots on their back.



There are about 250 Sentinelese people who live on the island.



The main economic activity on the island is tourism, but subsistence hunting and fishing are also important.



The climate on Coco Dans Milieu Island is tropical marine with wet and dry seasons. roar temperatures range from 22 degrees Celsius in December to 31 degrees Celsius during June-July; however , there are also occasional cold fronts that can cause temperatures to drop below 20 degrees Celsius. The humidity is high all year round so be sure to pack your air-conditioner!

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The Sentinelese people are a hunter-gatherer tribe that has a subsistence lifestyle dominated by seafood hunting, river fishing, and tree climbing for fruit gathering. Their traditional religion is based on animism and nature worship. They believe inspirited beings such as jaguars, owls, snakes, and monkeys inhabit the natural environment so they must be respected and treated with care.

The Sentinelese people have kept their culture largely unchanged for thousands of years so it is an interesting contrast to the rapidly changing societies around them. While they may not have access to many modern amenities such as electricity or running water, they are still very active and interactive with the surrounding environment.



There is no official language spoken on the island, but the Sentinelese people are proficient in English.



The Sentinelese people are not currently enrolled in any school, but they are familiar with Western concepts and can read and write in English.



The Sentinelese people are not currently represented in any formal government structures. They have their own informal leaders and communities that work together to manage common resources and ensure the safety of the tribe.

Government Services

Government services

There is no government service available on the island, but limited access to health and emergency services is possible through support from local NGOs.




There is currently no tourism activity taking place on the island, but it could be possible in the future if infrastructure and services are developed.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are currently no hotels or resorts available on the island, but this may change in the future if infrastructure and services are developed.



The Sentinelese people are not currently interested in tourism, but it is possible that they may become more open to visitors in the future if infrastructure and services are developed.


Pullen Island Transport

There is no access to transport on the island, but limited support from local NGOs is possible.



The Sentinelese people are not currently interested in eating out, but it is possible that they may become more open to this type of tourism in the future if infrastructure and services are developed.



The Sentinelese people are not currently interested in wildlife, but it is possible that they may become more open to viewing animals outside of the context of exploitative tourism in the future if infrastructure and services are developed.


Coco dans milieu island, or the Islands of Love, is an Okinawan term that means an island in where you feel perfectly secure and warm and protected. This is not a phrase created for tourism promotion but an expression that breaks down to describe a place where you feel the most comfortable. Let’s see what Coco Dans Milieu Island has to bring to the table in this reference guide for new-age travellers.


1.Which Country Does Zanzibar Island Belong To?

Ans: Zanzibar island is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. It is located on the eastern coast of Africa, south of the Tanzanian mainland and east of Mozambique. The city of Zanzibar is located on the main island, Unguja.

The name “Zanzibar” means “sunset”. The capital city of Zanzibar is called Zanzibar City or Stone Town. Stone Town was built by Arab traders from Oman, Yemen and other Arabian countries who settled there in the 16th century. Many different languages are spoken on this island such as Swahili (the national language), Arabic (a dialect), English and many others.

The islands were a British protectorate until 1963 when they became part of Tanzania after independence from Britain in 1961. Currently, about 70% of people living on Zanzibar are Muslims while 30% are Christians with a small number being Hindus, Buddhists and Jews as well.

2.What Are The 6 Island Nations Of Africa?

Ans: If you are asking about the 6 island nations of Africa, then let me tell you that there are six countries which form a small part of the continent. These countries are:

  1. Seychelles
  2. Mauritius
  3. Reunion Island
  4. Maldives
  5. Comoros Islands and Madagascar
  6. Sao Tome and Principe

3.Which Is The Largest Island In Africa?

Ans: The largest island in Africa is Madagascar, with an area of over 574,000 square kilometers.

4.What Is West Africa’s Only Island Country?

Ans: The only island country in West Africa is Mauritania.

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