Cocos Dans Trou Island – Everything You Need to Know!



Cocos Dans Trou Island


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Cocos Dans Trou Island is an archipelago of 16 islands situated in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands group, in the West Indian Ocean. The islands are located about 900 km east of Perth, Western Australia, and about 1,500 km northwest of Diego Garcia. The islands are part of a World Heritage Site, the Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve. The name Cocos Dans Trou Island is an adaptation of the French name for these islands – Îles du Cap-Vert.

All Discussion OfCocos Dans Trou Island

Cocos Dans Trou Island



Cocos Dans Trou Island is an uninhabited island located about 300 kilometers off the coast of Western Australia and about 1,500 kilometers east of Perth. It was discovered in 1609 by Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon. The island was named Cocos (Keeling) Islands by Captain James Cook in 1770.

Cocos Dans Trou Island is a part of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands group, which comprises five other islands: Christmas, Keeling, Amsterdam, Johnstone, and Hamilton. The Keeling Islands are named after Captain William Keeling who first sighted them on 12 October 1770.


Cocos Islands are located in the Indian Ocean, about 200 kilometers northwest of the coast of East Africa. The islands are about 20 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide. They are made up of a few dozen small coral atolls, islets, and reefs. The most famous of these is Coco Solo, which is the largest and most populated island.



The Cocos (Keeling) Islands are home to a coral reef ecosystem that is one of the most diverse and impressive in the world. The reefs off the islands are home to more than 1,000 species of fish, 350 types of mollusk, and 150 types of coral. The reefs also support about 230 species of tropical invertebrates. The islands are also a habitat for seabirds such as the critically endangered Hodgson’s Ridley sea turtle and the green sea turtle.



There is no permanent population on Cocos Dans Trou Island. The only residents are a few hundred researchers who conduct research studies on the islands’ coral reefs.



Cocos (Keeling) Islands are a part of the Commonwealth of Australia and have been self-governed since 1974. The economy is based on tourism, coconut production, and fishing.



The climate of Cocos Dans Trou Island is generally hot and humid. The average January temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius and the average July temperature is around 33 degrees Celsius. There is a great deal of rainfall during both the summer and winter months, with an average of around 1,700 millimeters of rainfall annually.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of Cocos Dans Trou Island is heavily influenced by Hinduism. The majority of the population follows this faith, and there are many temples and shrines on the island. There is also a small Catholic community, although they are not as prevalent as the Hindu population.



The native language of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is English. The islands are also home to a number of indigenous languages, including Malay and Kriol. Christianity is the main religion practiced on the islands.



The only formal education available on the islands is through the island’s secondary schools. There are no tertiary institutions on the islands.



The Cocos (Keeling) Islands are a self-governing territory of the Commonwealth of Australia. The islands have a unicameral parliament and Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state.

Government Services

Government Services

The government services available on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands are limited to health care, police protection, and postal service.



The tourism industry on Cocos Dans Trou Island is booming! Visitors can enjoy a myriad of activities and experiences while staying on the island, including diving, snorkeling, fishing, hiking, kayaking, and more. There are also numerous places to stay on the island – from simple guesthouses to luxurious resorts. The best part is that most places accept international visitors, so everyone can enjoy the island’s natural beauty!

Hotels and Resorts List

Cocos Dans Trou Island Hotels and Resorts List

  1. Eden Roc – This resort has a wide range of accommodation options, from tents and safari tents to luxurious villas and cottages. They also offer a wide range of activities, including scuba diving, snorkeling, golf, tennis, and more.
  2. The Reef – This is another fantastic option for those looking for a luxurious stay on Trou Island. They have a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury villas to cottages and studios. They also have a wide range of activities available, including scuba diving, snorkeling, golf, tennis, and more.
  3. Serenity Bay – This is a great option for those who want to stay close to the action. They have a wide range of accommodation options, from tents to cottages and villas. They also offer a wide range of activities, including scuba diving, snorkeling, golf, tennis, and more.
  4. White Sands Resort – This resort is perfect if you’re looking for something relaxing and peaceful. They have a wide range of accommodation options, from tents to bungalows and villas. They also offer a wide range of activities, including scuba diving, snorkeling, golfing, tennis, kayaking, and more.


Cocos Dans Trou Island Attractions

If you’re looking for a paradise on earth, look no further than Cocos Dans Trou Island! The tiny island is home to a wide array of natural wonders, including stunning coral reefs and towering palm trees. But that’s not all – the island is also known for its fascinating history and culture, as well as its lively nightlife and vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re a history buff or a nature lover, Cocos Dans Trou Island is sure to enchant you!


Cocos Dans Trou Island Activities

Cocos Dans Trou Island (CDT) is one of the most unique and beautiful islands in the world. It is located in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands group, about two-thirds of the way from Brisbane, Queensland, to the east coast of Australia. The island has a population of just over 100 people and is home to a small village, a few guesthouses, a post office, and a school. There are no shops or other services on the island.



There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the transport of cocos Dans trou island will largely depend on the specific needs of your business. However, some general tips that may be useful include:

  1. Consult with a transport specialist – A good way to get an accurate estimate of the transport requirements for your company is to consult with a transport specialist. They will be able to assess your cargo and provide you with an accurate estimate of the transport costs.
  2. Choose the right shipping company – Once you’ve consulted with a transport specialist, it’s time to choose the right shipping company. There are a number of reputable companies out there, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision. Make sure to take into account the company’s track record, customer service, and pricing policies.


Cocos Dans Trou Island Cuisine

The cuisine of Cocos Dans Trou Island is similar to that of the neighboring islands. The main difference is that there is a greater variety of seafood available on the island, due to its proximity to the open seas. The most popular dish on Cocos Dans Trou Island is the fish and chips, which is made from deep-fried fish and French fries. Other local favorites include beef curry, roast chicken, and mango sticky rice.


So, there you have it – a summarized guide on everything you need to know about Cocos Dans Trou Island. As you can see, it’s an amazing place with plenty to offer visitors, whether they’re looking for a beach getaway or want to explore the local culture. I hope that this article has given you a good overview of what to expect and some ideas of what to do while on the island.


1.What Currency is Used on Cocos Dans Trou Island?

Ans: The currency of Cocos Dans Trou Island is the Australian dollar.

2.What is the Temperature Range on Cocos Dans Trou Island?

Ans: The temperature range on Cocos Dans Trou Island typically ranges from 23 degrees Celsius in the winter to 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.

3.Do I Need a Passport to Visit Cocos Dans Trou Island?

Ans: No, you don’t need a passport to visit Cocos Dans Trou Island.

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