Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island-You Have To Know



Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island


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Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island is a group of five volcanic islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, 120 kilometers east of the Brazilian coast. The island group covers an area of around 780 square kilometers and islets make up its total land area.

The archipelago consists of three main islands – Ilha Grande (Big Island), Ilha Pequena (Small Island), and Ilha Espinhaço (Spider Island). The islands are part of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. The climate is warm and temperate with average temperatures ranging from 23°C to 28°C.

All Discussion Of Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island

Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island


Ilhas Cagarras archipelago island group has a volcanic origin with three main islands, Ilha Grande, ilha Pequena and Ilha Espinhaço.

The first settlers who arrived on these Islan e ded e a name to the island, gave Santa Catarina this archipelago. According The NGA (National Geography, Archives) they gave the island a name of Grupio e Cagarras which means “orchid buds and starfish.”

The island is located 119 miles north-eastt off the coast of Brazil.

Islands were discovered by Portuguese explorers during 15 th century, but it was only in 1732 when English navigator – Matthew Saint Thomas visited these islands during his voyage to Brazil with captain John Cooke that one small island became an object for exploration on map keeping.

It took two Spanish buccaneers named Blas Rias y Cardona, who made a second expedition to explore and map the island, e before it was returned by Portuguese governor António Manoel Cândido of Pernambuco.

This archipelago is part of the “Regional Government” (State) Santa Catarina, having an area covering , situated in Region South II – Coastal region with five islands and one island-pinninsula joined together, lapped by Atlantic Ocean; This main island has 41640 ha x 119 miles large. Its name is Regional Island Ilhas Cerros de Grupio e Cagarras, which means “The Roc-rocks of Meeum e Lestador”. The island is part of the Brazilian states Santa Catarina.



The island has a humid subtropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 23°C to 28°C.

Winters are cool and mild, while summers can be hot and humid. The average annual rainfall here is 1,605.5 cm, mostly concentrated in January and June, while the island sees an average of one hurricane each year.



Here, there is a mix of Portuguese, Brazilian and African culture. The islanders are very friendly and welcoming to visitors.

The island has many lovely beaches to explore and the locals are always happy to chat with you about the island’s history, wildlife or tips on where to find some good seafood. The island has very nice beaches, and is the home of the Garimpeiras “Lighthouse” that was built in 1873. Most inhabitants are farmers, but there is also a thriving fishing industry on these colorful islands as well.

The islanders have an interesting language for communication – it resembles both Portuguese and North African/Berber languages spoken by local Berbers people along with Sarkid echi epos (songs) sung together during community events at night mostly starting around sunset; There are no regular newspapers here, or radio stations operated by any government organs or by any private organizations.

Instead, islanders read a newspaper published by Gilberto Rodrigues and an epos recently written that can be found at various places in the town, where it is referred as Zaka e Guma (meaning: zácarias de mujumâpete or communes) – Here people work hard to maintain their traditional lifestyle with no electricity except for generators powering some beaches during strong rainfalls.



The island, which is a part of the Portuguese autonomous region of Madeira, has been a stronghold for leftwing parties and activists.

The local government is run by the Left Bloc, which holds 13 out of 29 seats in parliament. The island has highest percentage of electors on all European, score: 91.2%; – second (behind Luxembourg and fourth overall) place in the world onesies free travel index ,

– widespread access to justice as well is one of main factors for successful jurisdiction model; although a case can only be heard by an island court – small like criminal court, which does not issue bail and consists of maximum 7 magistrates working collaboratively;

Justice System risks being nationalized with new Socialist Government’s political agenda . Social services are barely funded by central government despite large budget deficits caused both directly by big public enterprises (like e.g.

Estaleiros Navais de Sines and Portugalia-Enel) or due to high taxes, which are “redistributed” in island by the National Secretariat of Social Security that guarantees an adequate social protection system for all employees on island working more than 9 months per year for a minimum salary – All contributions are capped at €200000, then paid as state tax without any deductions enforced.


If you’re looking for an idyllic vacation spot to escape the rat race and recharge your batteries, then Ilhas Cagarras archipelago Island is the perfect place for you. Not too crowded, with a diverse landscape and diverse wildlife, this destination will leave you wanting more.

Travellers who have already visited rave about its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning coral reefs. And if scuba diving is your passion, these uninhabited islands are heaven on earth. Ilhas Cagarras is one of the newest destinations to make its mark on the world map and it’s no wonder why.


1.Is There A Currency In Ilhas Cagarras?

Ans: There is no legal currency in Ilhas Cagarras, but visitors are generally expected to use Brazilian Reais (BRL). Foreigners can also use USD or EUR.

2.Are There Any Vaccinations Required For Travel To Ilhas Cagarras?

Ans: In general, travellers should check with their doctor before travelling to new areas as some vaccines may not be effective against all diseases found in other countries.

However, the island group is generally considered safe and most tourists will only require a standard inoculation such as Tet anus and hepatitis A. Measles and mumps are rare, so if you aren’t vaccinated for them it would be a good idea to ask your doctor about getting more vaccinations before the trip – however many vaccines are not necessary anymore because of medical advancement!

3.What Currency Can I Use In Ilhas Cagarras?

Ans: The island group is entirely dependent on Brazil’s real currency, as there is no other one-peso coins or notes available; prices will have been greatly inflated by this point due to inflation rates average at around 7% per year since 2012. There has been talk of a new e-coin, the Cagarras island.

4.What Are The Local Customs In Ilhas Cagarras?

Ans: Visitors should generally dress conservatively, avoid drinking and smoking in public, don’t litter, and stay away from high-intensity nightlife.

5.Are There Any Recommended Restaurants In Ilhas Cagarras?

Ans: There are a few good restaurants on the island, although many of the dishes served specifically cater to Brazilian tastes.

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