Cocos Dans Trou Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Cocos Dans Trou Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Waking up so early in the morning to the clamour of waves washing against your feet, and the cries of the seagulls, might seem repulsive. But, such shifts in time of day can reveal an amazing array of colours and unique experiences.

Cocos Dans Trou Island is one such place where it’s early in the morning that you witness your surroundings most vividly. Whether you are on a hike or in a resort, Cocos Dans Trou Island is the destination you should avoid missing.

Cocos Dans Trou Island-Everything You Need to Know!


Cocos Dans Trou Island is one of the many beautiful islands in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. This uninhabited island located 700 km off Perth, Australia, has a long and rich history.

In 1827, Captain James Cook discovered this island and named it after his ship’s cockerel (Cocos). The first landing on Cocos Dans Trou was made by John Lort Stokes in 1874 and it was not until 1925 that the island became a public holiday resort.



Cocos Dans Trou is an elongated, triangular-shaped island measuring about 7 km by 2.5 km. The highest point on the island is Mount Clarence at 146 m above sea level and the lowest point is located near Coral Bay at 91 m below sea level.



There are currently no permanent inhabitants on Cocos Dans Trou. However, the island is frequented by holidaymakers who come to enjoy its natural beauty and peaceful surroundings.



The economy of Cocos Dans Trou revolves around tourism. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities such as hiking, swimming, snorkelling, and fishing.



The climate of Cocos Dans Trou is warm and humid with average temperatures ranging from 24°C to 35°C throughout the year.



Cocos Dans Trou has a rich cultural heritage which is reflected in the various traditions and ceremonies that take place on the island. These include coconut planting ceremonies, fishing competitions, and dances honouring the gods of ocean and land.


The primary language spoken on Cocos Dans Trou is English. However, there are also a number of local dialects which are used in different parts of the island.



The only educational institution on Cocos Dans Trou is the Community School which offers primary and secondary education.



Cocos Dans Trou is a part of the Western Australian State Government. The island is represented in the Parliament by two Members of Parliament who are appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Premier.

Government Services

Government Services

Government services are available on Cocos Dans Trou but they are limited in scope. This includes medical services, postal service, and police protection.



Cocos Dans Trou is a popular tourist destination which enjoys excellent weather conditions and rich natural attractions. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities such as hiking, swimming, snorkelling, and fishing. Some of the more popular attractions on the island include Sulphur Banks National Park, Cockleshell Beach Sanctuary & Marine World Centre, and Thunder Cave.

Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts List 

There are currently only a few hotels and resorts located on the island. These include The Pier Resort & Spa, Coral Bay Resort Apartments, The Ghost House Bed And Breakfast Inn & Suites, and The Cocos Dans Trou Resort.


The main attractions on Cocos Dans Trou include the beautiful beaches, lush rainforest, and crystal-clear waters. These offer visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.



Transport to and from Cocos Dans Trou is provided by the local ferry terminal. There are also regular flights which connect the island with Sydney, Australia.



The local cuisine on Cocos Dans Trou is based around seafood and coconut products. These are usually cooked in a variety of ways, including in coconut oil or butter.



The wildlife on Cocos Dans Trou is diverse and includes a number of endemic animals. These include the palm civet, black-footed ferret, ghost gazelle, bandicoot, and the endangered tikal nacklace turtle. Cocos Dans Trou is blessed with an astonishing range of different floral species. These include flowering palm trees, eucalyptus trees, and orchids. Visitors can enjoy the sights and aromas of these plants all year round!


Cocos Dans Trou Island, about 1 hour and 20 minutes from Nossi-Bé, is a small island surrounded by a barrier reef. This is the second largest atoll of Kourou on the coast of French Guiana. The name Cocos D’ans Trou Island was given to it by the French who first colonised the island in 1766. It was named so because of the coconuts trees that were seen growing there.

The cacti are also among the plants to be spotted in the island and there are also five species of lizards, which are found only in the Central and Southern Americas and which were imported from other continents.


1.Which Plant Species Can Be Found On Cocos Dans Trou Island?

Ans. Trou Island is home to a wealth of plant species that are not typically found on other islands. Some of the more common include the Cocos palm, the pandanus, and the coco-leaf palm. Cocos palm is the only palm species found on the island, and it is the tallest palm in the world. It can reach a height of up to 50 feet, and its trunk can be up to 8 feet in diameter.

The pandanus is found throughout the island, and it is known for its distinctive leaves and fruit. The fruit is a type of nut that is eaten fresh or dried. The coco-leaf palm is a type of palm tree that is found in sheltered areas on the island. It is a popular landscaping tree, and its leaves are used to make paper.

2.Why Do You Think There Are No People Living On This Island Today?

Ans. There are a few possible explanations for this absence of people. Perhaps the island has never been properly settled or the people who have tried to live there have not been able to survive. Alternatively, the island may be uninhabitable for some other reason. Whatever the reason, it is an intriguing mystery that has yet to be solved.

3.Is The Water On The Island Safe To Drink And Swim In?

Ans. There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the specific island and the level of safety precautions that have been put in place. It is important to remember that even small island nations have the ability to militarily invade and take over, so always be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Additionally, many islands are still struggling with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, which has left many parts of the island without reliable water sources. So, while it might be safe to drink the water on some islands, it is not guaranteed on all islands. Always consult with local authorities before drinking water if you are unsure.

4.How Did This Island Get Its Name?

Ans. The name “Hawaii” originally comes from the Hawaiian language and means “the land of the rising sun.” The island was first discovered by a French exploratory expedition under the command of Jean-François de La Pérouse in 1786.

5.What Types Of Animals Live On Cocos Dans Trou Island?

Ans. Cocos Dans Trou Island is home to a variety of different animals, including small lizards, turtles, parrots, and iguanas. There are also several types of large mammals, such as elephants, lions, and boars. Some of the smaller animals that can be found on the island include macaws, toucans, and skinks.

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