Coraline: Storyline And Short Review



Coraline Storyline And Short Review


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Coraline is a 2012 American fantasy horror film directed by Henry Selick and written by Hayley Pappas. It was released on October 9, 2012, in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D. Coraline, a dark and haunting tale about a little girl who becomes trapped in her own story. When Coraline’s world is thrown into chaos, she must escape to the Outside.

The story of coraline follows Coraline, a little girl with blonde hair who moves into a house and soon discovers it is haunted. She becomes desperate to escape the situation she is in as that family wants her dead.

The film starts out when Coraline places an order for book from her parents on eBay. When he tries to deliver the book, two boys drive up in his van after him and force him into their car at gunpoint.

All Discussion Of- Coraline

Coraline Storyline And Short Review

The film’s setting and time period

The film does not have a traditional opening, instead starting the movie with showing us Coraline’s front door steps. Then to present what is happening in the outside world we get several newspaper headlines of different events and people related to him that are being happened around her city .

“First Monster Kid Found”, “Large Dog Kills Woman On The Autopist”, and finally some torn pages from a news paper: “Crime Rises In Ocean Point” She then (along with the viewers) all realize that there is something wrong and out of place happen in her city.

Then we get to see who Coraline really was before she moved into this house, as a little girl playing by itself where her friend Audrey comes along to play with them. Then when their toys start falling apart, Coraline’s world is threatened because she doesn’t want any more pain and tears from it .

Movie Cast And Crew

The movie was directed by Henry Selick, and had several well known VO cast many of them made the transition from their animated films to live action. The main character Coraline is played by Dakota Fanning.

Coraline is a film produced by Tim Burton . Original title: “Coraline” nl=” Coraline is a film produced by “Tim Schumacher Productions”. It was originally announced as ‘Cora’ but then became called ‘Coraline’ without confusion.

The male lead role in this film is provided by Anthony LaPaglia who also did a live-action adaptation of “Wendy Darling” Lucille La Rue (the voice actress for Oogie Boogie) also provide her voice to his monster in this movie along with SD Pi and Jami Pavalik.

The voice over is provided by David Hyde Pierce who’s frequent collaborators include Everybody Loves Raymond, “Gilmore Girls”. Gregory Itzin has also joined the cast he was been known for playing The Governor on TV Series “” since 1990.

Storyline Of The Movie coraline

Coraline is a eleven years girl . Her parents, Rowan and Lindora also live there . This house holds a secret in store for her . Periodically The notorious Mr. Wyndham ( ) arrives at the top of the staircase to startle Coraline with his odd behavior , and presents weird books he’s composed on death-books , children and life – which tenants passed down as he had been keeping them all across time ).

When Coraline follows their back markings outside into an abandoned bedroom up on “top” of Andre’s house (before it was bought over as a hotel/guesthouse), she encounters two holes in the floor of which lead into a tunnel, and climbs through one. Coraline follows it all the way until she reaches room 21C, where she finds out that there is something moving within.

A white-winged creature flies down to her face ends up lighting its eyes on fire with sparks (except for without being “dressed” like one) before heading back through another hole behind itself as mysteriously as it came forth .

He eventually kicks out another tenant when she tells him that she is already home to be with her daughter (sort of) and wouldn’t require his assistance when leaving the house ). The stubborn Mr.

Wyndham starts touring other renters, though he begins mysteriously bringing witches around occasionally as well; someone in particular seems particularly interested in that light -The witch Ykissle , who has been imprisoned for burning down their town a long time ago .

Coraline’s parents become oddly ill one day at their child-cutting table and Rowan dies shortly after . Lindora must live in the bedroom by herself, having succumbed to an unknown illness. Where Coraline used to sit on her chair , she now sits in a cage attached at both ends like a set of legs . The witch decorates it with his bones from Father Christmas’ death – throwing them all over the house doing strange poses ( ) as colorful ribbons flowing through doors .

Coraline grabs a kitchen knife concealed within the slats, and later finds that it’s been set to charge. Thinking revenge is coming, when she descends into Party Room 4C after having not used her In-A-Gadget (which was removed with her) for this purpose yet before the film ends implying that she would get rid of Miss Peregrine rather than Pete; however due to an error by movie makers they explore a house first which she did not know about yet it’s already full of children and ready for tourists.

Coraline does meet the previous owner, Walter (played by David Strathairn) in Room 19D before reaching a basement infested with demons that keeps going down . She meets Bone Daddy by taking him into his lair , a place where Coraline remembers having explored once upon arriving to her own home as such while on a mental vacation, and staring at her younger self from up on a shelf .

The father and other mother said he has stolen all their (the little girls’ ) gold and ran away after his wife suddenly died during childbirth leaving him with an infant daughter .

He took no further interest in her and reported her missing, leaving him to simply raise their son alone . He rides the elevator down accompanied by Cressida (Laura Linney) who has been hired by his daughter as a tour guide.

She advised Coraline there that the son has proven himself to be extremely troublesome which Mr. Bothers (Guy Pearce) concurred with and confirmed in his tone . Neither talked directly about it, but Cressida knew what he meant by ‘troublesome’ as this is shown later.

Kids are suddenly bleeding from their noses the moment he enters Room 23B , and when Coraline mentions it to him, Mr. Bothers went on telling her that it’s called asthma .

He tightens his belt strings a little before realizing she isn’t breathing (respiration) as this is shown later; Mrs. Butts advised not to be concerned about things like what happened at first which Mr. Bothers took great interest in instead.

Film Humar

When Coraline jones finally gets to the exit of her relative’s house, she stops at a broken wooden sign that reads”Help!”. It is remarkably right near an enormous “Beware!” Sign. She assumed this is where everyone lies when they did it badly.

The same sign would later be used by Boo in his attempt to warn people about moving platforms and other dangers but not for what you want or need him too (“For Your Ears Only”).

The Red Key Bird is a trademark of the company Humar Entertainment, which has released several other animated movies. The plot compares it to Never-Ending Story III as about “our entire world.

Instead of the well-known Grumpy Bear, Humar Entertainment decided to make this video as Coraline without any character change in Cinderalla. This gives a different perception toward it as you can imagine at least one scenario based on this (see “Bothers’ Home Video”).

Box Office Performance

The movie grossed US$124,924 in its opening weekend. It did not attract much attention and declined until the end of 2009 when it had improved a little over 50% with profits of $2666230 (US). Its last appearance in 2011 from IMDb is 2,165.

The film opened at number 1 in its first weekend, but the box office dropped to second place when it was replaced by “Puss In Boots” now holding an average rating of 3.2/5 from IMDb.

By today’s release which is year 2014, (30 years later). This movie has improved slowly since being ranked as low as 555th best movies and also with a current rank of 2981st about Tom Bridget t who can alter its rank with a very low cast performance.

Short Review

Short Review

Coraline is a young girl and has not a lot of her own experiences. She is excited to come home, but afraid that she won’t be able to fool the man this time because he hasn’t seen her yet (shown with arriving at Room 19D immediately). This terrifies Coraline, who wonders if the other kids will ever see their parents again .

The story develops from there real parents and continues into The Other World –with evil entities being depicted . This is a secret place in the house, and as exciting as it may sound to be let into this “secret world” many children (why there are quite early on) always die from falling down stairs or through chasms. They just do, never seem to learn .

That all of this seems too idea with further development such an opening is actually incredibly thin for a film that’s supposed to be based upon excellent writing. True beginnings can be extremely strong, but Coraline’s have the acrid aroma of something that hasn’t been thought out good enough.

For example: creepy guys who seem ‘ominously’ familiar with your daughter would be obvious plot-wavers now . This is where a good writer could fix this by really adding more subtly and then know it will work fine when all is said and done – anything else feels cheapwell –on screen forever looking like someone just tossed.

Neil gaiman Satrapi referred to ‘The Books of Monas’ that had inspired her and her other work. It is indeed a commanding book detailed with such detail you find yourself almost feeling like too look for these books about anagrams (already having them every in ones). The way this film introduces itself it very easily could have been one just like the ones she used how-these albino clan come from beyond .

The inspiration for the plot came in part from Sharon McCartney, who wrote an unpublished story titled ‘The Silver Shoemaker’s Wife’ around 2001 that contained all of the same themes in fairy-tale format. The idea of a young girl who is passed down on to another family when she is old enough was put into Coraline, although this transfer was only ever hinted at not explicitly stated throughout the movie.


There are oodles of lessons going on here, both obvious and sub and to which kids will not pay attention. Take for example the fact that this (I’m sorry) has a spoon-feeding character as its central element . She is Coraline; she must do everything out of her feelings –often at her own miss spink.

The whole situation becomes about being sad instead of concentrating on actually learning much maths or history. The film does touch on ‘evil’ but fails to branch out from it. I could just stick your unfulfilling simple plot along the way, give you a few moments of creepy guys and how their background made them do what they did –and that’s all real kids need nowadays .


1. What Is the Main Point of Coraline?

Ans: The main point of Coraline is to prepare the child for real life by showing them there are bad people out in the world and not just their own horrible parents. This opposes what we see as a carefree, happy fantasy childhood with no ill intention on happening or affecting others.

The movie shows that this ending isn’t all it appears because these simple things can end up dangerous at times and different than you may believe until it’s too late. A saying could be “some of these simple things can turn out to be dangerous”.

2. Is Coraline Based On A Real Story?

Ans: After the first of 2 films, the director decided to modify some details into make it more gripping on audiences. From what I remember she really didn’t ask Lee Unkrich or her whether it was based on a real story. The main detail that they added in this specific film were setting and scripting (the part near the end between Coraline’s family and other people who defy them).

It is rumored however that an older version of her father had been voiced by none other than Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead.The whole idea of Coraline being driven by logic and reasoning was the creation and execution to help children process non-dystopian endings.

3.What Are The Pros And Cons Of Using Coraline:storyline?

Ans: The cons of using Coraline:

The story is for kids, so there’s no reason to worry about anything that happens. This provides an easier experience because the movie isn’t dreary and hopeless as it gives some relief from typically real life problems.

The pros of using coraline:

Some would argue that the movie depicts a really good message to kids in a safe way. The idea is: “If you want to be happy, then it’s not worth giving up your wishes.”

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