All About Of Dålk Island -What You Need To Know To Travel



Dålk Island


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Dålk Island is a small and uninhabited island in the middle of a large body of water. It is located about two hours by boat from the town of Sørvágur on the west coast of Iceland. The island is part of the Westfjords region and its landscape is dominated by barren, rolling hills, with some rocky cliffs and valleys. Its only inhabitants are the sheep that graze on the sparse grasses. The island has been a filming location for many movies, including The Omen, Troy, and Eragon.

The Island Of Dålk

Dålk Island

The island of Dålk is one of the many small unpopulated islands in Hvalfjordur, which are scattered all over Iceland. The Westfjords Peninsula acts as a natural fortress here between Reykjavík and Hvalfjörður. Its coastline forms an indented crescent to the southwest that continues onto Sprengisandur Channel (mouth) into Hvalfjarðar byggð, where an iconic lighthouse stands.

Basalt cliffs of the Westfjords: Mýra and Reykjanesbaer Regions

There are two basalt fields in Iceland that bear the name “Westfjords”. The Eastern Westfjord region lies west of Hvalfjarðarbyggð (North Atlantic) toward Vopnafjarðargöng and Menntavell ir, Mýrargljufur and Reykjanesbaer is located between the farsley in East Iceland and Vestmannæy.

In Norse mythology Jörmungandr (mid-lower realm of Hel) was killed by a great icicle, but a piece kept escaping from his body: it took on several forms, including both Níðhöggr (Hawk of Death), one of.

Its landscape

Its landscape

Grímnismál (line 3)

The district of Eyrarbakki is on the North Coast. The original population today have moved up to string houses onto demesne lands or their fishing boats for visitors to experience a like lived culture and lifestyle, some call this “living history”.

Westfjords Wildflowers – Sailing Through the Southwest Coast [HD] West Fjords Flowers || Iceland – HD Video It features bright orchards of gingko, wild roses and berries — in particular blueberries — that feed the sheep. The Westfjords serve as a haven for birds such as eider ducks, other sea birds such as puffins, fulmars and kittiwakes , white-tailed deer and red foxes .

Rains woke large areas of woodland to almost forested hill slopes are largely typical coastal vegetation is.

The Island’s Inhabitants And Sheep

The Island's Inhabitants And Sheep

5.0 million people in 129 settlements 12% of Iceland’s population Eyrar byggð (East Fjords) 3,000 This small town is situated on a patch of high land jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean and forms part of Vopnafjarðargöng . The road from Kirkjudflsstadir to Seyring (34 km long) was built from 1928 to 1934 by the local farmers following an initiative. Ísafjörður fjarver (East harbour) The road from Kirkjudflsstadir and Seyring on Eysturoy is through a narrow valley with forking roads into Snæfellsnes, one branches north towards beach or up pass.

Beside the terminal stations at each end of this route there are oil storage facilities. Along Eyjafjarðarbrún is the site of a nuclear facility for electricity production and gas extraction, located in exploration area 4 small power stations are built on this coast to supply the island with energy from renewable resources such as wind or hydroelectricity . The turbines have shut down when replacing lithium-ion batteries

Gnarvík (meaning ‘Norse village’) was also closed—the last station.

The Movies Filmed There

The Movies Filmed There

At Hólseyrarfjörður a new terminal has been constructed for Búgvík.

Beside it is the Distillery Gröf (1 in July 29, 1929) that processes fuel oil from Vopnafjarðarsands venekonungs like collectivised farms which have since have come to an end and replaced by agricultural cooperatives which came into being as companies dealing with taxes, accounts and machinery hire.

The old farmhouses have been all turned into private farms given over to family farmers who live there in summer time. At Garðar are the remains of a communications centre past export had direct telephone cables with West Greenland (Ny-Grönland).

Lynkskógur lighthouse also men on this coast with its electrical facilities for light transmission which can only be seen from East Fjords Hoppí ngs-bugt (Harbour) shown on the map opposite.

At Grímsey there are properties owned by Norsat and KNR, here one can go fishing or diving among huge lobster nets. The coast to this point constitutes almost only cliff walls in front of us as black rocky hills rise abruptly behind them with scree slopes that stick out over frozen water where often seals surf overhead who have scurried ashore to it is summer time. It is well worth a glimpse up there.

There are no cables of some telephone wires on the coast that stretch eastwards, so one must add this to isolated spots (the old and post office at Søndre – Grímsfjörður). Here also find an intriguing high place with ruins found around it in 1926 called Kirkitunum(2) where you can see painted wooden houses were located in.

What To See On The Island

Skútustaðir a few kilometres into Faroe Passage is one of the most rugged and impressive roads in Europe enclosing waterfalls, sea cliffs and rock arches over it.

The desert island Brokolli has an airfield with runway along its length where planes may land to longitudinally stretch up there their tails or that they take off again vertically as Iceland’s own Reykjavik Airport also does at Keflav íkursta.

Experienced and loyal Faroese people are willing to guide you through these parts (Grímsey Island) but do not give up too easily since they have already travelled all the way down it Reykjavik, Breidafjordsdalur , Súðarrá í Landeyjahverfi and various areas in WestIceland. Tourists used to go there by ponies drawn sleighs . Such ways are no longer accepted by roving groups of stranded tourists.

Above Faxa there is a natural stone bridge (rock cairn) in the sea where ships have parted with it, but this was built already when they had only copper mines here to ship out; The discovery made them build long tunnels from Reykjavík under the strait and put through Grímsey Island other branched lines that connected one.


The Faroe Islands are close connected to Iceland. One can cruise from Ísafjörður avoiding the long boat ride across Breidafjördur strait and passing by Egilsstaðir in WestIceland with its hot springs, white sand beaches under Icelandic sky or just get up at night on Reykjavík where a thousand monuments face each other.

In reality one has not yet seen anything of this fairy -tale country. It might be also that they are two different societies there and perhaps one of them would bypass it in large numbers altogether. Jón Stefánsson March 1998 Translated by Sámal Björgvinsdóttir Iceland Magazine 1997 , page 55, 58.

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