Departure Rocks Island – Full Details



Departure Rocks Island


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A blog about our experiences on the island of Departure Rocks. We’ll be writing about our experiences with the people, culture, food, and more. If you’re planning on travelling to Departure Rocks, or just want to know more about it, be sure to check us out!

The People Of Departure Rocks Island

Departure Rocks Island

The people of Departure Rocks are some fine individuals. We weathered a few storms, finally arriving on the gently waving away from the island after waking up early and being blown off course by winds that had other ideas for us!

The sun was shining even though it was last minute before heading to bed, but now all hell has broken loose and our three joysticks have been misplaced so they will not return until morning (they were taken during hurricane Irma).

We’ve lost the odds and ends that you take for granted, like our laptops and naked aviators. The mess huts are ready to be filled with volcanic juice from the volcano going off over in Homer’s Cave so we’ll have everything needed for a successful first timer stay here – except one of us has no clothes…like seriously?!?

Bacon! Shake and bake don’t need a recipe:) The Departure Rocks “Hot Pockets” include some of the region’s hottest bacteria and yeasty goodness, so be sure to recommend that you only eat it if you’re a fire eater. If eating the Hot Pocket has already put your mind at ease we also have fresh fish available along with many other delicious meats cooked in traditional fashion and wrapped up in banana leaves!

We can’t get over how beautiful this place is –

The Food On The Island


The food on the island is most definitely fantastic; if you’re a seafood fan there’s fresh fish, lobster and prawns here! We are pretty sure there’s even squid that goes down like a dream. If your taste buds prefer something cooked to caramel it’d be hard for any dish in this region of the world not to make good use of those brown sugar gnome eyes – bloodhound beans, macaroni cornbread muffins anything is more than capable of getting the sugar maker thing off your chest!

Hurricane Irma is still going on out today but at our perfect palm-fringed resort we’ve actually been enjoying it as we have a lovely porch with no neighboring houses to block us in – so without further adieu: Welcome To Captain Jaak Altmann’s Guest Hut!!

The entrance to this hut goes like this like almost any other hut you can imagine… The entrance to this hut goes like this. Like almost any other hut you can imagine go up the stairs. The steps are a little magical – they change color with each step just as if there’s some kind of aura or thought-energy changing on the way:

Go up another few wooden stairs and your in front of an orange door…take off your shoes at least before entering, wear socks! 🙂

Inside is darker than expected and decorated with rustic style furniture and wagon-wheel chandeliers – not the thing you want to picture while eating your shark eye seeds…but…uhhhh here goes nothing!

Take a peak behind this couch:  ( The teddybears though, they’re pretty awesome , huh? ) 😀 TOO FUNNY!! That damn human head on there is what made us start that one in the first place. We love.

Activities On The Island


It’s been a while since we’ve posted anything, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything worth talking about. And, if there is one topic that deserves a lot of attention, it’s Departure Rocks Island. For those of you who don’t know, this place is a paradise for adventurers.

With tonnes of activities available that will keep you entertained for days on end, this place is the perfect getaway for anyone who wants to have a good time. Wondering what all the fuss is about? Keep reading to find out all the wonders that this place has to offer!

The Culture Of The Island

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Before getting into the island’s activities, let us first talk about its cultural experiences. During our visit over a year ago, we got to experience many of these things that are still endearing their visitors today. They range from art and music festivals such as:

  • Divefest – Traditional Sautee-Lizard Music Festivity featuring live drumming traditions followed by traditional hunting rites during feast days Celebrating the traditional Maori landing of New Zealand.
  • Pukehina – The world’s largest art festival featuring arts and crafts from the Tuhoe people celebrating their traditional legacy of music, dance, speech & song promoting cultural unity among the people in a way that reflects on a child would like to see this approach being done for them when they grow up: growing relationships with other cultures through shared knowledge about each culture.
  • Wheroonga R.


Island life has its perks, but it can be frustrating when you don’t have much to do. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to fill your days on Rock Island if you’re looking for something different. Whether you’re into exploring the natural wonders of the island or trying out some of the unique activities that are available, there’s no shortage of things to do.

In this blog, we will take a look at five of the best ways to spend your time on Rock Island. So, whether you’re looking to relax and enjoy the tranquil surroundings or get active and have some fun, be sure to check out this blog!

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