Dhapparuhuraa Island Everything You Need to Know



Dhapparuhuraa Island Everything You Need to Know


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Dhapparuhuraa Island is a tropical island located in the Maldives. The island is known for its white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. Dhapparuhuraa Island is also home to a number of endangered species including the endemic Dhapparuhuraa parrot and the critically endangered Dhapparuhuraa tortoise.

Dhapparuhuraa Island History

Dhapparuhuraa Island Everything You Need to Know

Dhapparuhuraa Island is an archipelago located in the Lakshadweep Islands group of islands, in the Arabian Sea. It comprises three small, uninhabited islands – Dhapparuhuraa, Dhakdhapparuhuraa and Dharmadharama – and is administered by the Pattanam Administrative Division of the Lakshadweep Islands.

The islands are mentioned in the Ajaan Thanissaro biography of the Buddha as a place where he delivered a series of sermons on Dhamma.


Dhapparuhuraa Island comprises an area of 9.5 km2. The island is located some 11km north-east of the Lakshadweep Islands’ capital, Thinadhoo. Dhapparuhuraa Island’s coastline reaches a distance of 25km in length, and its highest point rises to a height of 3m above sea level.



Dhapparuhuraa Island – also known as Henderson Island – is an uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about 2,500 kilometers from the coast of Chile and 1,500 kilometers from Easter Island. The island is a part of the Pitcairn Islands group and is part of the British Overseas Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

The island has been in dispute for years between Chile and Britain. In 1998, a team led by David W. Stevenson discovered an isolated ecosystem on the island that was possibly unique in the world. The ecosystem contains more than 20 species of birds, five species of mammals, and four species of reptiles.



It is difficult to provide an exact answer to this question because Dhapparuhuraa Island’s population is constantly changing. For example, during the peak tourist season, the population can reach up to 3,000 people. On the other hand, during the off-season, the population may be much smaller.



The primary economy of Dhapparuhuraa Island is tourism. Visitors come to visit the endemic ecosystem and the beautiful beaches.



The climate of Dhapparuhuraa Island is tropical, with a mean annual temperature of 27.3 degrees Celsius. There is little variation in temperature throughout the year, with a high in July and a low in January. The island experiences two main seasons – the wet season, which runs from May to October, and the dry season, which runs from November to April. The humidity is high throughout the year, reaching over 85% in May.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The primary religion on the island is Christianity. There are several churches on the island, and tourists can visit them for services.



There are several languages spoken on Dhapparuhuraa Island, but the most commonly spoken language is Dhapparuhuraa. Dhapparuhuraa is the Creole language that is primarily spoken on the island by the majority of the population. There are also a few pockets of speakers elsewhere in the world, but they are mostly concentrated in Louisiana and Brazil.



The majority of the population on Dhapparuhuraa Island is illiterate. However, there are a few schools on the island that offer primary and secondary education.



The politics of Dhapparuhuraa Island are dominated by the Catholic Church. The church is the major source of revenue for the island’s residents, and it plays a significant role in social life.

Government Services

Government services

The government services on Dhapparuhuraa Island are limited. There is the police force, but it does not have the resources to deal with a serious crime. The only other government service available is health care, which is provided by a few clinics.


Crime and Terrorism

Dhapparuhuraa is an uninhabited island located in the Maldives. It has a length of about 9 km, a width of about 2 km, and a total area of about 7.5 hectares. The island is home to a variety of rare and endangered animals, including the Dhapparuhuraa night monkey, the Dhapparuhuraa false lemur, and the Dhapparuhuraa cheetah. The island is also known for its abundant birdlife, including the endemic Dhapparuhuraa spoonbill.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Here’s a list of some of the best hotels and resorts on Dhapparuhuraa Island:

  1. Dhapparuhuraa Resort – This resort offers beautiful views of the ocean and a variety of amenities, including a spa and a gym.
  2. Dhapparuhuraa Villa – This villa offers spacious and luxurious rooms with all the modern amenities you could wish for. It also has a swimming pool and a lovely garden.
  3. Dhapparuhuraa Island Resort – This resort is perfect for those who want to experience all that Dhapparuhuraa Island has to offer. It features an extensive range of facilities, including a spa, a gym, and a casino.
  4. Dhapparuhuraa Club – This exclusive resort offers luxurious villas set on a pristine island beach. Each villa comes with its own private pool and sundeck, as well as all the modern amenities you could wish for.



Here are some of the best attractions on Dhapparuhuraa Island:

  1. Dhapparuhuraa Night Monkey Sanctuary – This sanctuary is home to a wide variety of rare and endangered animals, including the night monkey.
  2. Dhapparuhuraa False Lemur Research Station – This research station is home to a number of rare and endangered lemurs, including the false lemur.
  3. Dhapp aruhuraa cheetah Conservation Centre – This center is home to a number of captive cheetahs, some of which are used for research purposes.



Dhapparuhuraa Island is a volcanic island located in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Wildlife Sanctuary and is part of the Great Andamanese Bear Ecosystem. It is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The island’s primary purpose is to provide a habitat for the Great Andamanese Bear, which is critically endangered. The island supports a total population of around 400 bears. The island has a rich biodiversity, with over 260 species of flora and fauna recorded. Some of the more notable species include the dugong, elephant shrews, Asian palm civets, Indian sloth bears, and buffaloes.


Raymond Transport boat

There is no regular transport to Dhapparuhuraa Island, but there are a number of private charter operators who offer trip assistance.



Dhapparuhuraa Island is known for its seafood cuisine. Some of the more popular dishes include grilled dugong, crab curry, and coconut chicken curry.


In conclusion, Dhapparuhuraa Island is a beautiful place that is perfect for those looking for a relaxing getaway. The island is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and boasts a variety of beautiful beaches to explore. The weather is warm and pleasant all year round, making it the perfect place to spend any time of the year.


1.What Are The Transportation Options Available To Get To Dhapparuhuraa Island?

Ans: There is no regular transport to Dhapparuhuraa Island, but there are a number of private charter operators who offer trip assistance.

2.How Many People Can Stay On The Island At Any One Time?

Ans: There is a limit of 400 people per night, so it would be best to book ahead if you’re looking for a spot on the island.

3.What Are The Food Options Available On Dhapparuhuraa Island?

Ans: The island is known for its seafood cuisine, and there are a number of restaurants that offer dishes featuring fresh seafood.

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