East Woody Island



East Woody Island


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Rather than the country itself, it is on the islands that we see a distinct difference in how the people, their economies, and how they live their everyday lives. For example, Moheli Island and Crozet Island are relatively undiscovered parts of the country.

East Woody Island


Woody Island was first discovered in 1733 by Nicholas Biddle andCapt. James Cook. The island became a possession of the U.S. in 1803, when the purchase was ratified by Congress as part of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty with France; it served as a naval base for American forces during both World Wars and is now administered by the United States Navy as an unincorporated territory known officially as American Samoa.

Today , the island is known for its profusion of tropical dry forests. The majority of the population still live on or near trees, one house can be found per tree.

Political system

Most are located in relatively undiscovered areas and suffer from poor health care services including running water, electricity and sanitation facilities with most getting by using pumps to access untreated drinking water which has been proven as a factor contributing to spreading diseases such as hepatitis A through unsafe use


East Woody Island Climate

Winters are wet and summers are hot with the temperature reaching as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The rainy season peaks in February and March.


The predominant language is Samoan however there are also some residents who speak English and other Pacific Island languages such as Tuinau and Cook Islands Maori.


Christianity is the most popular religion with 30% of the population belonging to this faith, followed by 13% Catholic faiths such as Anglican and Methodists , 8% Protestant denominations (mainly Pentecostal), 3 % Mormon Christianity, 1-2%, No Religion -Don’t know/Refused to say


The Samoans have many traditional customs and ceremonies that are still followed today. For example, a married woman must change her name after marriage. Tying the knot is also an important event in their culture and it is customary to give gifts to one’s wedding guests.

Samoan clans are very important and membership within a clan determines someone’s social status. There are also feasts such as fono which commemorate ancestral events or mark special occasions such as welcoming new members into the community

Some sports that are popular in Samoa include “tamatoa” (beating a flat round piece of bark with your palms) and ulletu fishing.


The Samoan political system is dominated by the traditional chiefs, who act as arbitrators between rival villages. The Prime Minister is appointed by the president and has limited power. Currently, there are two political parties in Samoa.

Sports and entertainment The Samoans are avid sportsmen and have developed many of their own games to entertain themselves, such as “tamatoa”, ” ulleti” (manual labor) and volleyball. Football is also a popular sport in Samoa with the Fiji national team being quite successful at it. The country has produced cricket players which play for Australia including current Australian Test player Mark Taylor


Government Services

The government of Samoa provides general health care and education services. Foreign nationals who are registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs can obtain a visa to visit Samoa. There is also a Samoan citizenship program available for those who are from other countries, as well as provision of social security benefits and disability allowances.

Samoa follows the Western calendar.


Tourism is an important industry in Samoa and the country has a growing number of hotels and resorts. The main attractions for tourists are the volcanic islands, beaches, cultural sites and outdoor activities such as hiking and diving. Samoan economy

As a developing country, Samoa’s GDP is predicted to approach $2.5 billion in 2017 and gradually grow by 5% annually after 2015. Strong economic growth of 11% was recorded during the 1980s, when exports amounted to less than 6%. In 2015 agriculture accounted for 23%, industry 25%, fishing 18%, services 58% and construction 4%. Excluding direct government transfers, the per capita income rose above US$1


Transport is an important factor in Samoa and the country has a well-developed network of roads, ports and airports. However, during recent years there have been increased concerns about transport safety, especially on the major highways connecting Apia with Vaiola and Faleolo.

There are three international airports: Apia, Lespelair and Tuasivi. There is also an airport on the main island of Savaii which serves as a domestic facility for Faleolo-Fagali’iii. Shipping mainly relies on boat travel in Samoa although there have been plans to build four new ports with road links to Apia being designed by 2011/12.


Samoan cuisine is largely based on imported foodstuffs, particularly Pacific seafood. Meat is relatively rare and coconut milk is the main base for sauces and gravies. There are also many traditional dishes such as taufa’a (a type of roasted pig), fa’alogo (steamed freshwater fish) and fale kaviar (seafood salad).


The official language of Samoa is Samoan but English


The Samoan archipelago is home to more than 600 bird species and a large number of reptiles, including the world’s rarest land turtle. Many of these creatures are endangered, so visitors are urged to take care when spotting them in the wild. The country has several National Parks, including Marine National Park on Upolu Island and Ifupua’i-Kau National Park on Savaii Island.


Maybe you have been to the cold north a few times, but are you aware about the mysterious island to the east of Canada? It’s called northern island, and this is home of the Inuits. This little island is known to be Canada’s northernmost landmass, which is a landmass more than one-fifth the size of Britain. This island has an unclear history, and no one knows who did make it their home. There have been traces of Inuit tradition since the 17th century.


Is It Dangerous To Visit East Woody Island?

No, it’s not dangerous. For example there are no mosquitos in East Woody Island and water is quite clean on this island, too. It depends if we would go fishing or meet a whale shark there!

Where Should I Stay While On The Island?

Stay for a few nights in an open or simple room (no hutches). You can find some nice rooms and mini-huts on the island, but in villages like Nukautau or Itu Anaga you will not be able to recognize them as accommodation. During summer there is plenty of activity around after 6 p.m., so always make sure your window is locked when leaving into this night time!

What Are The Best Things To Do On East Woody Island?

Diving and whale shark watching are great activities to do on East Woody Island.

How safe is it? On the beaches there are sharks, accident could happen because of the water. I wouldn’t go far in sea very often only diving with friends or travel guide (if they know where dangerous area). You must always be alert if a fish bites your hands you should stop swimming fast immediately after problem occurs! In villages people stay close two each other

How Can I Get There?

From Terrace (Rurik Lista Airport) you can book a trip by plane or helicopter.

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit East Woody Island?

In general the best time to visit is from June- September. It’s warm and there are hardly any mosquitoes in this period of time, but most excelent marine life will be present (for example minke whales). In winter the temperature can get quite miserable; at least below average, which affects your diving enjoyment.

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