All About Of Edwards Islands – Which Will Help You To Travel



Edwards Islands


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Edwards Islands is an archipelago located in the eastern central Solomon Islands. The country is made up of six main islands and over a hundred smaller islands. The total land area is just under 700 square kilometres, of which just under half is forest.

The islands are highly volcanic, with a large area covered in lava flows and pits. The country has a population of around 4,000 people, who live in scattered villages and small towns. Hunting, fishing, and agriculture are the main economic activities.

All About Of Edwards Islands

Edwards Islands


The islands were first explored by Europeans in 1568. They were named “Edwards Islands” after Don Juan de Salcedo y Mendoza, the viceroy of New Spain at the time when he was reported to have discovered them (though it is uncertain if this refers to Melville or Tokelau Island).

The Spanish had also given England names for its small possession; Turtle and Sandalwood Islands had a more detailed description from the Spanish, who saw them from a distance as they traveled westwards along the coast of New Guinea.

Politically Edwards has been part of the Solomon Islands since it was ceded to Great Britain on 24 July 1877 without incident by their former owners directly in front of their Polynesian competitors after three years’ détente with France and an exchange speech earlier that year at Washington made public knowledge.

From September until March 1942 during World War II, the British South Pacific command under Admiral Arthur Tedder claimed their control on the basis that they were presumably uninhabited and had not been included in any protests by other powers about Britain’s behaviour.

After World War II, when France lost its imperial holdings of Vietnam to French Indochina, it was announced that “on such a point [of lawlessness] as this one,” negotiations would be entered into to determine whether or not United.



It is an oceanic climate (Cfb) and has few rains, but extreme sea temperatures can mean that the “island of fire” holds brisk trade winds leaving cool evenings on many tropical Pacific islands.

The cold season is during December – April with low daytime temperatures between 20-23 degrees Celsius These lows then start rising again into May at around 28 – 30 C degrees starting to rise through June until reaching a seasonal maximum in July. After this.



The Solomon Islands have a small group of Polynesian islanders and other South Sea people, who were at one time migratory fishers that detected the abundant resources in an area of huge potential until they now display characteristic variations on cultural heritage.

Since early contact with Europeans this has immersed them within different variants of European cultures getting together to make up only a minority amongst themselves due to non-entrenchment upon all but previous monocultural influences while retaining their own identity for thousands of years.

This cultural diversity and richness has helped to develop the country into an inclusive democracy around a centralized system where power is devolved through elections via five regional government figures that represent their people in local councils with responsibility from issues regarding healthcare, education fund infrastructure development, industrialization culture wedding civil union and indigenous rights specifically.

Today the Solomon Islands are organized on two levels: presidentially-appointed provincial governors loyal to Phipp.



The Solomon Islands is a parliamentary democracy, in which the citizens elect 6 members for parliament and 2 senators. In 2002 it became independent from Australia; since then elections are held every four years as is required by constitution.

President Sir Michael Somare was elected Chief Justice of this country and served until 2004 when he retired to have been eligible only part-time duties on behalf of his people during 2008 before becoming Prime Minister but just five months later was ousted by.

Government services

Government Services

“”””The government services in the Solomon Islands are set out in various ordinances, budgets and other legal instruments.”””” Democracy and Human Rights

The constitution provides the judiciary with a wide range of powers, including the power to review legislation enacted by parliament. But it also empowers ministers responsible for governing activities under acts voted into effect by Parliament.

The (Joint Standing Committee on Constitutional Review) is also able to examine matters relating to constitutional interpretation and give advice/precedent when needed. There’s an important right guarantees within articles 47,51/



The Solomon Islands is a developing tourist destination with the number of tour agents, travel agencies and highway companies increasing.

The main people that visit here are those who have religious faith; most Christian set sail there during church holidays or if they stay overnight at the hotels situated on some islands whose location ensures this activity has become quite common for tourists to experience additional culture has its roots in the days of Mota’ainu Solomon (Malietoa) and ethnic groups such as Woleai, Guadalcanal-based tourism to help improve their economy.

This growth rate is set for five years saying that the number of visitors may be expected to double over this period but then decreased beginning with a fall in 2008 down by 16 percent or at least 133000 tourists on average which was profitable although it won’t.


Edwards Islands are a group of small coral atolls in the North Andaman Sea, India. They are administratively part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory. The islands are uninhabited, except for personnel of the Indian Ocean Survey who live there to conduct surveys and maintain the islands’ infrastructure.


1.What Is The Main Goal Of Tourism In The Solomon Islands?

Ans: Tourism a vital part of efficient economic and financial growth, supporting the development of trade, production and job creation in Solomon Islands.

The Visayans are said to have come from Borneo 4 – 7 generations back while some Malaysians say they came even 20 years ahead because this island was abandoned by its original inhabitants before whaling ships ever went there except for one year

2.How Did Tourist Arrivals In The Solomon Islands Increase Between 2007 And 2011?

Ans: The rise can be attributed to the increase in air services and a gradual decrease in cost. While travelling by sea was still cheaper back then, tourism operators are made extra money from tourists who have booked their trips through airline deals such as connecting flights or round trip fares because of this better price tag when comparing with flying arrangements between islands.

3 answering questions about cruise ship zones no longer exist today compared to ten years ago due to globalization which brings new options

3.What Are The Main Attractions For Tourists Visiting The Solomon Islands?

Ans: Tourists find the beautiful reefs, endemic birds and marine life, different kinds of coral formation are amazing. Another attraction is diving which has become a favorite past time among visitors to this region where they can catch fish like bream or crayfish as their main seafood meal plates.

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