All About Of Einstøding Islands – Everything You Have to Know



Einstøding Islands


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The Einstøding Islands are a small archipelago situated in the middle of the Greenland Sea. The islands are named after Danish scientist, astronomer, and meteorologist Emanuel Einstøding who, with his wife Asta, made multiple trips to the area in the early part of the 20th century.

The main attraction of the Einstøding Islands is their natural scenery, including mountains, glaciers, and icebergs. The islands are also home to a few small settlements and a few research stations operated by Denmark and Iceland.

All About Of Einstøding Islands

Einstøding Islands


The Einstøding Islands were first built up when the four islands of Hobart, Nansen, Franz Josef Land and Auckland visited in 1909-1910 by Danish explorer Fridtjof Nansen. In 1924–25 the Swedish Arctic Expedition made a search for Doctor Estragon to find more information about him but found nothing. He was said to have left his wife Asta on one of these small “roe” or is lets, but this is very doubtful.

It is believed that the Einstøding Islands are named after Danish scientist and meteorologist Emanuel Einstödding (1858–1925). He was curator of the Royal Observatory, Copenhagen from 1909 to 1925. In 1913 he led an expedition on board HMHSs “Astrea”, which brought back one more passenger than had been planned; a hunchbacked Finnish pastor who earned his keep by taking sighting of whales and describing them in detail. Einstödding described the islands, naming them after his wife.

Estrata were first sighted by whalers on 6 December 1832 when captained John Kastrup sighted the newly discovered “New Land”. It was originally thought to be a large island but later drifted away from view as ice covered it up for three years till 16 February 1836 when Jesper Anker



The climate is tundra, the winters are long and cold with very little daylight. summertime August its rather warm asicil to 6c/27f Eistodging Island has a Norway Spitz station (operated by IKA) exploring small unspoiled valleys of North Greenland .Population

10 to 15 inhabitants. most of them live under the sea and hunted trawling, farming marine foods with well paid jobs on mainland Greenland in settlements close by. Will be a few people living as workers at a harbour-station some distance from the island itself which also is within easy reach by helicopter & ship captain or cruise ship passenger it will have its own facilities (VHF/DF phone call) but can only operated during the winter months.



Size : 45 cm / 18″ – 40cm (can be extended) Tail: 43-45cm/17″-18″ Hips:60-65 % of height The Einstøding Islands have their own culture and songs. The men hunt whales and has special outfits for that purpose. They play with fishing boats of the type Herrholznan, which hunts using chumming technique to attract whale sharks that feed on the fish. The islanders have their own chaperone (the whaling boat Herrholznan) which they use to hunt whales and codfish.

They use dogs as well to help them in hunting and transportation of supplies from mainland Greenland . They also built a 50 meter long fishing trawler named “ Hjelmer I” ,which is used for both transport, hunts, maintenance etc but does have some limited power for harbour activities.

they also use a small boat as chaperone to whale sharks that are huge and sometimes very dangerous but can be tamed ( bit like dolphins ) if not too many people in the same place at one time. It will require team work : 1-2 aboard of experienced experienced sailors with possitive attitude, plenty of patience & human connectedness, leaders on shore who know how to run things safely.



They do not have a proper road system for vehicles there but with wheel chairs & bikes some can manage. But it is still much easier than flying to this rugged rocky little island round trip, and then you have access to the best whale watching from land or from a nearby harbour-station on mainland Greenland .

During summer time one of our neighbours in Denmark who also has direct shipping line with port of Gjernesund , sends out 3 complete gang lines with 3 boats each time, which means a trip to the island can be possible all year round but international shipping is very limited on that little chunk of Greenland , so advance bookings are recommended.

They have a couple of gourmet restaurants and pubs ,lovely scenic location next to pure ocean water-fed lagoon perfect for snorkelling ( as well as whale watching etc ) – one gets amazed after experience it yourself.



No road to speak of, so visiting again and again is pure adventure. We often take the 4th Swedish ferry in winter time & some months every 8-9 days (1 200 miles round trip), when large ice blocks block harbour entrance as usual..

But they have also a 3*2 foot Danish brochure called “The Northern Light” that provides information on weather conditions … it happens sometimes that more then just nice day here , you have a possibility to witness the famous Northern Light. Here we like going on “ The tour of our hosts”…and hope that some day someone joins us :)… as said previously … humans doing what they love, is it not this where adventure begins…?


The Einstøding Islands are an archipelago located in thearctic Ocean, about midway between Greenland and Iceland. The islands are uninhabited and are a nature reserve. The archipelago is named after Danish cartographer, Christian Einstøding, who made a series of maps of the area in the 1830s.


1.What Is The Terrain Like On The Einstøding Islands?

Ans: Einstøding Islands are a group of small islands off the coast of Denmark. The group is named after Count Christian Einstød, who purchased the islands in 1843. At the time, they were used as a hunting retreat by the aristocracy. Today, the islands are a popular tourist destination, and they are home to a number of historical attractions, including the Einstøding National Laboratory. The islands are also known for their windmills, which are some of the oldest standing windmills in Europe.

2.What Are The Main Attractions On The Einstøding Islands?

Ans: The Einstøding Islands are a remote archipelago located in the Greenland Sea. The islands are composed of six small, steep-sided islands, with a total area of just over 2 square kilometres (800 acres). The first permanent settlers on the islands were European scientists, who occupied them from 1904 to 1920.

3.How Easy Or Difficult Is It To Get To The Einstøding Islands?

Ans: The Einstøding Islands is a small archipelago located in the North Sea, about 100 kilometres northeast of the city of Aalborg. With a population of only around 200 people, the islands are most famous for their birdlife and their rugged landscape.

Notable bird species that can be spotted on the islands include puffins, fulmars, guillemots, shearwaters, and northern gannets. The islands have also been designated a Ramsar site, because of their importance for waterfowl.

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