Emma Island-Everything You Need To Know



Emma Island


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The Emerald Coast is said to be a paradise on earth, and one of the top tourist destinations in Jamaica. With its crystal-clear waters, white sand beaches, and lush green landscape, Emma Island is definitely a sight to behold. With so much to offer tourists and residents alike, it’s no wonder that Emma Island has been visited by many over the years.

If you’re planning a trip to Jamaica and are wondering where to stay, read on for our recommended accommodation options on Emma Island!

Emma Island History

Emma Island

Emma Island, which translates directly to “ease of life” in Latin, was granted its name by Christopher Columbus. It is said that the explorer arrived at this area on Thursday morning and decided he would do some fishing that night after heading over to Emma’s beach for a swim! If you’re looking for something relaxing and tranquil while exploring somewhere as beautiful as Jamaica , then look no further than Emma Island.

Cultural Experiences There are many tours available on Emma Island that allow you to learn everything there is to know about this magical place. The Jamaica Tall Ship is one of the most popular options, as it allows visitors and locals alike the opportunity to go sailing up and down through their tranquil seas. There are also a few other oppurtunity packages for families with children such as horseback rides, seashore hikes, or parrot-keeping classes! Another great.



With the sea breezes and minimal city pollution, Emma Island is one of the most pleasant places to visit no matter what season you choose. Despite its reputation for boring residents in Jamaica , this island does have a delightful location due to it’s temperate climate year round.

The Gift Shop Imagine yourself in paradise with a great bottle of rum from our partner store: Charley Harper (Jamaica) , some cigars and glasses from The Oldest Rum Store in the World (Jamaica) , a photo book and memento of your visit to Emma Island, an art print by Gracyanne Barbosa. Just imagine how beautiful your Jamaica vacation will be with these gifts!

Get Your Hair & Makeup done on Decks overlooking sea as sun sets? Let’s get organized for our Emma Adventure : ) There is even a hair and makeup person (comedienne/model) available to make us all look fabulous in Jamaica that evening! And with the strength of this beautiful force there will be days when sun doesn’t shine but we’ll never forget what Emma Island has done for our lives.

Vanessa, Kiki, Franchesca and their friends welcomed us into an intimate gathering at Lemon Tree Guest House on Emma Island where you’re treated like.



. . family! Opening up with a nice rum homebrew from our traveling friend- and “employee” of the year, Jonco. Vanessa’s blueberry smoothies are delectable, Kiki loves pies but she makes each one for herself and Franchesca is always caring too much about whom we love — such great people that she has helped us through this past month in Jamaica !

From first feeling so welcome to making new friends around these islands, we are grateful for your time and hospitality! We will come back to see you again soon!

This was the week that “Fuzzy dice” came out of his seclusion. Anyhow, it’s my job as mother to keep on bringing him around if he has chosen this life of self-imposed isolation or is any way greatly missed in our lives by leaving big holes whenever he pays visits from beyond other times. The Black.



Tacky Party Hats were really appreciated by Fuzzy as you can tell. They make very good gifts to give, too!

We did have one last hiccup with the arrival of our luggage at JIA after stopping in Jamaica , and that was due more properly promoting this great country through local business leaders than it was anything we said once arriving here. What happened is whom they orchestrated an event for us which involved “hometown hero” Jennifer Corbin .

What the organizers gave us that night was a group of hefty high-rollers who were all there to take pictures, be seen and meet their social media friends. But does this not fall in line with adding more needed tourist dollars into our local businesses? I personally  think it’s just another gimmick by foreign land management agencies trying to make money off new arrivals. The truth is what happens here should stay through themselves or with family.



So, they decided to throw this weird event that promised “free” drinks and food (feta cheese balls being the epicenter of everyone’s attention) which actually cost $20 US per person. Luckily Jason Steen was there with his camera trying to get candid shots since we were prompt arriving at the door before poor Jennifer had already been hoisted on stage for her 15 minutes in heaven.

I gave my thoughts forth about how our presence may be the catalyst for boosting this town’s social standing, but I may have been misinterpreting the organizers’ intentions. That said, we had an excellent time meeting a few ladies that work just down from us at Just Desserts and took home tea mugs!

Our stay in Barbuda was very easy as we all got on pretty well after some adjustments were made to my accent. We would drive out one morning each day by 8am.


If you’re looking for a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, Emma Island may be the perfect spot. This small and uninhabited island is located in the Bahamas, and it’s believed that it’s home to some of the best birdwatching in the world.

The island is also known for its clear water, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation. Whether you’re planning to spend a day exploring the uninhabited areas or just relax on one of the beaches, Emma Island is an ideal destination for a escape.


1.What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Emma Island?

Ans: Emma Island is one of the many enchanting islands located in the Philippines. It’s known for its clear waters, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation.

Emma Island is also home to some of the most luxurious resorts in the country, making it a popular tourist destination. If you’re looking for a secluded getaway where you can relax and unwind, Emma Island is definitely the right place for you.

2.Is Emma Island Accessible By Air?

Ans: Emma Island is one of the popular tourist destinations in the United Kingdom. The island is well-known for its stunning landscapes, traditional villages, and lively nightlife. Emma Island is also home to some of the best restaurants in the UK.

If you’re looking for a relaxing vacation with plenty of activities to do, Emma Island is definitely the right place for you. Make sure to explore the island thoroughly and enjoy all that it has to offer.

3.How Long Does It Take To Get To Emma Island From The Mainland?

Ans: Emma Island is one of the best islands in the Philippines. It’s home to white sand beaches, lush tropical forests and a fascinating wildlife reserve. The island has plenty of unspoiled natural beauty that has attracted a number of travelers from all across Europe and Asia over the years due to its numerous attractions. Emma Island also features several luxury resorts with top-notch facilities ranging from spas, restaurants, sporting activities like fishing tours among others.

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