Erith Island



Erith Island


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If you’re looking for a relaxing getaway, then Erith Island should definitely be at the top of your list. The island is known for its natural beauty, tranquillity, and wealth of flora and fauna. It is also home to some interesting historical sites, such as the Neolithic Long Barrow and the Roman Villa. If you’re planning to visit Erith Island, make sure to pack your swimming gear because the water is refreshingly cold and crystal clear.

Erith Island


The Erith Islands were first settled by the ancient Britons around 4000 BC. The island’s role as a strategic naval and trading centre led to its inclusion within the Roman Empire in AD 43. After the departure of Roman settlers, the islands fell into obscurity until they were rediscovered by Captain Cook in 1774. It was not until 1807 that the majority of mainland England came under ownership of the British Crown.

At this time, a small team of Cornish miners stayed on Erith Island in order to extract copper (this would later be used for developing suspension bridges). Following Cornwall’s inclusion into the United Kingdom as part-of its county system, many more people settled on Erith and other neighbouring islands. By 1911 each island had at least one family resident.


The climate on Erith Island is very similar to that of the rest of Cornwall, enjoying long and warm summers (with exceptionally high heat in summer) as well as mild winters. However it does not experience extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes or blizzards like mainland England’s other parts do; these occur less often elsewhere along the British coastline than in any other part Cornicannia itself.

The climate on the Erith Islands is similar to that of Cornwall (as highlighted above). However, because the coastal shelf in this area was created by waves and not glaciers, unlike many of its mainland counterparts there are no icebergs or ice surrounding it.


The culture of the Erith Islands is similar to that found on mainland Cornwall, with a strong Celtic influence (as evidenced by the traditional Cornish dress and language used there). However, because it has been inhabited for so long by people from different parts of Britain (both those who have moved there for work and family or who have simply chosen to live on the island), there are also many unique cultural traditions present.


The politics of the Erith Islands are reflective of those found on mainland Cornwall. They support the Conservative Party, and have done so since they first gained representation in Westminster (in 1918).

The current MP for the Erith Constituency is Paul Maynard, who has represented the Atlantic and North East Cornwall constituency since 2010. The current MP for the Erith Constituency is Paul Maynard, who has represented the Pacific and Islands at Westminster since 2010.

Government services

Like most parts of Cornwall, the Erith Islands have limited access to mainland England’s government services. These are instead accessed through facilities located on the island itself (such as a public hospital and police station). However, these are located at the majority of the popular destinations (involving motoring) for tourists.

POPULATION  (according to 2011 UK Census figures and assuming a density of 1 person per acre).


The main industry on the Erith Islands is tourism. Visitors come to see the traditional Cornish dress and architecture, as well as explore the wildlife that can be found on the islands (including seals, porpoises, seabirds and bats). However, visitors who wish to stay for longer periods of time often have to find accommodation elsewhere in Cornwall or even within mainland England. People

The population of the Erith Islands is around 5000 (although this may increase or decrease depending on seasonal movements). The Moorsanyan family have dominated for hundreds of years, having at times been as numerous as 23 individuals.


The only form of transport available to visitors on the islands is by boat. ferries run between St Ives and Erith every weekday morning, carrying around 15 vehicles and 85 passengers. In the summer months, these ferries can run from St Ives to Pendeen every day.

Other ferries run between Erith and the mainland port of Newquay when these other ports are closed. Ferry services also carry people for overnight visits to friends or relatives on the islands, but custom-built sea houses have been built in each village to provide accommodation (for around £10 per night).



Cornish cuisine is well-known for its savoury dishes, and the Erith Islands have a number of places where you can sample traditional Cornish food. The Tea Room in Perranarworthal serves lunches from 12pm to 2pm (and dinners from 7pm to 9.30pm), while the Dairy at Blisland serves light meals all day long. Other food can be bought from the shops in Erith.



The Erith Islands are home to a number of different types of wildlife, including seals, porpoises, seabirds and bats. You can see all of these creatures if you go out on the boats that run between the islands during the summer months.

The famous Cornish hens are currently under threat of extinction however, as over-hunting and the destruction of their nesting cliffs have left them with little food to survive on. Today, they can only be legally shot by visitors who show an accredited license in order for them to meet the minimum requirement for game licences.


Erith Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Thames estuary, England. It is the site of a former World War II naval airfield which is now a nature reserve managed by the London Wildlife Trust. The island is notable as the first place in England where human habitation was established after the end of the ice age.


What Is Erith Island’s Official Name?

The official name of the island is Erith. However, the local residents called it “Earthie” from early times and that name stuck. It is also known as Earth Island or Esthewirle.

What Country Does Erith Island Belong To?

Erith has been part of the British Isles since it was first settled in the Neolithic period. The island is now administered by Greater London Council to make formal arrangements for emergency services and other government services such as education and health.

Is Erith Island Close To London Airport?

Erith Island doesn’t really belong to any one country these days although it used be part of Middlesex until 1913, so I would say that yes you could fly on there from Stansted or Gatwick. You would need to book your flight in advance though as the island is a nature reserve and for us locals you can’t just hop on a plane of off-load people / freight etc

How Do I Get To Erith Island?

Just take the train up past Raynes Park, and down under Kew Bridge. If it’s bad weather (like this morning), then use that nice little ferry from Nunhead to Putney. (BTW, I hate the idea of those ferries being scrapped – it’s a form of local public transport that deserves some support.)

Where Should I Stay Overnight On Erith Island?

I would recommend Wild Things in Putney or Beehive Hostel if you’re out and about touring during the day as they are both good value places with fantastic facilities. But don’t forget there aren’t too many hotels out here and if you want to stay the night, there is an excellent guesthouse / youth hostel called EPIC (Erith Island Eco-chic) which has great facilities with a very nice &friendly chef.

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