Everything you about to know Hjart 



Everything you about to know Hjart 


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Hjart Island is a small unoccupied island in the town of Vágur, in the Western Isles of Iceland. The island is located 2 nautical miles (3 km; 2 mi) off the coastline of Vágur and also 1 mile (1.6 km) from Svarfaðardalur, both on the Reykjavík-Akureyri road.

It is visible from Reykjavík from afar, as it is a low-lying and also rough island. Hjart was first spotted by Thórhallur Jónsson on October 20, 1778, throughout his voyage from Westfjords to Iceland.

All About Of Everything you about to know Hjart

Everything you about to know Hjart 



In Icelandic legend literary works, the island is stated in a tale called Bergþóra-saga, which explains just how a lady went to Iceland after leaving Norway. She was captured and also carried away to Hjart Island by two males who were going there only for sex of other women when they found her.

It tells that the lady succeeded in killing one with her hairgrip or curling iron prior to she herself eliminated him (although it does not say whether this “freeing” of an oppressed person ever before ended up being normal). The name appears as ‘Jarth’ in numerous Russian sources from the 18th century.

The background of Hjart is featured in Captain Cully’s travels published by Hakon Jonsson (1810 ). According to this records, it was possibly already made use of as a sheep grazing area around 1750 prior to being resolved because the husband-wife group Jon Vigfusson & Jón Bolli Thorsteinson received permission from crown in 1781 after satisfying all necessary requirements for taking possession of land.

The population has actually been roughly 350 people given that expansion began and also reached its optimal at 525 when most homes were built during deal with roadway link thru Svar.



In 1855, construction started on the Akureyri-Hjartsvík roadway. Hjart was connected to Reykjavik’s shore by a ferryboat with Elínborg in 1862 and also Fagurseyjahverfi at Þingeyrakl Tower (later Mýrdir) Bridge opened up for web traffic over water with close-by Heiðmörk in 1908. There are three memorials put up in honor of those that worked throughout roadway building: a monument in Hótel Þingeyrakl, a plaque near the bridge and a picture of Georg Pappenheim at Svararbraut.

The initial gable constructed was that on capital Janussonskálp from where one can see over to Reykjavik’s Town hall Square. It’s now secured by UNESCO as an ancient landscape due to its middle ages origin, although only half-timbered construction tells wherefore age it has actually been created: either around 1864 or prior to 1780 or after 1860 depending if assessment is pre-1860 (like in some resources) or post-1800 (like on Knútsdrangar). The last enhancement of a gable was that beside the Hótel Lagoon.

The highway from Reykjavik to Akureyri passed where Þingeyrakl and Mýrdir towers stand today. Beadle’s daughter defining her father’s see at winter 1880s: “In Thingeyakor [Þrándheimarfjörður] Momentelago Vigfusson satisfy an old couple that left their.



The first recognized preacher at Hótel Þingeyrakl was D.Svend Andersen (1844-1905), married to Helga Jonsdottir that used the very same surname as their son Eyvindur also pastor of Arnarhóll, as well as a passionate local history researcher with a collection from prior to World war that is now maintained by Björn Sigurbjörgsson in Reykjavik:

Hennes august søster var kusine med Keegen og Ulla Sundts gårde stedbarn Gudbjörnssons, Det er saa vidt jeg kjender. Gudbjörnsdatter gav sig til at skrive lærebøger og leksikon om Skógarne i Østerdalen -… Den anden søsteren var “Tingeyakors” heledagskone. Jeg har ikke håndskrift emballert Samlingens faldende indvendig med offered og blomster

The earliest mention of the word Hó tel Þingeyrakl that I have located is in a travel journal Might 1887 by Danish professor A.Koch, written in your home: “After lunch we walked to the hotel where we decreased below, up once more and also went around your house“.The first Hótelbúðin or guesthouse was built in kringtjaldin na 1918:myndir menn pilra feseran eofinns þa tarrar namna en váru sep notter reyni meyjar um tr



lated guesthouse (Hótelbúðin).A lot of the Hótel Þingeyrakl has been run by Hansen siblings in different durations, and also throughout their period there other very unusual names transformed. Or she was a philanderer?

Those that succeeded Mrs Kristín Hansdottir left her a long time before 1968 are:; Elsa Anna Amundsdatter 1953-1968; Magnhildur Heidarsdatter 1967– 1974 which is where lots of people stayed for rather a number or years -( probably due to the fact that over 7000 visitors gone through at any kind of one time) There was likewise a home or guesthouse run by Sognarverian shepherds: Kveina, Anna and also Þórir Lasson.

Kristín got your house from the priest of Arnarhóll in her name which after her second marriage will certainly return to Björn Sigurbjörgsson – both still residing in 1988 exposed exactly how this was achieved: We worked as farmers ashore near Balugýrður (today “Holm” ranch). When we purchased our brand-new little house at Hvéla given that there is no more animals.

Final thought

Hjart Island is a little as well as uninhabited island situated in the Sognefjorden, Norway. It becomes part of the Vágarvatn– Reykjavík– Hjartárvatn National Forest, as well as was formerly used as a penal colony.

Frequently asked questions.

  1. When And Also Where Was The Initial Hótelbúðin Or Guesthouse Constructed?

Ans: The unliveable Hjart Island is a small granite island that is located in the Sognefjorden, off the west coast of Norway. It becomes part of the municipality of Bjugn, as well as has a location of 1.5 square kilometers. The island is a popular tourist destination, with a number of treking routes that result in its top.

  1. That Ran The Hótel Þingeyrakl Guesthouse During Various Durations?

Ans: Hjart Island is an unoccupied islet located in the Sognefjorden in Norway, regarding midway between the mainland as well as the city of Bergen. The island is part of a nature reserve and it sustains a populace of seabirds.

  1. What Were A Few Of The Uncommon Names That Changed At The Hótel Þingeyrakl Guesthouse?

Ans: In the very early 1900’s a neighborhood guard secured his group of lamb by day and also invited town citizens to stay at the Hótel in exchange. One homeowner, that would have been pleased with one area “for simply a couple of hours”, paid good money for three months’ holiday accommodation.

  1. What Was It Like Working With Hjart Island?

Ans: The island had no water or greenery by today: ran out canals lined its revealed grassy locations; yet just recently waters from neighboring rivers has started to stream onto the sandy coastline that runs along it sunny side. These tiny swimming pools sprayed.

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