Fairholme Island -Everything you have to know



Fairholme Island


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Fairholme Island is an exclusive, private island located in the Bahamas. Owned by a family of billionaires, it is said to be one of the most beautiful and secluded islands in the world. The island is known for its luxurious resorts, private beaches, and lush vegetation. Whether you’re looking for a vacation spot or a place to hide away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Fairholme Island is a perfect option.

Fairholme Island


Fairholme Island is one of the larger islands in the Bahamas and is thought to have been inhabited by Bahamian Indians as early as 1000 AD. The first European settler on the island was a Frenchman named Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville, who arrived in 1624. Over the centuries, Fairholme Island has seen many battles and skirmishes between pirates and shipping lanes. 

In 1851, James Deering acquired the island, renaming it Fairholme Island. Today, Fairholme island is a private 1, 528-acre destination for vacationers and guests needing privacy from the commercial lifestyle of Western society.

The History Museum at Moore House explores the island’s history from 1828 until the present day with fascinating exhibits that expose hidden facts about fairbrow’s natives, first documented European settlers and pivotal events in sharp contrast to today’s sensibilities regarding political attitudes towards native beliefs and customs.

Tourism on Fairholme Island is insular, centering around shallow Bahamian waters offering multiple categories of oceanfront tennis club resorts overlooking the crystal white beaches stretching along its entire length in a calm blue sea with turquoise water lapping against 30 to 100-foot high limestone walls creating coves amongst the coral reefs filled with sponges, fish, sharks and tropical marine life varying from rays, octopus to barracuda, moray eel, manta fish and many species of tropical reef fish.



The climate is subtropical, moderated by the Atlantic ocean. Temperatures are hot year-round with high humidity and occasional showers. Winters are usually mild with average highs of 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius) and lows in the low 50s F (-10 C).

Springtime is marked by sporadic showers along with sunny days; however, summer can be oppressive due to high humidity levels. Fall typically features cooler temperatures, but again heavy rains in the form of brief thunderstorms often accompany this season.

Summers are typically hot and humid, with highs around 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C), although temperatures exceeding 100 F can occur on very rare occasions, perhaps happening once a decade or more. 

On occasion, hurricanes have been known to hit Southern Bahamas Islands such as San Salvador Island near Nassau but they tend not to last long enough for them to affect Fairholme island areas directly due to Fairholme’s relative distance from the center and also because of local geographic factors such as an area offshore known to receive hurricanes before passing directly over its southern extremity, this being due in part to a barrier reef that stops high seas from entering Green Cay behind very strong tidal currents which prevent tropical storms with their substantial force, winds and water volume damage levels needed for bad effects.


The culture of the Bahamas is very diverse. The Bahamians have a rich and vibrant history, full of customs and traditions that are still practiced today. Bahamian cuisine is also renowned for its variety and authenticity.



The economy of the Bahamas relies heavily on tourism, with visitors arriving to enjoy the crystal clear waters, magnificent beaches, friendly locals, and world-class snorkeling opportunities. Other key economic sectors include fishing, agriculture and offshore financial services.

The spectacular turquoise waters of the Bahamas are home to plenty of interesting fish that can easily be seen while snorkeling in little-visited parts of the cays and lagoons. Some species such as Largemouth Spadefish (Coryphaena hippurus) are among the most beautiful in many areas – especially around Maandsone Cay, Berry Islands near And ros at Latitude 18.65°N and Longitude 65.20°W and the Berry Islands near Buttons Cay, unofficially named “The Serrano Fish Camp” due to its popularity since 2010 with amateur snorkeling enthusiasts who overnight nearby during their research for studying Caribbean Reef Fishes (CRF) such as Coryphaena hippurus and Ctenochaetus strigatus .



The Bahamas is a parliamentary democracy. The constitutional monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is the head of state and the sovereign of the country. The governor-general represents her in a ceremonial capacity. Parliament consists of an appointed Senate and an elected House of Assembly. Executive power resides with the minister responsible for each sector, who is advised by nonpartisan ministerial panels.

The judicial system comprises several courts: a high court, 13 district courts (one for each parish), 19 magistrate’s courts (one for each parish) and a Youth Court. Cases brought to the high court are heard in front of a three-judge panel, while trial cases go before five judges; appeals from these judgments can be taken to the Supreme Court of Bahamian.

Appeals may also be made directly by an aggrieved party against decisions at intermediate levels of Caribbean Community Courts or Continental Jurisdictions Courts without further review than is provided for another inter-American system of justice.

Heads of government are elected by the House of Assembly, composed mainly but not entirely from directly-elected members and ex officio members; executive power remains in their hands. The prime minister is advised by a cabinet drawn from parliamentarians allocated to each portfolio (either party), with responsibility for specific policy areas agreed on after consultation during the political process prior to holding elections—the most recent date such consultations have occurred has been January 21, 2016. 

The offices of a chief justice and attorney general are distinct from the cabinet; other ministers are assigned portfolios for a two-year term by an executive committee drawn from all party leaders holding seats in parliament at least four years, although this is customarily shortened to three or four years.

Government services

Government services

There is no private-sector labour force in Bahamian politics. Administrative and support services are provided by the government through a variety of bodies such as ministries, departments and agencies. A number of state-owned enterprises provide goods and services to citizens (or other state entities) at lower cost than would be possible were these industries privatized. These include telecommunication companies, airlines, public utilities (water, electricity, waste management), maritime transport (cruise ships), and a national airline. 

The most recent, controversial legislation passed by the House of Assembly in March 2013 allows for government investment into port terminals, airports, and aquaculture – these concern mostly smaller islands; Port Authorities are responsible for activities that have an impact on the country’s trade profile through-loading ports or storage facilities (other than those operated within a public-private partnership), such as at anchorages or piers with associated infrastructure support services.


Fairholme Tourism

Bahamian tourism is influenced by a number of factors, including the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) – which extends 12 nautical miles from the shoreline – its favorable climate, and its highly ranked beauty ratings in international travel publications. The EEZ also offers world-class white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, making it an attractive location for both recreational and commercial ventures.

In 2009, there were almost 1 million arrivals to The Bahamas from over 200 countries, with more than 50 percent of guests being on organized cruises. In addition to cruise ship tourism and beach holidays, the country offers a number of high-end resort developments alongside traditional lifestyle areas.



The main thoroughfare in The Bahamas is the Queen’s Highway, which links Nassau with Freeport. Other important roads include the Glass Cay Road that circumvents some of The Bahamas’ most beautiful islands; Albert Town Road (south-west coast); and Woody Hill Rd/Grand Bahama Way (north-east coast).


If you’re looking for a secluded getaway, Fairholme Island is the perfect place for you! This uninhabited island located in the Bahamas is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and a vast coral reef. With its picturesque white-sand beaches and lush vegetation, it’s a paradise for nature lovers. Not to mention, the island is perfect for relaxation, with its healthy air and water quality. If you’re interested in luxury Escapes like this, book your stay at one of our resorts today!


What Are the Benefits of Investing in Fairholme Island?

Fairholme Island is an investment because it offers world-class beauty, climate, and infrastructure. With its favorable location in the Bahamas and a high potential for development, Fairholme Island is well worth considering as an investment.

Can I Buy or Sell Property on Fairholme Island?

There are no real estate transactions currently taking place on Fairholme Island. However, this could change in the future as there are many properties available for sale on the island.

Is There Any Downside to Investing in Fairholme Island?

There is no downside to investing in Fairholme Island as the island offers world-class beauty, climate, and infrastructure.

What is Fairholme Island?

Fairholme Island is an uninhabited island located in the Bahamas. It has a favorable location in the Bahamian archipelago and a high potential for development, making it well worth considering as an investment.

How Do I Get Involved With Fairholme Island?

There are currently no involvement opportunities available on Fairholme Island. However, this could change in the future as potential investors should keep an eye out for developments and opportunities that may arise.

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