Faqs of Robin Hood Movie



Faqs of Robin Hood


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We all know that Robin Hood, a folk hero of the Middle Ages, was an outlaw who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. However, few people know that he was actually a real person and not a mythical figure at all. He was the real name of Robert Fitzooth. He was a real person who lived during 11th century England and brought together people across economic classes to form an army to fight against injustice. There are a lot of different options, so it’s important to understand how they work. Read on for answers.

Faqs of Robin Hood


Who Was the Real Robin Hood?

Robin Hood is a legendary English outlaw who is often depicted in stories as a hero who steals from the rich to give to the poor. However, there is no historical evidence to support this story. We do know however that there was a real person named robin hood, who lived in the eleventh century. The name robin hood means the green hooded one and is thought to refer to his hair which was light blond at birth but gradually darkened with age. Robert Fitzooth or Robin Hood.

Was Robin Hood a Myth?

There is no one answer to this question as opinions will vary. However, some people believe that Robin Hood was a real person who helped the poor and oppressed. Others believe that he was just a legend, or perhaps an allegory for some aspect of life.

What Does the Robin Hood Story Tell Us About Society in Medieval England?

In medieval England, society was divided into two classes: the rich and the poor. The rich were able to live very comfortably because they had access to resources such as land, money, and power. The poor were forced to work hard for them, often in dangerous conditions.

The robin hood story focuses on the struggle between these two groups of people. The rich men try to capture Robin Hood so that they can confiscate his wealth, but he is able to resist their attacks and protect the poor people from them. In the end, everyone wins – the rich men are arrested, Robin Hood is able to keep his wealth, and the poor are able to get food and shelter.

What Do Scholars Believe Happened to Robin Hood After He Disbanded His Band of Outlaws?

There is no one definitive answer to this question as scholars have different opinions. However, some believe that Robin Hood may have died or gone into hiding after his band of outlaws disbanded. Others believe that he may have continued to live a peaceful life away from the spotlight.

How Much Money Did Robin Hood 2018 Lose?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the box office results for Robin Hood 2018 are still being tallied. However, it is safe to say that the movie was not a success and may have lost a significant amount of money for its producers.

When Was Kevin Costner Born?

Kevin Costner was born on January 18, 1955. He is a talented actor and has starred in many movies including Robin Hood 2018.  He also served as the mayor of Concord from 2009-to 2011.

Kevin Costner, who plays Robin Hood in the movie version of his story, was born on January 18th, 1955.  At this point, he has been living with the character for 30 years and feels connected to it.

What Are Robin Hood’s Parents’ Names?

Robin Hood`s mother`s name is not mentioned in the story. However, the robin hood legend states that he was born to a poor peasant named Little John and an outlaw bandit called Maid Marian who died during childbirth.

There are many different versions of robin hood’s parents’ names but what they seem to

share in common is that they are both very important contributors to the legend.

Where Did the Story of Robin Hood Originate?

The story of robin hood is believed to have originated in the 12th century. It is generally thought that the outlaw bandit was based on a real person who lived during this time and may even have been a historical figure. Robin Hood is a widely debated film. Some viewers consider robin hood saloon the best of 2018; however, others believe that robin hood forest outlaws 2 is the best Robin hood movie marathon in recent years.

Who Plays Robin of Locksley?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it could be interpreted in many ways. Some people might say that the character Robin of Locksley is played by Christian Bale while others might say it is played by Liam Neeson.

How Much Did Jamie Foxx Get Paid for Robin Hood?

There is no definitive answer to this question as Jamie Foxx’s salary for the role of Robin Hood is unknown. However, according to various reports, he may have been paid in the range of $20 million to $30 million.

Where Is Maid Marian Buried?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different sources claim that Maid Marian is buried in different places. Some say she is buried in Windsor Castle, while others believe she is buried in Westminster Abbey.

How Old Was Robin Hood When He Died?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the story of Robin Hood is still being written. However, most sources suggest that Robin Hood died in the late 12th century or early 13th century.

What Is Robin Hood’s Real Name?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the story of Robin Hood is a popular one that has been told and retold for centuries.

Some people believe that Robin Hood’s real name was Richard, while others believe that his real name was John. However, the most popular belief is that his real name was Robin Hood.

Where Is Taron Egerton Now?

Today, Taron Egerton is best known in the film world as the King of Thieves. This story follows his rise to power after he steals a major gem (in addition to an infamous MacGuffin).

Taron currently stars in the original Kingsman film series, which is based on the comics of the same name by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons.

How Does Robin Hood End?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can be interpreted in many ways. However, some popular interpretations include:

  1. Robin Hood is eventually captured and executed by the Sheriff of Nottingham.
  2. Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men live happily ever after and continue to help the poor.
  3. Robin Hood dies fighting for the people against the corrupt government officials.

Who Does Will Scarlet Love?

The story of Will Scarlet is not fully explained. The biggest question surrounding the character involves whether he will end up with Maid Marian or Friar Tuck (also known as Lucy). However, many believe that his true love was one of the characters not in the original film version.

Who Is Will Stately in Robin Hood?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the particular version of the story. However, in some versions of the story, Will stately is one of Robin Hood’s most trusted allies and friends. He often helps Robin Hood by providing him with information about the whereabouts of Nottingham’s treasury or by helping to capture Nottingham’s enemies.

Why Did Robin Hood Start Stealing?

There are many possible reasons why Robin Hood started stealing. It could have been because he was in need of money to help support his family, or he may have felt that the rich were getting too much and needed to take a stand.

Whatever the reason, Robin Hood’s actions spoke volumes about his character and demonstrated that he was a principled person who was willing to go against the grain in order to do what was right.

Was Maid Marian Real?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is still up for debate. However, some people believe that Maid Marian was a real person and she played an important role in the history of England. Others believe that she was just a fictional character created by Shakespeare for his play, “Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Is There an Age Restriction for Robin Hood?

There is not an age restriction for Robin Hood. However, the younger you are the more likely it will be to be some form of the casting of the film version of Robin Hood that you see in a theater or on television. As with all major motion pictures, they will try to determine whether it will appeal to children or not.

How Old Is Robin Hood?

When it comes right down to the bare bones of the story if there ever was a question that interested readers, film critics, and historians alike this would have been it. The answer has eluded virtually everyone for over one thousand years, not least of all because the only two sources that mention his age are a verse added to the story sometime in the thirteenth century and an illustration from about 1500 showing Robin Hood as an old man.

Is Disney Robin Hood a Good Movie?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s opinion on Disney Robin Hood will likely differ. However, based on the reviews that have been left by users of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, it seems that most people think that the movie is mediocre at best.

Some people seem to enjoy the action and adventure elements of the movie, while others find it boring and unoriginal. There are also a number of negative reviews from parents who claim that the content is inappropriate for children.

Is Robin Hood a Fox?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific story being told. However, in general, the character of Robin Hood is often depicted as a thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. This is in contrast to the traditional portrayal of foxes as cunning and treacherous creatures who love to steal food from farmers.

Is Robin Hood a Fairy Tale?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as people may have different opinions. However, some people believe that Robin Hood is a fairy tale, while others believe it is a historical figure. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they believe in the story.

Why Did Robin Return the Sheriff’s Silver?

There are several possible reasons why Robin might have returned the sheriff’s silver. One possibility is that he realized that it was not worth the risk to keep it and decided to return it instead. Another possibility is that he felt sorry for the sheriff and wanted to make things right. Whatever the reason, Robin did the right thing by returning the silver.

Did Robin Hood Steal for Himself?

No, Robin Hood stole for the people of England. He believed that the rich were taking advantage of the poor and that it was his duty to help make things right. Robin Hood was not a selfish thief, he stole goods that he believed could help the people of England.

Where Was Robin Hood Buried?

There is no definite answer to this question as there are many theories about where Robin Hood was buried. Some people believe that he was buried in the Forest of Arden, while others believe that he was buried in the town of Barnsley.

Can You Visit Robin Hood’s Grave?

There is no definite answer as to whether or not you can visit Robin Hood’s grave. Some people believe that it is possible, while others believe that it is not. It all depends on your location and the permissions that have been granted to the grave.

What Is Robin Hood Supposed to Represent?

Robin Hood is often considered to be a symbol of rebellion against the establishment. He is often depicted as a hero who fights for the common man, even if it means breaking the law.

Some believe that Robin Hood represents the ideal of social justice, which is the idea that people should be treated fairly and have their voices heard. He also represents the values of honesty, courage, and loyalty.

Who Kills Robin Hood?

There are a lot of people in the King’s men (the sheriffs, officials, and lawyers) who find out about Robin Hood’s thieving ways. These men want to stop Robin from robbing them and put him down for good. One sheriff especially wanted to kill him by burning his body.

What Did Robin Hood Do?

Robin Hood is most commonly known for being a hero who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. However, there are many other stories about him that are not well-known.

Some of the other stories include:

  1. He helped a Sheriff who was wrongfully accused of a crime by giving him back his rightful possessions.
  2. He helped an old man who had lost all his money in the stock market and was struggling to survive.
  3. He protected a villager from being attacked by two bandits.

Is Nottingham Forest a Real Place?

Nottingham Forest is not a real place, although it is often used as the location for flashbacks in the Robin Hood legend.

Robin Hood Movies is a real place. Nottingham Forest is a football club that plays in the Premier League, the top division of English football. The club was founded in 1883 and was one of the founding members of the Football League in 1888.

Can the Robin Hood Stories Be Trusted?

The accounts of robin hood were not written down until after the Norman Conquest in 1066. After this, they were copied and made famous across Europe, so it is difficult to know how much of them are factual or based on real events that took place, and how much of the robin hood legend has been invented.

Who Is the Real Robin Dc?

There is no one “real” Robin DC. The character was created by the late writer, artist, and editor Stan Lee for Marvel Comics in 1962.

Robin first appeared in “The Amazing Spider-Man” #38 and quickly became a fan favorite. He was originally designed as a sidekick for Spider-Man but soon developed his own identity and heroic persona.


If you are a fan of Robin Hood movies, this is the blog post for you! We have compiled a list of questions and answers about the films in the Robin Hood franchise. The Robin Hood franchise has been around for decades, and it continues to produce films with every new release. If you want to know more about these films, we have compiled a list of questions and answers that will help answer your queries. Do you want to find out what it takes to become an outlaw? Or do you want to learn how Richard Lionheart became Robin Hood? Then keep reading!

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