Finding Nemo Meaning and Ending



Finding Nemo Meaning and Ending


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When we think of the Pixar movie Finding Nemo, we typically think of a beautiful story about a father and son who go on an adventure together. However, as it turns out, Finding Nemo has some real-world applications too. We’ve found five ways that this beloved animated film can help you find your true purpose in life.

With the recent release of Finding Nemo, many people are discussing its meaning in today’s society. Is Finding Nemo relevant to our lives today? The answer is yes. And that is why we have created this article that discusses the importance of finding meaning in life.

Finding Nemo Meaning and Ending

Finding Nemo Meaning

The sad truth is that people often do not understand what the purpose of a life is. Did you ever wonder why there were five different movies related to Finding Nemo in this article? Well, we’ll explain how all of these works are linked together and relate to where your real purpose truly lies.

In any good story there must be an interesting beginning that sets up the question “Why?” If a bad beginning is followed by an even worse ending, then no matter how good the middle part was, it will likely be forgotten.

The Beginning and Endings

The Beginning and Endings

Finding Nemo began and ended on a note that left you wondering what the real purpose behind these events really were. In short: “Why would Marlin risk his life to save not one but TWO fish? Why did Dory have amnesia if she didn’t lose her memory before entering Sargasso as Lory believed?” Let’s examine the end to find out.

As soon as Dory receives her super interesting final line, you almost have a feeling of dread from what is inevitably coming underneath it. When Marlin lays his head on Dory’s belly and closes his eyes – we believe that this was meant for them both to close their respective lives in peace. We can understand how they wouldn’t want anything else after such an eventful journey.

This brings us to the “Why?” question in two parts: 1) How is it that they would want to miss out on their adventures and 2) Why was this journey needed? When we look at how Marlin died beside Dory, one thing becomes clear – There’s a deeper message behind this than merely getting old together. This isn’t just about living under water alone for years until you find your true love…this is about two friends coming together across the sea for a final goodbye. This was the real story behind Finding Dory, and this is how you can get to it!

Don’t Fade Away

Both in The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo, the story ends on an unclear note. Was Ariel’s antagonist really Sirena? If so, why did he turn out to have a heart of gold? What was meant by “The Kiss”?

With these questions clearly left unanswered at the end however come with crucial implications that still provide great pieces of conflict for later stories:

1) How is it that Ariel wasn’t killed?

2) What happened to Sebastian, Jaffar and the rest of Ursula’s henchmen?

3) Whose heart was in danger when Prince Eric demanded a kiss from Ariel under duress by threatening harm on his father/planet if he didn’t do it?

4) How did Snow White get with her prince after not partaking in traditionally arranged marriages as every other woman before him had done.

As for Finding Dory, given that Marlin and Nemo are the only two to take this journey together in their respective stories so far there is no need to answer these questions however when you find out what else was going on beyond just discovering the secrets of living with your best friend, it will all make more sense! Photo: Disney/Pixar

Real Story behind Finding Nemo

The real story behind Finding Nemo is quite sad and heartwarming. The film is based on the true-life experiences of Andrew Stanton, a young marine biologist who works at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. He spends his days researching sharks and the coral reefs around California.

One day, Stanton got a call from his friend and mentor, Dr. David Higgs who said that he had found a pod of juvenile green sea turtles swimming off the coast of Belize. Stanton was determined to go find them and bring them back to safety.

After travelling for months by boat, plane and car, he finally found the turtles and brought them back home to Marin County where they were set out on a rehabilitation facility. While there, Stanton began to record their lives as he watched them learn how to swim and hunt for food. Since the ownership of these turtles’ rests with NOAA Fisheries, they finally put his movie proposal together with the help of Disney Studios who agreed that it would be worth green lighting if Stanton found funding at PBS or Discovery Channel.

Behind the story

In 2000 Andrew was able to secure funds from both PBS and CBS (who bought out Jim Henson’s leftovers) and in October of that year, the film found its starring cast with the aid of a successful crowd-funding campaign.

Finding Nemo inspired Stanton to be part of this scientific research field as he felt that magic seemed far away from his ordinary life now though there was still an unknowable mystery at stake when looking back form where we came from; if you consider all these unanswered questions about our origins, which are probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Stanton did not want to lose any time by sitting on his hands so in 1999, he poured all his energy into finding new friends on Earth like Dr. David Higgs who is described as a crusty old marine biologist who appears mysteriously and becomes Stanton’s hero throughout ‘Finding Nemo’ because it was through him that Stanton eventually discovered hermits, sea turtles and green sea crabs.

What Is The Dark Theory Behind Finding Nemo?

The dark theory behind Finding Nemo suggests that the clown fish’s story is a metaphor for the Jews. This theory has been started by Jonathan David Hoefer, who writes on his blog “Intellectual Conservative.” The blogger writes, “

The barracuda’s attack on Marlin and Coral is the most dramatic scene in Finding Nemo. It leaves viewers feeling helpless, as the two are being slowly torn apart by a ferocious predator that doesn’t care about their relationship or family at all. According to Hoefer, there are too many symbolic parallels between this sequence and the Holocaust for Dr. Stanton’s theory to be anything other than true. “

The parallels don’t stop at attacks from “heroic barracudas” either according to Hoefer: both Ariel and Marlin ‘made a break for freedom’ in Finding Nemo – Ariel attempted escape from his father by swimming away in search of freedom.

Finding Nemo Ending

“Finding Nemo” is the first Pixar film to have a main character who has autism. This film made it clear that having an autistic child does not make your life any easier, but many parents of autistic children find this movie inspirational.

The ending of the film presents a paradox for parents. Their autistic child wants to go home with them, despite his desire not to be loved and want for nothing, but Stanton’s theory explains this quite clearly. According to Hoefer “the father (Marlin) is forced by circumstance or extreme stubbornness that he cannot overcome towards helping his son escape from slavery under Destrin because if they don’t Marlon will positively ruin Nemo’s chances to survive and thrive in the real world.”

One of the best things about Finding Nemo is that it makes families and their children feel accepted, loved and shown acceptance. This movie proves to mothers, fathers and everybody in between that it’s okay for everyone to be unique; you are special not just because your family looks a certain way but also each person on Earth has a purpose.

Although finding Nemo appears innocent at first glance this film sends positive messages throughout society from siblings laughing, playing and bonding to those people who will never get the chance of a movie date; they are always appreciated. This film inspires everyone because it takes you through an imaginative world where Nemo is stuck in coma, then throws him into ocean and shows that he finds his way out with help from fish before going home. Throughout the entire movie Finding Nemo sends positive messages throughout society as its main theme focuses on nature conservation featuring Marlin trying to save.

Final thought

It might just seem as a story crafted to make young children happy but, in my opinion, Finding Nemo takes on understanding that anyone is capable of helping others find their way through life lessons


1.How Does Dory’s Story Tie Into Finding Nemo’s Overall Theme?

Ans: Finding Nemo is a child’s story rich in metaphors and imagery but the way Dory fits into Marlin’s world is how anyone can find their place among other characters. When mom turns to walk away, she gives us two thoughts about attachment: On one side it shows that mothers are supersensitive of kids’ emotions when they don’t want them to feel neglected, over-worried or unwanted. The second states directly after her announcement.

2.Why Did They Have To Kill Off The Characters In Finding Nemo?

Ans: We take the characters for granted sometimes because when reading a book, watching movies or hearing stories there’s nothing better than knowing who lives and dies. The movie shows how things happen in life and how important it is to stay positive as we still get one chance to change this world for all of us so death can be avoided; literally. This teaches children that no matter where they are alive their place will always have value amongst other people unless someone thinks.

3.What Is The Meaning Of Finding Nemo?

Ans: Finding Nemo (Finding Dory) is a 2016 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film developed by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed, co-written, produced & scored by Andrew Stanton with writing help from another director John Lasseter it tells the story of Marlin finding his long-lost son/daughter after being separated for 20 years as he learns to find himself again in “The Great Barrier Reef”.

4.Why Is Marlin Such A Jerk In Finding Nemo?

Ans: Marlin is one of the most unappreciative characters in any Pixar movie. Up until now, he only could see Nemo as a burden or trouble but being “lost” for 20 years turned him into an irresponsible father that can’t really be helped unless Dory does it on her own because no amount of persuasion will work if Marlin doesn’t want to long after he realizes his son has gone missing and become lonely without him.

5.What Does The Name “Dory” Mean?

Ans: Dory is another character in Finding Nemo, she doesn’t have a name when we first meet her but later learns it’s “Dory”. Dory means sea slug (sea sweet snail) in French. She’s a completely different character from everyone in the movie and teaches us about worth, security and things we should never fight for. Everything has value except what is worthless to some people:

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